Trouble in Paradise

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      It is almost the end of the month, and still, I'm not sure if I will go home and be with hyungie. It is just hard for me to be with him, especially now that I think that I do have feelings for Yoonki. I don't want to hurt hyungie's feelings, I don't know what to do. Jin is busy with Hobi which is weird that they all spend almost all their time together, while Jimin and Namjoon are still how should I say this they are still in their honeymoon stage the tied-in-the-hip type of couple.

     As for Suga hyung, Jungkook has taken him hostage. The kid is attached to Suga hyung it's quite annoying honestly. I expected to spend more time with hyung because of Jimin having a boyfriend and becoming less possessive with Suga hyung, and yes he is just less possessive he still fights with Jungkook for Suga hyung's attention once in a while. I would just like to be comforted but I have no one to go to. It's not that I did not try, I tried repeatedly.

    So now that I don't have many options at the dorm I opted to just go home to my parents for a few days. I might see hyungie or not, later in the week. It is the end of the month, my parents are clinging to me again checking on me, knocking on my door every 20 minutes just to ask how I am doing. I have been staying in the house or mostly in my room for three days now, I don't want to go out and it is actually hard to walk outside without people recognizing me and asking me for a photo or asking me to sign stuff for them. Today is the last day of the month, I still haven't decided on whether to talk to hyungie or not.

         "Son...Tae..." it's my dad probably he remembers also what day today is. 

         "Yes, dad," I answer him just to show that I'm still ok and have not of myself yet.

         "Are you ok? you have been mainly locked up in your room since you came home.

          I open the door just to not let my father worry. "Dad I'm ok, I'm just catching up on my sleep." I showed him my cute smile that I know my dad adores. "You know how tiring it is, always training, shooting MVs, promoting, and other stuff we do every day. It just takes a toll on our body." 

        "Ok, so you are not going out today also?" my dad asks as if he's expecting me to go somewhere today. Oh! right today is the day, I guess I should start preparing to go out now.

       "Maybe later after I finish doing some stuff,"

      "Ok then." he starts to turn around and leave but suddenly turns back again to me. "By the way son, if you need someone to talk to your mom and I are always here. 



         Jimin is talking to me about him getting concerned about Tae, he said that Tae was acting a bit strange for the past week before he went back home. He said that it was the first time ever since he has known Tae to not want to go home this time of year usually he was excited to go home and be with his hyungie but this year he even seems to forget about it.

        "Hyung I think there is trouble in paradise," Minie said to me waving his hands in front of his chest. "I'm worried that Tae and hyungie's relationship is on the rocks that is the reason he is reluctant to go visit him."

        "But he went home and who knows he might be in his hyungie's arms right now enjoying their time together." I have gotten used to Tae, he does sometimes look sad or melancholy but as soon as he has the chance to see hyungie he is happy again. Of course, it does break my heart every time, it hurts because I want to be the one that could make him smile, I want him to think of me like the way he does with hyungie. "You know Tae, he is probably now smiling ear to ear while hugging hyungie. Let's just wait and see but I bet when he comes back he is his bouncy old self again."

      "I hope you are right hyung." Jimin was not convinced about what I said but he still took what I said into consideration.

     "If he's not ok when he comes back then that's the time that we comfort and take care of him, Minie. But as of the moment, we can't just barge into his life while he's with hyungie."

      I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I wondered who would call me and I immediately got worried when I saw the caller ID on my phone. Tae's father is calling me for some unknown reason yet.

      "Hello, Yoongi," Mr. Kim said on the other line. "It still feels odd saying Yoongi and talking to one, " Mr.Kim chuckles at what he said

      "Hello sir, this is Yoongi. Is there something wrong with Tae sir?" 

       "Well I know you are busy with composing and everything, but I also know that our son is fond of you and listens to you. I was wondering if..." the suspense is killing me why can he just say it already? "I was wondering if... you can visit our son here and talk to him. He's been locked up in his room for almost three days now,"

      "Sir, I think it is much better if he talks with hyungie they are much closer to each other." there was a long silence in the line before I can hear someone in the background on the other line it was a woman talking to my angel's father.

    "About hyungie I better talk to you in person, when can we expect you to come?"

   "I actually can leave right now we're on vacation don't have anything to do right now sir, can I bring Jimin with me his Tae's best friend he can also help." 

    "Ok we will be waiting for your arrival, you can sleep in our house no need to book a hotel for you to stay in. Yoongi thank you." I can hear the sincerity in the old man's voice, which made me feel that they do need us to go there. Is Minie right that there is trouble in paradise?

      "Ok sir, see you soon."

       After the conversation ended I told Jimin to pack his clothes for at least two days and did not forget to talk to Namjoon about taking Jimin with me, I know he is the most rational person in the group but when it is about Jimin turns into this clingy, overprotective and sometimes jealous kind of boyfriend. After also packing my stuff we are out of the dorm and driving to Daegu to talk to Tae's father, and see my angel. 

       It will be a three-hour drive give or take depending on how fast I want to get there and believe me, I want to be beside my angel as soon as possible but of course, safety is also important I presume. Jimin is asleep, I smile looking at the young one looking tired Namjoon that horn dog must be keeping this kid up all night. I'm happy for them at long last they had the guts to tell each other what they feel. 

         The 2seok couple is also sailing along, Hobi is a straightforward flirty guy so it was easy for him to express what he wants to Jin. And Jin on the other hand is somewhat of a flirty tsundere but will fall for someone that is confident in showing him the love he deserves. They are really meant for each other. 

        And then there is me, still in love with the person who's in love with someone else. To think that my situation is bad is an understatement. For weeks now I'm thinking of just moving on, I'm taking into consideration what Hobi told me. I might be better off with Jungkook if the kid is really into me. Because I still think that kid is confused but straight as hell. I'll decide after I talk to that hyungie. Want to find out more about this hyungie guy, first why haven't we met him yet, why did Tae's parents forbid us to see him, and just so many whys, whats, and hows.  


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