talking to

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          Yoongi on the other hand went straight to his studio after their manager informed them of the one-week rest they will be having. He knows that what he is doing is not actually resting from his job, but who cares he loves making music. He will just go home early after he finishes the guide he is making for a new song he made. He also wants to spend some time with Tae maybe cuddle with him later tonight, he misses his angel more this past few weeks than ever. Being one of the members, who's responsible for making songs his schedule has been a bit hectic, doing the usual practice and rehearsal with the other members and writing and composing songs after everything is finished. And because of that he seldom goes home and sleeps there, leaving his angel alone without a cuddle buddy.

         He feels guilty not being with Tae more since the kissing thing, and he is again overthinking and overanalyzing everything that the younger does. Like the other day when he got home early in the morning, he found the members already eating their breakfast. Everyone had greeted him except Tae, the younger stood up from the table, left, and went to his room to get ready. Yoongi automatically assumed that his angel is mad at him because he had been sleeping in his studio often lately. 

      He checks the time on his watch it was mid-afternoon and he had finished making the guide for the new song, it gives him time to go and buy something for Tae before he goes home and spends time with the younger. Yoongi started to turn off the equipment in the studio and pack his laptop in his backpack when something fell from his bag. It was the rock that Mr. Kim entrusted him with, it was hyungie. 

      He picks the rock and sat on the black leather sofa, holding the rock in the palm of his hand and staring at it. "Hyungie, for years I envy you for having my angel's heart. Every time I hear your name on his lips it breaks my heart, my whole being breaks when he comes home with a smile so big just because he had spent his time with you. But then when he spends time with me it gives me hope but as soon as he utters your name my hope crumbles down bringing with it my confidence that someday maybe someday he will see how much I love him and he would love me back as well. Hyungie, I'm asking your permission can I take your place I promise to take care of our angel and love him as you did maybe even more. I would give everything to make him happy and like you, I will give my life for him. So tell me hyungie, can you give me your blessing will you approve of me taking your place." Yoongi laughs nodding his head as if hyungie is talking to him. "Maybe we should wait for what Tae's decision will be." He smiles and puts back the rock in his bag pocket making sure to zip it and left his studio excited to see his angel at the dorm.

        Yoongi found the members all huddled in the living room watching a movie, but notices that there were only five of them Tae was missing. 

       "Where is Tae?" Yoongi asks while still taking off his shoes startling the members.

      " Yoongi you're back, Tae's not here he went home to Daegu," Jin replied plainly to Yoongi.

     "Did he tell you why he's going to Daegu, hyung?" 

    "No, and I did not ask. I assumed he wants to spend time with his parents." Jin answers not moving an inch away from the arms of Hobi, eyes still lock directly on the movie.   

     Yoongi sits beside Jimin not satisfied with the information he got from his only hyung in the group. "Minie, did Tae say something to you before he left," Yoongi whispered in Minie's ear which earned a frown from the leader who is presently lying down on the mochi's thighs.

    "I'm sorry hyung, he didn't mention anything to me before he left. He did not even tell me that he is going home. The only member he talked to before he left is Joonie and Jin hyung." Jimin said also feeling confused about why his best friend just left without telling him.

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