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3rd POV

      After a successful world concert tour, the company decided to give them a break. The members are touring for 2 years already, their hard work paid off now they can certainly say that they have accomplished something. From a one-bedroom apartment now they are in a multi-million house in a high-end part of Seoul. The band is on hiatus at the moment, but it does not mean that they don't have work to do. But most works are done by Yoongi, Joon, and Hobi, the three are mostly responsible for writing and composing the songs, though on a few occasions the other four members would try to write songs. Unlike most of their albums, this one is not rushed they have time to produce more good music they want. The main objective is for them to rest, recharge, and rejuvenate, it's known that some of the members are suffering from mental health issues from being on the road for so long and not having a normal life. Bang Shiyuk is hoping that the hiatus would help the members to bounce back from everything.

     Rules are stated before the members were sent for their much-needed rest. Bang PD just gave them a few rules mostly to keep their reputation intact, first is to always be aware when they go out with friends or by themselves, second relationships should be kept a secret, posting on social media is allowed but content should be reviewed by their managers first, last they should have fun, spend their money, enjoy it with their friends and family.

    "Tae, are you ready for our flight tomorrow? Hope you have finished packing already," Jimin shouted as he enters Tae's room, seeing the floor littered with the other's clothing and some miscellaneous stuff. The two took advantage of their hiatus to travel together, the rift between them is long forgotten when they followed Yoongi's advice after reprimanding them for fighting over mandu back when they were in Hawaii. The two talked it out even though they were drunk mostly on the part of Jimin and even ended up laughing so hard at how clueless their Suga hyung was on believing that they fought over mandu, it was Tae that made up the story using mandu as representation to Suga. They acknowledge that their friendship is more important than fighting over Yoongi. But they still do sometimes get jealous if Yoongi gives more attention to the other, Yoongi also got to know about it and tried his best to always be equal to both dongsaeng.

     "Almost done Minie, but if you want to make it any faster you can help me clean up."

     "Kid, what's all of this we'll only be gone for a week." Jimin started to pick up stuff from the floor then folded it putting it on Tae's bed.

     "I'm not bringing a lot was hard choosing what to bring."

     "Ok just move faster so you can still get a few hours of sleep before we go to the airport later."

      "Oh Fuck! I forgot..." he runs towards the door and shouted to Jimin. "I'll be back, just need to talk to someone, I promise to clean my mess up later." After that, he shuts the door running somewhere.

     Tae runs to Yoongi's room barging in without knocking, since that night on the beach their relationship has been going well. The younger found his hyung asleep curled on his bed hugging a pillow looking adorable. Tae gently sat on the bed still staring at the angelic face his hyung has, he moves his face closer to Yoongi's giving the older a peck on the cheek. Yoongi groans a little feeling the movement happening on his bed, he slowly opens one of his eyes seeing Tae smiling a few inches away from his face. 

    "Tae are you leaving already?"

    "Not yet Yoonki," Tae lay down grabbing his hyung's hand in the process to put it around him making him the little spoon as they cuddle each other. Yoongi moves closer to rest his head on the younger's neck tightening his embrace. "just want to drop by because later you might not be here when we leave, I know you're going to your studio right."

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