Go big then go home

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        It has been over six months since Yoongi and Tae started their relationship, the sad and funny thing about it is that the Netflix and chill stuff never did happen. They had some close calls but nothing did happen, in the end, Yoongi would always settle for cuddles. Namjoon would sometimes joke about it with his hyung saying how slow his hyung is in that part of the relationship. But the elder just shrugged it off and would laugh with his leader.

      The problem is, is not that Yoongi does not want to but he does not know how to bring the topic to the table. He acknowledges that his angel is innocent of such things, but the angel would sometimes tempt him for it. Yoongi is worried about the what if's, what if Tae wants to top, or maybe Tae would end up traumatized if he bottoms, or what if his angel realizes that it was not that good at all and won't like it? Yoongi wanted Tae first to be special, memorable in a good kind of way, and most important pleasurable that he will ask for more. 

     Tae on the other is hanging on a thread in which Jimin would tie a knot when once in a while it breaks. The younger knows that his hyungie loves him but not having intimate moments is making his confidence deteriorate. He questions himself if there is something wrong with him, well he understands that a relationship is not actually based on sex alone but he also knows that it is one way of showing love to so someone you love. He feels he is ready, he gained information about it from Jimin and Namjoon well mostly from Jimin. And Jimin has lectured him about being a top or a bottom, he actually would prefer to bottom on his first time because he knows hyungie prefers to top and he really won't know where to start. He even developed a habit of showering a lot because he knows how his hyungie is about hygiene, hyungie does hate sweating because he hates feeling sticky that's why Yoongi also routinely takes baths and showers twice a day on some days even three or more times. He doesn't want to be icky when the time comes that hyungie decides to go further than making out.

       It is the last day of their concert tour and like always the couple stays in the same room, but at the moment Tae is in Jimin and Namjoon's room talking to the couple. "Jiminie, what should I do? I don't want to go back to our room and cuddle again until the next morning. Is there anything I can do to seduce the fuck out of my Yoongi? Sorry for the cursing I'm feeling hopeless." Tae said staring at the carpeted floor like it was the answer to his question that eluded him for months.

      "You see Tae right now the only thing I can tell you is just throwing yourself to him and don't stop if he tries to stop just continue to make him feel good that he has no choice but to give in." Jimin like Tae is also already out of his wits on what to do with Yoongi, Namjoon even willingly teases Yoongi about the elder's nonexistent sex life, risking his life to help Tae out but it was no use the elder just shrugged it off every time.  

    "Tae, I'm sorry to say this but you need to get out of our room it's getting late and I really need my cuddle time with my Minie." Tae gave their leader a puppy dog eyes look hoping that he would change his mind and let him stay longer, but Namjoon waved both of his hands shaking his head and smiling back at the younger. " Nope uh-uh that won't work right now, go leave and throw yourself to Suga hyung. Think of it this way the worst that can happen is you guys cuddle until morning again and the best thing that can happen is you lose your vcard tonight. So kaja go go go." Namjoon opens the door and waves after Tae got out the door.



      Never thought Joonie hyung could be so rude kicking me out of their room, all I wanted is to stay in there until hyungie fall asleep but no Joonie hyung is so needy for Jiminie. They did not even have a piece of good advice for me, how can throwing myself into hyungie work, which I have been doing for the past six months? Would there be any difference if I do it again? I think not, I'm just not that attractive enough to get laid. But Joonie hyung is also right I have nothing to lose if I try to do it, I need to be a little bit more irresistible, more daring and most of all persuasive enough to not take no for an answer. 

      As I got back to hyungie and my room I found our bed empty then I hear the shower turned on thank gawd, he was taking a shower I have time to think about how to start seducing my boyfriend. I decided to text Jiminie for more advice on how I should go with my plan.

     "Jiminie, I have a question," hoping that he is still not preoccupied because knowing those two they can get heated in a snap.

      "Ask away Tae." 

     "I have been throwing myself to hyungie for months now but it always ends with him stopping and us cuddling all night, how can I stop him from stopping?"

     "Tae, try sucking Suga hyung's dick. I bet that will get him going." 

    "Namjoon hyung? Where is Jiminie?" 

    "He is a bit busy at the moment, but he gave a thumbs up when I told him what I told you. Now that I answered your question go and try it, I think I need to clean Mini's phone coz I'm not sure if his phone is lube-proof."

     "Oh my God hyung! what the fuck you're disgusting? You don't have to share that but thank you anyway for the advice."

      Now to start before hyungie comes out of the shower, first need to change into more comfy clothes maybe an oversize shirt and boxer will do, good thing I decided to take a long bath earlier before going to Jiminie's room. Second pack all the clutter in our bag, third play with the room's lighting it is much sexier if the room is dimly lit. I don't really know why it is sexier it just is, need to hurry just heard the shower turned off which means I only have a few minutes before hyungie comes out. I'll lay down, and play a game on my phone like everything is normal then I will start to tease him when we cuddle.

      "Hi baby, you're here already did Minimoni kick you out of their room." I look at him and my jaw drops, hyungie is standing on the other side of the bed with only a towel on, his hair still wet water dripping down his shoulders down to his torso. How I wish those droplets are my fingers running down his body. This is the first time that I have seen him with almost nothing on, stunned is the word I'm in right now. "Did I startle you, angel?"  

       "N-no." I shake my head watching him walk around towards my side of the bed, my heart started beating so fast. My hyungie is being extra flirty tonight, is he also thinking what I'm thinking of doing tonight."W-why are you-"

        He sits down beside me and leans his body to me pushing my chin upwards using two of his fingers, can smell his minty breath warming my lips adjacent to his. "Do you like what you see baby?" Oh damn, he using that deep sexy voice that makes my body shiver just by hearing him, can feel myself starting to get aroused.

        "Y-y-yes." can't help but stutter hyungie being tempting, all I want to do is pull the towel around his waist and do what Namjoon told me. Well, People say go big or go home but for me, it's going to be, go big then go home, here I go...

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