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"b-because i like you!" hyunjin suddenly confessed, eventually gathering up all the courage he could to release all of the feelings he'd held in.

there was silence for a moment, no words exchanged between the males. as hyunjin only nervously bit his lips, he couldn't help but stand there in silent, anticipating for jisung's answer. how is he gonna react to his confession? what is he gonna say?

after all, jisung surely likes him back right? the moments they would have together, hyunjin couldn't forget one second of it. he'd just hoped jisung feels the same way, and that he made a good choice in confessing. 

as jisung stood there silently for a few moments, taking the words in, hyunjin could only give him a small smile. "i-i've always liked you... since the start and-"

"are you stupid?" jisung suddenly cut him off, this instantly wiping the small smile off hyunjin's face. "who the fuck would like you? so disgusting." 

"w-what..." hyunjin's eyes slightly widened in shock, entirely taken aback from his unexpected answer. he didn't think the younger would respond in this way, didn't he feel the same way? what about all of the moments they had together?

as jisung only harshly kissed his teeth, he only sent a cold glare at him. "are you deaf or something? i said, who the fuck would like you? what makes you think i'd like you back? you must be completely nuts."

"b-but..." hyunjin attempted to reason as his voice shook, his heart shattering into millions of pieces. "i-i thought you-"

"look," jisung instantly interrupted, "just because i was all nice to you, doesn't mean i like you. don't take my kindness the wrong way will you? i only took you in and is being kind to you because you don't have anyone to rely on."

the more hyunjin heard his cold words, the more he couldn't believe his eyes. jisung never liked him? how is that possible? he was so sure, the way jisung would look at him was completely different to everyone else. not to forget he was the kindest to only him.

all the love and attention he'd received from jisung only, was that all an act? how could he deceive him like this? how could he-


"do you know how tiresome it is to have you around all the time? no wonder no one wants or loves you, why did i even take you in in the first place? you're just a burden, so pitiful." jisung continued to snap at him, finally able to release all of the frustration that had built up inside of him. "just an attention seeker. you know what, just disappear why don't you?"

as tears streamed down hyunjin's face, there was nothing that could describe how devastated and heart-broken he felt. how could jisung do this to him? his only safe place, the only person to take him in and give him love and kindness.

how could he just destroy it like that? was he really a burden? no one even wants him anyways, not even jisung. his one and only beloved, the only person he'd trusted all this time. all that, gone, his heart was completely broken.

just who does he think it is? to enter jisung's life and ruin it, to cause nothing but trouble and problems to him. if only he can just disappear like what jisung had requested.

that was good enough right? everyone would want that right?

"i-i'm sorry..."

hyunjin suddenly jolted up from the bed, his body and clothes entirely drenched in sweat. was he having one of his nightmare episodes again? how long has it been since he last had one? now that he'd think about it, ever since he'd slept in jisung's bed, he didn't have any.

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 | hyunsung ✔Where stories live. Discover now