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      It has been two weeks since the studio incident happened, and only Tae and Yoongi knew of it. That night at the studio after Tae called Yoongi, hyungie. Yoongi pretended that he did not notice what Tae called him, and until now he is sure that it was the right thing to do. To be called Tae's hyungie is a big deal, he sure learned from his past experience that the nickname Tae uses is only for the person he loves most romantically. 

     Unfortunately, it never happened again it might have been a one-time spur-of-the-moment thing. Because of the make-out session they had. Tae got overwhelmed and just utter that term of endearment or maybe he said hyungie because what they did reminded the younger of his hyungie. For the past weeks, the elder was overthinking making scenarios after scenarios of it, if it did mean something or if it's an accident that meant nothing.

        While Tae on the other hand is a bit irresolute about it, he always thought that when the time comes he will call someone else hyungie it would be a special time or event. And not like a spur-of-the-moment thing, he thought he was lucky that Yoongi did not seem to notice him call the elder hyungie because he did not comment on it after Tae utters the word to Yoongi.

       Even if they are both in a loop these days with dance practice, recording, music video tapings, and a lot more. Their attention toward each other improved, and also Tae is always in a good mood all the members like the change. They have not kissed again but still cuddle in Yoongi's bed when the elder is not spending the night in his studio working or with Jungkook.

      " Bang PD told me to tell you that you'll have a week to rest starting tomorrow, we know your bodies are quite beaten up with all the shows, tapings, recording, dance practices, and lack of sleep for some of you. So I hope that you use those seven days to properly rest up to prepare you for more beatings because in a couple of months you will start your world tour again." Their manager briefed them on the great news.

      "Thank you, sir." the seven synchronously bowing to their manager. Before packing their wet sweaty stuff and going home.

        At the dorm, Tae quickly took a shower and pack a few clothes in his backpack, telling Namjoon and Jin where he is going. Several minutes later he is on his way to Daegu in a company-owned car driven by one of their security personnel. The company prohibited them to ride public transportation for their safety, to protect them from being followed and mobbed by the fans.

      A few hours and Tae is now resting in his room in Daegu, he had been planning to go back since the incident. He is ready to face the Kwangs' and talk to them again, he is in the process of accepting what had happened. He has gone through the process of grief from denial to depression but he ended up not passing depression and stay there for years holding on to hyungie. But now he thinks that he could go through the final stage which is acceptance, and the only way to do it is to face hyungie's parents.

     At the moment he is in the Kwang's living room drinking tea with hyungie's parents. The couple has been waiting for this time that Tae would visit them again. They miss the young man so much, they always have considered Tae as their child and never blamed him for what happened to their son.

     "We are so happy that you decided to visit us, we miss you Tae," Seokjo said 

     "I missed you both very much, I'm sorry if I only visited you now it's bec-."

     "It's ok the important thing is you are here now. So how are you doing? I hope you are not overworking yourself." Taewoo the smaller of the three said cutting into what  Tae is about to say. Taewoo already knew what Tae would say and he does not want to hear any more sad things, there should only be happy things to talk about their son has come back to them.

      "We do actually watch you on the internet and we did go to some of your concerts, also watch every time when you guest on tv shows." Seokjo excitedly said his eyes disappearing with his smile.

     "Thank you, next time I will send you tickets. It would be nice to perform for you." 

     "Really, we will surely go to your concert Tae. We are proud of you son."  Seokjo stands and sits beside Tae giving him a hug. He missed the young man and was also hurting every time he talks to Tae's father and would be told the kid is still hurting from the loss of their son.

    "S-son? you still consider me as your son. Thank you, papa, thank you, dad." Tae lost control of his emotion and started crying overwhelmed by the kindness of the couple to him. 

      "Stop crying, we should be all happy you came back to us." Taewoo comforts Tae who is now also sitting beside the boy holding the younger's hand. 

      "I'm crying because I'm extremely happy."

      "Enough of the drama, you should tell us what you have been up to? Is there someone new?" the couple looks at Tae with all attentiveness hoping to hear even a hint of good news. Tae's father has mentioned Yoongi a couple of times to them, Mr.Kim talks about Yoongi proudly the old man does like the boy.

      Tae nodded the elder men on both sides of him smiles widely seeing Tae nodding. "Oh really! we are so happy you found someone to love again. So who is the lucky guy?" they were bouncing on their seat eagerly waiting for some juicy stories from Tae.

      "It's one of my bandmates, dad, his name is Min Yoongi. He is a really good guy. He took care of me when I first came to Seoul, and he is still taking care of me."

      "Yoon-Yoongi, your father has told us about him. He is the one that took care of you while you were in the hospital a few months ago. When can we meet your boyfriend? We should have dinner with him to welcome him to our family and to get to know him also. I heard he is a great composer and songwriter."

       "He's not my boyfriend...yet," Tae looks down feeling a bit shy telling the Kwangs' about Yoongi. 

       "Why is there something wrong? Doesn't he love you back?" Seokjo asks the younger a frown visible on his forehead. The last thing they wanted is for someone to turn down Tae's love, it would be devastating to the younger they thought.

      "'s a bit my fault. I'm hesitating to tell him how I feel. But we did kiss and it felt amazing. A-and...I know that he loves me, I heard him tell our hyung about it." Tae was stammering stomach infested with butterflies flying around. Maybe because this is the first time he talked about it with other people.

        "So what's stopping you?" Both males exclaimed hands on their hips demanding answers from the younger.

        "Because I want to do things properly," Tae reaches to the two elders' hands holding each of their hands. "I want to ask for your permission and blessing first." 

        "You don't need to ask for our blessing Tae," Seokjo feeling emotional about what the younger just said.

        "But I do, I consider you both also my parents. Your permission and blessing are important to me." 

        Taewoo wipes a stray tear running down his cheek as he looks at Tae and enclosed the hand that held his. "Thank you, son. We appreciate the gesture you are doing for us.  You have our full support and blessing, we want you to love again be happy again to live a full life. That is what we want for you and I know our son wants that too."

       "Thank you, papa and dad. I promise to live my life to the fullest I owe it to hyungie. I owe him my life, and I won't let the life he saved go to waste." 

       "Enough of the drama, when can we meet your Yoongi. I heard that he looks like our Yoongi, your father told us. And he even gave him high praises so high that he said he was praying that you two would end up together, your father really wants him to be his son-in-law." Seokjo laughs loudly remembering Mr.Kim's face while he was telling them about Yoongi, Taewoo and Seokjo thought that Mr.Kim's over-enthusiasm about the boy is funny and endearing at the same time.

      Tae spends the rest of the day with the couple catching up on what the elder's missed since the day he left for Seoul and never talked to them again. He felt the acceptance he was longing for, Hyungie was right after all his parents are not mad at Tae they also only want what's best for him even if what is best for him is finding another person to love the same way he loves their son. 

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