coupling up

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         "Hollyyyyy!" Hobi screams making the cute dog get excited.

         "Hobi hyung not so loud you might wake up the others," Kook said whisper yelling at Hobi, who is now lying on the floor Holly on top of him licking his face.

        "Sorry for being loud but Holly is too cute." Kook shakes his head and sits down on the floor beside Hobi.

         "Don't get used to it because later my brother will pick her up to take her home," Suga said seating down beside Hobi on the floor, using a stuffed toy to play tag with Holly. 

         "I'll get Holly some water." Kook excused himself from his hyung and went to get the cute dog some water.

        "Hyung later can I talk to you, I need advice on something and maybe you can help me," Hobi said whispering to Yoongi.

        "Ok, maybe later this afternoon after my brother picks up Holly." they smile at each other and continued playing with Holly.

         Around noon the newly labeled boyfriends came out of Namjoon's room, everyone is a bit confused it was the first time they saw Jimin sleep in Namjoon's room. But two people are grinning from ear to ear seeing the three smiling when they walk out of the room, they knew that things had fallen into place and the two are in love. 

        "Minie, you slept in Joon's room. Well, that is a first." Tae said winking at his best friend, he is happy that his best friend got the love of his life, and also now that Jimin is with Namjoon he can have Suga's attention all to himself.

       "We got talking last night and well..." Namjoon said scratching his nape and looking at each member smiling shyly. "It seems that we have something in common, soooo... "

       "We are now together, boyfriend and boyfriend," Jimin shouted excited to share the news with everyone.

        "Iiiiiiiiiiii, congratulations best friend," Tae shouted clapping excitedly with Hobi.

       "Congratulations you two, I'm happy for the both of you," Jin said hugging the couple tightly.

       "So Jiminie, now that you and Namjoon are together I guess you will be staying in his room." Hobi is Jimin's roommate together with Jungkook, his not complaining he enjoys rooming with the two dongsaeng but having fewer people in the room is also a welcoming notion.

    "Don't worry Minie, if you wish to transfer rooms we could exchange rooms. So you and Namjoon hyung get the privacy you need." Tae said.

     "Are you sure Tae? Our room is smaller than your room and you will have to be with two other roommates?" 

     "It's ok with me Minie."

     "Besides I usually sleep in Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung's room, so there is no problem it will be usually Hobi hyung and Tae hyung sharing the room," Jungkook said to convince Jimin that it would be ok if he wanted to stay in Namjoon's room.

     "Ok, I guess it's settled then I will stay in Joonie's room from now on," Jimin said smiling and mouthing a thank you to Jungkook and Tae.



        As I promised Hobi earlier when he asked me to talk with him, we are now in a corner of a park sipping iced American seating on a bench under a big old tree. 

      "So what can I help you with?"  I asked him if it was not that unusual for Hobi to ask me for advice but it has been a long time since he asked for one. This made me curious and worried at the same time.

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