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jeongin happily hummed to himself as he skipped on the pavement, currently on his way back to jisung's house. now that he'd bought the stuff he needed for him and hyunjin, he couldn't wait to get back and make them for him.

'i wonder if he's still asleep.' he thought to himself, wondering what's currently going on in the house. is hyunjin still asleep? or has he woken up? if so, what he is doing right now?

he just wanted to get back as soon as possible; knowing hyunjin, he'd probably freak out if he didn't see him in the house. and jeongin, not wanting any more seconds to go past where he's not in his sight, quickly hurried back.

it didn't take him long when he finally got back, smiling softly to himself as he took out a spare key to open the door. however, it wasn't until his smile suddenly dropped, nothing but confusion soon flushing through him.

did he forget to lock the door or something? what's going on? why is the door suddenly opened? he figured he locked it before he'd left, how is it possible that it's open? for almost anyone to get in and invade the house? 

maybe he accidentally left it unlocked or something, but whatever it is, something didn't felt right. as jeongin raised an eyebrow at the confusion, it wasn't long until a sense of alert and fear soon came running down his veins.

and with that, he abruptly barged in, his face drained with concern. "hyunjin hyung?!" he almost raised his voice, the next view entirely shocking him.

what the heck is going on? who is that male? and most importantly, why are they here? jeongin was too stunned to even move, only dropping the bag of groceries in response.

the sound of jeongin's voice alerted the male to turn around to face him, his eyes soon glistened in cautiousness. "chan, who the fuck is he?" he barked, glaring at jeongin. "you can't be joking me right? that better not be the jisung guy you mentioned about."

"no you dumbass," chan rolled his eyes, his gaze shifting from jeongin back to minho. "that's one of his friends."

"what's he doing here?" minho continued to glare at him. "you told me they would all be at your friend's party!"

"i know, that's what i thought too! but i didn't expect one of them to be here right now." chan argued back, attempting to defend himself.

only rolling his eyes in annoyance, minho strongly gripped onto hyunjin closer to his chest. it didn't take jeongin long to register what really is happening, his astonished gaze returning back to a terrified hyunjin.

he could see how scared and shaky he was, hyunjin's eyes were trembling in fear, only looking down helplessly. this made jeongin soon realise what is happening, ready to take action and keep them away from him.

"who the fuck are you guys?" jeongin finally asked, his sharp gaze at chan. "and what the fuck are you doing here? shouldn't you be at changbin hyung's party?"

"same goes for you," chan nonchalantly answered back, folding his arms.

"i volunteered to stay behind and accompany hyunjin hyung. and you, you're meant to be celebrating his birthday. do you just not care about your best friend?" he glared.

only shrugging his shoulders, chan calmly replied. "that's not important right now. i already let him know that i was leaving since i had urgent stuff to do."

"and your definition of 'urgent' is this?" jeongin's expression only grew annoyed, raising an eyebrow at his behaviour.

"minho just came back from america, so i came to welcome him back." chan responded, "he wanted to see hyunjin so why not?"

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