getting ready

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          After replying to Yoongi's message I immediately run to my room to get ready, I know it is a few hours from now but I want to look good for my hyungie. The only problem is I forgot to ask where will I accompany him, and what should I wear. I'll just worry later first I need to take a bath, I kinda sweating a lot out of nervousness and excitement at the thought of spending time with hyungie alone outside the house.

       "Hi, Tae!" I was surprised to see Jin hyung in my room but glad that he is here I can ask him for help on what to wear.

      "Hi hyung, what's up?"

     "Just nothing to do I thought I drop by your room." 

     "In that case can I ask you to help me choose something to wear? Yoongi hyung asked me to accompany him tonight but he didn't say where." 

    " Well, we should look for an outfit you are comfortable wearing, to be safe let's just look for something that you would wear for a date." Jin hyung smiles mischievously like he knows something I don't, he scans my wardrobe for clothes.

    "D-date? why would I wear something like that?" 

    "It's a safe choice Tae, what if you are going to a bar or a restaurant or maybe meet some of his friends there are so many possibilities believe me it is the right choice." he taps me on my shoulder convincing me on his statement.

    "I guess you're right." I decided to follow my hyung's advice, I choose a white shirt and black skinny jeans leather shoes, and a denim jacket just in case it becomes a bit cold outside. The weather is actually nice at this time of year, it's not too hot and not too cold.

    I change in the bathroom because I'm not comfortable changing my clothes with hyung inside my room watching me. I found hyung looking at his phone smiling while typing something, maybe he was texting Hobi hyung.

   "Tae you look great wait till Yoongi sees you he will be awestruck."

   "He will?" Just imagining what Jin hyung said made me blush. 

   "There's no doubt about it Tae, besides I think even if you're in your pajamas he will still look at you the same way."

   "I hope you're right I really want him to look at me that way."

   "Maybe we should wait for Yoongi in the living room, it's already almost 7 pm."



       As soon as Jin hyung told me that I can go inside I run straight from the front door to my room. First I took a bath don't want to be stinky on my first date with my angel of course, after the bath my conundrum starts. I don't know what I will wear, but I solve the problem quickly by calling for help, and by help I mean Minie.

    "So hyung what do you need my help for?" Minie said as soon as he entered my room, hands on his waist waiting for me to reply.

    "I planned a dinner date with Tae tonight," he squeals of course, "please be quiet it's a surprise, my problem is I don't know what I should wear."

    "Ok, first where are you taking him?" Minie is already rummaging through my closet shirts and pants are being thrown everywhere.

    "A restaurant near our house, I reserve the rooftop well Sejin hyung reserve the rooftop. It will be a very intimate dinner only the two of us there."

   "Wow...hyung I knew you will going to be the best boyfriend ever. Tae is a very lucky guy."

   "No Minie, I'm the lucky one if I will have my angel." still watching the mochi rummaging in my closet, hope he will also be the one cleaning this up later.

   "This would be perfect," Minie is holding a white button-down dress shirt and black semi-fitted slacks. "this with black leather shoes and let's just leave your hair like that, here go change." he shoves the article of clothing to me and pushed me inside my bathroom.

   "Hyung, what time is your reservation by the way?" I heard Minie ask me, he is on the other side of my bathroom door.

   "7 pm, I paid for the place for the whole night. I even rented the small cinema they have also located on the building's rooftop."

   "Don't mean to rain on your parade hyung but is it safe, I mean what if paparazzi see you two or someone installs hidden cameras."

    "Sejin hyung took care of it sending someone to check on the place for those kinds of stuff, someone will stay there until Tae and I arrive. And just in case I'll just take him to a private place I know ." almost done just combing my hair and putting few accessories. "I'm done!" I open the door to let Minie check the outfit out. "So...will Tae like it?"

     "Wow hyung, you look handsome. I'm proud to say I made the right choices, Taebear will be head over heels for you if he's not yet feeling that way right now." he checks his watch his eyes turn wide and his mouth suddenly formed an O stumping his feet. "Hyung! you gonna be late it's already 6:30 pm."

    "Really, wait I need to tell Jin hyung that I will be going outside now." I sent a message to Jin hyung warning him that I  will be going outside to prepare myself for picking up Tae.  

    "Good luck hyung hope everything will go as planned and don't worry about this mess in your room I'll clean it up for you." 

     "Thank you, Minie, promise to treat you for helping me." I pick up my wallet, cellphone, and car keys on my keyboard and run to go outside.

      Went straight to my car which is still parked just in front of our house, take out the flowers and the big white stuffed teddy bear I bought earlier. I sent another message to Jin hyung telling him to get Tae to wait in the living room because I am ready to pick him up, after receiving a text back from him. I check my clothes, also check the flowers if they are all still alive, and even check the stuffed bear for any extra thread I want everything to be perfect or at least near to perfect.

     Butterflies started invading my stomach as soon as I took my first step towards the door, thinking about what would be my angel's reaction to all of this. I'm now in front of our door the only thing I need to do is ring the doorbell but right now my finger is stuck a centimeter away from the button and my body seems to stop working. Maybe taking deep breaths would help... breath in... breath out...breath in...breath out I can do this, all I need is to push this button to see my angel. Ok, I'm going to do this...Hana...Dul...Set...

Ding Dong Ding Dong!

     I see the doorknob going down then a heard the click the door opens up to my angel looking divinely beautiful. And of course, Jin hyung and his second in command Minie are at the back silently teasing me making a heart hand behind Tae.   

    "Hyung? w-what--," Tae's round doe eyes grew even bigger seeing the bouquet of flowers and the huge stuffed bear I'm currently carrying in my arms.

     "This is for you," handed my gifts to him, his looks never changed he seem confused but happy at the same time.

      "Thank you hyung,"  then he seems to panic a little looking from side to side. "Ammm...hyung can you wait for me I'll just put the flowers in some water before we leave."

      "Tae, let me do that for you, just go with Yoongi already." Jin hyung said taking the flowers and stuffed bear from Tae, then pushing my angel to go out of the house." have fun, you guys." Jin hyung and Minie wave to us before closing the door.

       "I guess we are going." I opened the passenger door for my angel, we fastened our seatbelts and started to drive to the restaurant. I hope I pull it off, and I hope everything I requested is done correctly. 

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