meeting people

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                I auditioned with my friends a few months ago, well I was supposed to just accompany them to their audition but some noona told me to try to audition too. So I called my appa and ask his permission he gladly said yes, that is why Jimin, Jin hyung, and me are on our way to start our training. We are now accompanied by a staff to our dorm, where they said we will endure until we pass and debut if we get a chance to debut. The three of us are all equally excited and nervous and I am more than the other two, thank God that Jin hyung also passed the audition he always takes care of us and I know that I will be okay if I have him by my side.  

           The day before I have to leave, my parents were too emotional to leave me alone even for a few minutes. I was hoping to say goodbye to Yoongi hyung one more time before I go but I did not have the chance to do it because of my clingy parents. I hope he will understand, maybe I will just try to talk to him when I get settled at our dorm.

         The dorm is a simple small apartment, we were greeted by a tall man in his underwear his name is Namjoon and from what the staff said he was the first trainee here, then another guy came out his name is Hoseok and he is the third guy who came here in the dorm he said he's a dancer and then a smaller guy with pale white skin with cat-like eyes came out of the room. For me, he is the most handsome among the three he's perfect. 

         "And this here is Suga previously known as Gloss in the underground scene, he is training to be a producer. He is also a great songwriter and rapper." Namjoon hyung said introducing the pale small guy to us.

         "My real name is Min Yoongi, but like Namjoon here said you can call me Suga or Yoongi or hyung for the younger ones," Suga said scanning the three of us, stopping his gaze at me. "Is there something on my face?" he said directing his question to me.

        "I'm sorry." I bow to him to show my sincerity. "I didn't know that I'm staring." he smiles and nodded to tell me that it was ok. "Thank you hyung." I stared, because he reminds me of someone, with those cat-like eyes he has, and the way he talks to people. His presence seems familiar to me in some way, I think I will get along with him.

         After introducing ourselves and vice versa they show us the bedroom that we all will be sharing, good thing I only brought a few things because the dorm is not that big. But it doesn't matter all I want to do is to debut and be successful in being a Kpop Idol.  Me and Jin hyung finished unpacking, actually, he helped me unpack, that is the reason he unpacked longer than expected. We just finished when Namjoon hyung tells us that dinner is served we follow him to the living room where the others are now seated. Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung sat beside each other, beside him is a new guy we still have not met earlier he looks shy, Jimin is seating between Hoseok hyung and Suga hyung so I just sat in the last empty space which is beside Suga hyung. Earlier I decided to just call hyung, Suga hyung because if I call him Yoongi I will just miss my hyungie more. We ate silently at first but Jin hyung wasn't having it at all he did not want the awkwardness roaming around the table so he started to talk.

        "I'm Jin hyung, we haven't been introduced yet." He extended his hand to the young man, the kid looks at hyung and smiled at him.

        "I-I'm Jungkook, nice to meet you Jin hyung." they shook hands and then Jimin also extended his hand across the table to also introduce himself.

         "I'm Jimin, I guess I'm your hyung also." Jimin always has this cute eye smile that everyone would and will be hypnotized with and Jungkook was no exemption as I see the kid's eye magnetized to Jimin extending his hands mouth gaping mesmerized by my cute friend. Actually, the kid is not the only one who seems to be mesmerized by my best friend, Namjoon can't seem to take his eyes away from Jimin also he keeps on glancing when Hoseok would talk to Jimin.

        "Nice to meet you hyung." The kid is blushing I would laugh at his cuteness right now but I stop myself they might not understand why I'm laughing and get offended. And I don't want that, I guess it's my turn to introduce myself. 

       "And I'm Taehyung just call me Tae, I'm ok dropping the honorifics but not too much ok." I just put both my thumbs up and wink at him. I got the cutest smile off of him, now that I look at him smiling he looks like a cute bunny.

     "Nice to meet you, Tae." He did give me a full bow, which surprised me a lot. "I'm dropping my honorifics and bowing is the way for the not too much."  I laugh so hard when he explained what the bowing is for, this kid is really funny we will get along just fine. How I wish hyungie is also here to meet my might-be future bandmates, they seem to be all good people.

        "Speaking of honorifics...Who is the oldest among us seven?"Jin hyung asking Namjoon

       "For us four, Suga hyung is the eldest." Namjoon hyung said

       "I'm the eldest of the three of us." Jin hyung pointed at me and Jimin.

      "What year were you born, Jin?" Suga asks while shoving kimbap in his mouth.

      "I was born in 1992."

      "Then you're the eldest because Suga hyung was born in 1993," Namjoon said.

      "Then it's settled then all of you can call me hyung. And unlike Tae, I like honorific kids."

       After dinner, we all helped in cleaning and washing the dishes, and because there are seven of us we finished the chores fast. Then everyone settled in their beds, I noticed that Suga hyung wasn't with us, maybe he is still taking a shower or something. The room is small for seven people but we made it work so everyone has somewhere to lie down. I chose to sleep beside Jimin because of course, he is my second best friend, and I'm comfortable sleeping beside him. Back home, we use to have sleepovers and we sleep on the same bed.

      I want to talk to hyungie but it was very late and I'm very tired, but I took a mental note about it so that I won't forget. My mind is now full of stuff that could maybe happen tomorrow for our first day of training. Can I handle the training? From what I've heard training is gruesome to the mind and body. I can handle being tired physically, after all, I help at the farm getting tired is second nature when you work on a farm, what I'm worried about is my mind I know there will be days that I will be feeling homesick, and depressed longing for my love ones. I need to be prepared for days like that, I'll just try to drown myself working on my training so that I  will be always busy thinking of something else instead. 

V's Concept photos for their new album BE 

V's Concept photos for their new album BE 

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