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the moment jisung heard that, he froze on the spot. hyunjin likes him? since when? why didn't he realise that until now? how long had he been feeling this way? why didn't he tell him and only kept it silent like that?

to the point he was hurting inside, why did he just let jisung hurt him like this? where clearly hyunjin's heart ached in pain, at the thoughts of seeing changbin and jisung together. without being able to do anything.

there was silence for a moment, the awkward atmosphere filling the room as no words were exchanged between the males. jisung just couldn't believe it no matter how many times he tried to process it, entirely too stunned to say a word.

it was as if the words were stuck in his throat, unable to get it out. as hyunjin watched as jisung's eyes widened in shock, he couldn't help but nervously bit his lips. maybe it wasn't a good idea that he confessed out of the blue.

what's jisung gonna think of him now? how is he gonna react to the sudden confession that he wasn't expecting at all? what is he gonna say now? is this all over for hyunjin? but even so, he knew he couldn't hold it back anymore. he needed to say it, and let jisung know.

even if things would probably change between them, hyunjin needed to let it out. and release all of the pain he'd been enduring all this time. it wasn't like he was expecting anything, jisung still loves changbin anyways.

and he knew his feelings for the older wouldn't change, as much as he'd wanted. he knew that jisung would never return the feelings back, but even so, being able to release it all out actually feels nice for once.

the longer jisung stood there in shock, the harder it was for him to say something. why can't he bring out the words he wanted to say? why can't he say something to reassure the poor, nervous hyunjin?

just what is he meant to say? what is he suppose to do in this situation? especially since the fact both of them knew jisung was already taken, how is he meant to comfort him? without hurting hyunjin's feelings, how can he sort this problem out?

as jisung's lips slightly trembled in uncertainty, it wasn't until he managed to open his mouth moments later. "hyung-"

"i-i'm sorry!" hyunjin suddenly spurted out, the guilt taking over him soon after. he couldn't take this anymore, he needed to leave this scene.

and with that, he instantly rushed past jisung without saying any more words, leaving the younger dumbfounded in the living room. as jisung heard the door open and then slammed shut, that was when nothing but silence engulf the whole room, the entire house.

as much as jisung wanted to chase after hyunjin, he couldn't. it was as if his feet were glued to the ground, unable to move. just what the fuck is he suppose to do now? how can he bring hyunjin back and resolve the situation?

no matter how hard jisung tried to come up with an idea, nothing came across his mind. there was just so much things to process in his head, he had no idea what to do or where to start with them.

just what now?


"jisung!" was the first thing jisung heard moments later, this alarming him to answer the door.

there stood felix, seungmin and jeongin as they all looked worriedly at him. why were they here at this very late hour? well, considering the fact jisung was so lost with the situation, calling for his friends' help was the only way he could do.

jisung didn't say anything as he only opened the door wider, allowing the three males to step into the house. exchanging no words between them, they were then led to the living room.

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 | hyunsung ✔Where stories live. Discover now