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humming happily to himself, jisung stepped out of the bathroom. he had just finished showering after managing to finish heaps of homework, now deciding to walk into the living room in hopes to see if hyunjin came back.

if he had to be honest, he doesn't particularly know why he was so desperate to see the taller, almost like he'd been waiting for him to come back all this time. ever since he came back from university, he couldn't help but glance over at the clock every second.

watching as the clock slowly ticks by, as if he'd been waiting for long hours. why was that? why had he been waiting for hyunjin? knowing full well how late he was gonna come back, why couldn't he stop checking for the time?

waiting to hear the sound of the door opening, waiting to see hyunjin's exhausted yet warm smile that would instantly brighten jisung's day. waiting to just rush over and give him a massive hug, and to just praise the older for doing so well.

jisung just didn't know why he had the certain urge to see him again; to him, it already felt like it's been hours since he last saw him. ever since the night he took hyunjin to the amusement park, he could massively feel closer to him.

and now, nothing but the thought of spending more time with him came across his mind. only glancing over to the clock once more, jisung thought to himself. 'that's weird... his shift ended ages ago and he's still not here... where is he?'

it wasn't a lie that jisung felt a bit worried, the confusion inside him only growing even more as each second passed. 'did something happened to him? did he get hurt? or what if... he got kidnapped?' he thought again, wondering what could be happening.

it couldn't be that right? hyunjin would surely open the door right this instance, right? ever since what happened that night, jisung couldn't help but worry about his safety. and despite knowing how close the convenience store is, it didn't help his concern at all.

after all, he knew how dangerous it could get during later the night, especially since hyunjin is currently alone. he'd just hope he'd be back any sooner so that his worry could just disappear and jisung can finally rest in peace.

as he plopped onto the couch with his still soaking, wet hair, jisung reached for the remote control and turned on the tv, hoping it would distract him for a bit. hyunjin is fine right? he isn't hurt or anything right?

no matter how hard jisung tried to think positively, his mind would always go the other way. just what is this uneasy feeling he couldn't help but feel? why is it troubling him so bad? without him knowing, he was soon already deep into his thoughts.

too lost into his own world that he didn't realise the sound of the door opening moments later, jisung only snapping back into reality at the door closing soon after. this immediately alerted him, causing jisung to sprung up from the couch.

as he quickly rushed over to the one person he'd been waiting for so long, jisung's lips instantly lifted up into a massive smile. his expression was filled with nothing more but pure excitement and relief, only relieved to see he was finally back.

"hyung!" jisung smiled widely the moment he saw hyunjin, immediately rushing over to embrace him into a tight hug. "what took you long? i waited for so-"

his words were soon interrupted by a sudden flinch, followed by an alarming cry of pain. this alerted jisung in awareness, only slowly pulling away seconds later; he was entirely taken aback and full of shock.

what just happened? what did he just hear from hyunjin? "h-hyung?" jisung questioned back in confusion, soon widening his eyes in utter shock.

he couldn't believe his eyes, the whole sight shocking him. his eyes weren't playing tricks right? he was seeing it correctly right? but how? why? what happened to him? there was nothing that could describe how stunned jisung was, he just stood there silently.

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 | hyunsung ✔Where stories live. Discover now