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hyunjin couldn't help but shiver under minho's uncomfortable gaze, knowing full well what this man was capable of. but at this point, if this was the only way he could avoid getting jisung involved in his mess, then he'd do anything.

even if it meant going back to his ex-boyfriend, hyunjin didn't want jisung to get hurt. all because of his own selfishness, he couldn't stand to see or think what minho would do to jisung.

and now that he'd already caused so much problems and trouble for the younger, this was the only way he could at least do to avoid bothering him. the only way he can stop minho from doing what he's about to do.

as minho continued to stare down at his beloved, he couldn't help but lustfully lick his lips. "well, why don't you come in then? you silly." he chuckled, one that was so unsettling that it only caused shiver down hyunjin's spine.

following minho's words and saying nothing else, he only slowly stepped foot into the house. as he watched minho slam the door shut and lock it, nothing but fear ran down his veins. what's minho gonna do to him now?

the silence was soon interrupted by a very familiar voice, hyunjin slowly flinching in response. "minho, who was that at the door-"

chan immediately stopped his sentence at the eye contact with hyunjin, his expression slightly darkening seconds later. this made hyunjin nervously gulp, unable to say a word.

"what do you mean?" a dark voice came from behind hyunjin, only to feel an arm sneak around his neck. "of course, it's my baby." minho smirked, pulling him closer to his chest.

"but," chan spoke while walking down the stairs, minho's eyes on him. "what's he doing here? isn't he with jisung-"

"who fucking cares? he came to me, so he's with me now." minho chuckled, sounding so gleeful.

chan didn't say anything at his words, only sighing in response. "well, at least we don't have to put much effort in getting him back." he muttered.

"exactly, my baby must've missed me so much." minho smirked, harshly turning hyunjin around to face him. "now you know who loves you, i'm glad you finally realised that."

as hyunjin felt minho's cold hands cupping his face, his eyes couldn't help but tremble. only widening his smirk, minho didn't hesitate to lean in and harshly slam their lips together.

and this time, hyunjin only closed his eyes, helplessly feeling minho's lips against his. chan only watched from the distance, entirely unbothered by what was going on.

only ignoring them and walking into the living room, minho eventually pulled away with a satisfied smile. "my good baby," he smirked, reaching his hands over to caress hyunjin's hair.

that was when he harshly pulled his hair, making hyunjin's head turn backwards. "but," minho's eyes then darkened while staring hard into his own. "you really got some guts, to come back here after everything that's happened."

"i-i'm sorry..." hyunjin could only helplessly mumble in fear, wanting nothing but for this to end. "i-i-"

"you know..." minho then interrupted, this signalling hyunjin to immediately shut up. "you don't know how fucking pissed i am, all the effort i've thought of, just to get you back."

hyunjin didn't say anything, continuing to listen to him. "you know what chan and i were gonna do? barge into his house and fucking kill that jisung of yours. while you're sleeping peacefully, and then, we'll drag you along with us." he chuckled darkly.

this made hyunjin's heart race even faster, the thoughts of minho or chan hurting jisung was far more fearful than what minho was gonna do to him. he wasn't gonna allow it, he has to do something.

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