phase 2

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       The plan to stay the whole day in Daegu was canceled when we were woken up with both our phones ringing. It turns out that we needed to go back to Seoul earlier than we plan for a lunch meeting with Bang Pd about our incoming album and concert tour. We did not even get the chance to eat breakfast, eomma packed us sandwiches, sliced fruits, and juice to eat on our trip back to Seoul.

         We still have an hour and a half to go before we get home, Tae has only spoken to me a few times since we woke up this morning. He seems to be contemplating something sometimes even taking deep breaths. Something is bothering him but I'm scared to ask because something is also bothering me since yesterday when I got back from meeting his relatives with appa. He did not answer my question yesterday about who am I to him, I thought that he can answer that easily. But now I'm second-guessing if Tae really loves me like I know he does or if I'm still just a substitute for hyungie. I love him so much that I think I can overlook everything and accept that I'll always be second best, as long as he's with me in my arms it will all be fine.

      I am pulling up to our house to join the members when my phone rang it was Namjoon calling, I answered it before going into the house. " We are already here Namjoonah, I'm literally at our door going in the house."

     "Hyung, get in your car and drive to the office we are waiting for you here."

     "Ok, Tae and I will be there in twenty minutes." I motioned Tae to get back in the car.

     "Hyung, you don't need to bring Tae he is not needed here." 

    I just agreed and ended the call. "Tae they said you don't need to go there, I'll just see you later after the meeting." I give him a kiss on the lips and head to the office.


          Everything is going smoothly as Tae planned it, the meeting is actually part of the plan he needed to finish the rest of the preparation after he will text Yoongi to go to his house to meet Tae there.

        At the moment Tae is with Jin, Jimin, and Jungkook who ended up being their driver for the day, they are going around the city picking up everything they need to finish the preparation at Yoongi's house. They just left a flower shop to pick the flowers Tae reserved a few days ago, they are now on their way to the cakeshop where they usually buy their cakes from. 

       "Tae, tell me again why can't we tell them to just deliver this stuff to Yoongi's house," Jin asks for the second time since they left the flower shop.

      "I can't reveal the address of his house, people will know that he owns it then reporters and paparazzi will go there just to see him. That is why we will pick everything up and then go to his house to prepare everything," Tae answers his hyung who nodded understanding the reason behind the tiring schedule they have. "I want to preserve that privacy the house has, we can just come and go without worrying that someone is just hiding somewhere in the bushes taking our photos." 

     The cakeshop took a bit of their time because they got hungry looking at the delicious pastries and cakes that are on display, they had to eat some before leaving. After the cake shop, they stop to pick up the food Tae ordered in advance from Yoongi's favorite restaurant. Their last stop is the jewelry store, Tae has ordered a custom-made ring. It is a simple platinum ring with three purple diamonds encrusted in it and on the inside of the ring it says you are my rock. Tae smiled when he sees the ring, he is thankful that he was able to buy such an expensive thing because of their success being idols. Tae hides the ring before his friends see it, Jin and Jimin are told that everything is just for a romantic date with Yoongi they did not know that Tae has planned more than just a romantic candlelit dinner.

      Their car is now full and they are now scrambling to go to Yoongi's house because of the text they receive from Hobi a few minutes ago that they just finished the meeting and Yoongi is eager to go home. After parking the car, the three of them immediately run inside the house to finish everything before Yoongi comes home. An hour ago Tae told his boyfriend that he is at the elder's house waiting for him. 

      When Yoongi read his angel's message he instantly had elicits thoughts run through his mind, and it made him wish that their meeting end faster he just wanted to be with his angel. The uncertainty he felt yesterday and earlier today seems to get overshadowed by his excitement over the simple message he received. The thought of his angel waiting for him at his house overwhelmingly excites him.

       "I guess that's all we need to talk about it's already 2 p.m. and haven't had lunch yet. You guys go I'll pay for your lunch."Bang PD said giving them his company card, it is true that the meeting is a way to separate Yoongi from Tae for the younger to prepare but the meeting is actually in their schedule they just did not tell Yoongi beforehand because if he has known he wouldn't have agreed to go to Daegu.

       "Thank you, PD nim." the three rappers replied

       "Should we eat at a restaurant or get the food delivered here?" Sejin asked 

       "Let's go to a restaurant it's much better." Namjoon quickly replied before Yoongi could say something it was still early for the elder to go home they still need to distract Yoongi from the others to finish their job.

      At the restaurant, the eldest rapper ate his food fast and is helplessly waiting for the others to finish faster for them to go home. It was getting late the sun is almost down and they are still in the restaurant eating. The ride from the office to the restaurant tested Yoongi's patience. first, when they got to the car everyone can't decide which restaurant to go to they ended up driving around for thirty minutes until Namjoon and Hobi got into an agreement on where they should eat, he swears his two donsaengs sometimes could be a pain. The restaurant the two chose is on the other side of the city which was the reason they were stuck in traffic for another hour before arriving at the said place. All in all from choosing where to eat to getting there and choosing what to eat tested every bit of patience the eldest rapper has.

       "Now we are all satiated and satisfied can we pay and go home, really want to spend the rest of my day with my boyfriend before going to work early tomorrow," Yoongi said 

      "About that, Bang PD sent me a message while I was walking here after parking the car, he said that you guys don't need to go to work early tomorrow and that he already has taken almost half of your day today."

       The rapper cheers for the great news Sejin told them, Yoongi smiled all the way home to their house. When they got to the house Yoongi immediately got into his car and drove to his house to meet his boyfriend. Namjoon and Hobi of course send Tae a message that Yoongi is on his way to the house and wished Tae good luck. 

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