about hyungie

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      "Minie, wake up we are here."  I got our bags in the back seat and opens the door for the small one. He was still groggy from just waking up but coherent enough to meet Tae's parents, it was mid-afternoon but the air was a bit cold due to the slight winter breeze.

     I fix my clothes and comb my hand through my hair before knocking on the door need to give a good impression to my future in-laws. Funny to think that I can marry my angel, but in reality, I will again get my heart broken to the nth time later when I see him and hyungie.

      "Hyung, why are you smiling like that? Is that a smile or a smirk I'm looking at?" Jimin suddenly interrupts my thoughts.

     "It's nothing Minie, just go ring the doorbell."

     After ringing the doorbell and a few knocks on the door, we heard footsteps walking towards the door. The door opens to a tall man looking like an older version of Tae smiling at us. 

     "Hello boys, so glad that you came. Come in, come in." 

      "Thank you, sir," both me and Minie said while giving him a full bow for respect. We took off our shoes and followed the tall man inside the house. 

      "We prepared our guest room, it is the last door on the left. But you can also stay in my son's room we just renovated it and it's big enough for the three of you." Mrs. Kim said walking us to the rooms.

     "We will just stay in your guest room ma'am,  Tae might want to be alone in his room we don't want to impose," I said walking inside the guest room that they assign for us. The room is big enough to fit four people, it has two double beds with a nightstand on each side. The wall was colored with plain white paint while the bed is covered with blue and white striped bed sheets and cover. 

     "I'm going to leave you kids to get yourself situated first, we will be waiting for you two in the living room." 

    "Ma'am, does Tae know we are coming?" Jimin asks Mrs.Kim.

    "Oh yes, we almost forgot to ask where is he." I should have asked this question as soon as we step foot inside their house, I was just overwhelmed by my excitement to see my angel, that I forgot to ask. 

   "He left about two hours ago, my husband and I think he went to Yoongi." I can see sadness and disappointment in her eyes when she informed us where could Tae be.  Well, at least when my angel comes home later he will be in a good mood after spending time with hyungie.

     Mrs.Kim closed the door leaving us to settle in the room, I decided to take a shower and change into more comfortable clothes. Jimin also followed my lead and also took a shower and wore almost the same outfit as mine a hoodie shirt and sweatpants. When we have finished everything and kept the room clean.  We headed to the living room and saw Tae's parents seated on the sofa having tea, waiting for us.

   "Come sit with us, we should talk now before Tae comes back." Mr. Kim said pointing to the sofa in front of him. "From the way you talk about Tae and his Yoongi the other one of course, that you don't have any idea about their relationship." Mr.Kim started to tell us about the couple.

Mr.Kim Narration

      Tae met Yoongi on his first day in grade school when they were playing at the school playground, they were not in the same grade but still, Tae instantly gravitated toward Yoongi. Ever since that day they never left each other side, with their closeness we as parents also became friends with Yoongi's parents. Even though at first we felt awkward towards the Kwang's because you see the Kwangs are not the traditional family they are both men. 

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