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widening his eyes in extreme shock, jisung sat there frozen. as if he couldn't move his body or process what was currently happening before his eyes, he just silently stared. at the dark scarlet liquid oozing out of hyunjin's stomach.

was he seeing it wrong? it can't be right? how did this all happen? no matter how much jisung wanted to interpret it a different way, it was entirely futile. he wasn't seeing it wrong, as much as he didn't wanna come face to the truth.

it meant exactly what he is seeing. and that is, hyunjin's clothes and the floor completely drowned in blood, continuously dripping out from him. jisung was sure at this point everything around him froze, his heart had also stopped.

nothing but horror and worry rapidly rushed through jisung moments later, only when he had fully registered what was happening. was there anything he could do? to possibly save hyunjin and make sure he isn't leaving him.

hyunjin isn't leaving, no matter what. and jisung was gonna make sure of that, especially when they had realised each other's feelings, he isn't gonna let hyunjin die like that. not when the taller is someone he loves so much. he is gonna do anything to save him.

"h-hyung!" jisung suddenly exclaimed, raising his voice in alarm.

almost immediately, he quickly rushed over to hyunjin's side. "hyung! stay with me, don't go!" he cried out, holding a wounded hyunjin in his arms.

as he held him closer to his chest, he could only helplessly weep out in fear. "please... don't die on me, you're not allowed to do that." he continued to wail.

weakly looking over to jisung, hyunjin only released a small cough. "j-jisung..." he quietly called out, this attracting his attention. "i-it hurts... kiss it better for me..."

jisung sadly frowned at his words, knowing full well that he can't exactly take the pain away for him. he wasn't a doctor or anything, neither he didn't have any equipment on him to bandage his stomach.

"it's okay hyung, you don't have to worry. it'll be gone soon." jisung worriedly reassured him, "i'm here, just focus on me and nothing else."

"j-jisung..." hyunjin softly called, feebly reached over to grip onto jisung's clothes. "i-i don't wanna die, i wanna be with you..."

the more jisung feared for his life, the more tears streamed down his face. he didn't want hyunjin to die like this, especially not at this moment. there was so much things they could be doing, he just can't leave him like this.

and now that they finally realised their feelings for each other, all jisung wanted to do is go back home, with hyunjin by his side. just cuddling on the couch, watching his favourite studio ghibli films and even going on dates. there was just so much things to do.

it didn't take hyunjin long when he noticed tears falling from jisung's face, this causing his heart to shatter in millions of pieces. "j-jisung..." he breathlessly called out again. "w-why are you crying? don't cry, you're making me sad..."

"b-but hyung..." jisung cutely sniffed, holding onto his bloody hands. "i'm scared, i don't you to leave me. i love you so much to let you go."

"i-i love you too," hyunjin softly smiled at him. "i-i won't die will i...?"

jisung didn't know what to say in response, he can't really guaranteed that. he could only cry even harder, not wanting to look down to his stomach that's drenched in soaking, wet blood. he couldn't bare to see it, it was too much for him.

"it's okay hyung, i won't let that happen to you." jisung decided to call out, holding hyunjin closer to his dear chest. "never."

their own thoughts were soon interrupted by a wicked chuckle, this making jisung shift his attention to a laughing minho, who was watching the moment all along. this only made his expression darken, now glaring at him hard.

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 | hyunsung ✔Where stories live. Discover now