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it'd only been a few days since the boy had stayed at his house yet he continued to ignore jisung whenever he tried to talk to him. jisung didn't know what was suddenly up with the silent treatment he was being given, neither did he know what his reason was.

'wasn't he talking to me a few days ago?' jisung thought to himself, not knowing why the male had stopped communicating with him.

did he perhaps do something wrong? no matter how hard he tried to think, there was nothing else that could've drove him to act this way. the question now was, what was the reason for it? if jisung didn't do anything wrong, what could it be?

as he walked into the living room, he slowly looked over to the male still resting on the couch, his now patched face sleeping soundlessly. jisung sighed at the sight of it, not knowing what to do. was there anything he could do?

shaking the thoughts away, he fixed himself a slice of toast as his eyes never left the sleeping boy. 'oh right, i don't even know his name.'  he thought, suddenly remembering how he still didn't know his name despite having him over for a few days already.

this made him sigh heavily in response, carefully walking into the living room to plop himself down on a couch beside him. as he switched the tv on, his thoughts were soon consumed by nothing but the boy next to him.

jisung frustratingly ruffled his hair from the continuous disruption, soon finding himself stare silently at the boy. "what did i do wrong? i just wanted to help..." he mumbled, worried yet concerned eyes continuously staring at him.

it wasn't long when his phone suddenly rang, causing jisung to slightly jump moments later. he fumbled through his pockets to see the caller id, instantly getting up from the couch as he soon left the room. he playfully rolled his eyes, picking it up.

"what do you want? it's so early in the morning." jisung groaned in frustration, his saturday morning already ruined from the sudden phone call.

"did he do anything suspicious yet? remember, kick him out if he does-" 

"seriously jeongin? you called me this early just to ask that? and no he doesn't, in fact, he's barely even talking to me. i don't know what's up but he just suddenly stopped and won't even look at me." jisung explained, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"what? didn't you say you got him to talk?" jeongin unknowingly questioned, sounding completely bewildered by the answer. 

"well yeah, few days ago that is. right now, he's been giving me nothing but silent treatment. i don't even know what i did wrong." jisung reasoned as he sat down on his bed.

there was silence for a moment, hearing nothing from the other side. that was when he suddenly spoke, causing jisung to roll his eyes. "he's suspicious."

"seriously? just because he isn't talking?" he asked in awareness despite raising his eyebrow.

"yes! he could be hiding something, that's probably the reason why he's keeping it quiet. like, you said he stopped talking to you all of a sudden right? isn't that weird and suspicious? considering how you don't know what you did wrong." jeongin argued back, causing jisung to just roll his eyes again at his explanation.

"or he could be wary about it. listen jeongin, i know how much you care about me but really, i'm fine. he's completely harmless, i don't know what i did to make him ignore me but i'm not gonna stop, he needs my help." jisung eventually reasoned with a sigh.

this made jeongin sigh back, finally giving in. "okay then, i'll leave it up to you." 

"thanks, i'll see you on monday and keep you updated." jisung smiled at his response, quickly saying goodbye to him before ending the call.

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 | hyunsung ✔Where stories live. Discover now