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             "Hi hyung, are you doing what you promised me hyung?" Tae said pouting on the screen, why is he cute even on a video call? I want to just squeeze his cheeks pull him closer and give him a kiss.

            "What promise?" I played along with Kookie I knew he sent those photos to annoy them and that is the reason we are now talking to them. Minie is silent but I can see that he's also a bit displeased.

          "Ya! hyung. I told you don't spoil that kid." 

          "Have I spoiled you, Kook?" we both turn our heads to face each other our foreheads touching almost nearing an Eskimo kiss.

         "That's too close!" Minie shouted I guess he is more agitated than I thought. These kids are always jealous of each other, it's the basis why I do tend to be tsundere, for them not to be like this.

        "Why is Jiminie jealous?" Kook lowered my phone a little bit showing half our body on the screen. "My arms hurt holding the phone." He puts it down on my bedside table fixing the angle of the camera. We are now laying sideways to face the phone, Kook pushing himself up, his now resting his chin on my head, hugging me making me his little spoon I guess.

        "But, so that you both know I have not spoiled this cute Kookie behind me. Maybe I'll start tomorrow when we finish his song."I smiled and winked at the camera.

       "That's real funny hyung," Tae said I noticed him rolling his eyes with dislike, and I secretly cooed.

      "I think someone's coming home early," Jungkook said grinning from ear to ear, his plan work out well he manages to annoy his two friends.

      "Ok Kookie enough pestering your two hyungs and let's go to sleep," as much as I enjoy talking with them, sleep is more important to me, my eyelids feel so heavy. "Angel...Minie good night, you two should also go to sleep now. See you guys in a few days ok."

     "Don't forget to bring us something hyungs," Kookie said waving at the screen.

     "Ok, See you soon guys. Kookie be good ok." Tae said waving along with Jimin, I reach for the phone and end the call. 

      Jungkook wraps his arms tighter around my waist and puts his chin on my shoulder. "Good night hyung." he presses a kiss on my cheeks, we do not usually do things like this I would have complained but it feels good. It feels nice that my dongsaengs are sweet, it makes me feel loved.

      "Good night, Kook." 


            Jungkook thought about what he did on why he just out of nowhere acted and gave his Suga hyung a kiss on the cheek. Maybe because he really did appreciate his hyung for a great day today. Or because in all honesty, Suga did look like one of the youngest instead of the oldest maybe he kissed him because of his baby-like cuteness. But one thing is sure he did like what he did, for an unknown reason he also felt that what he spontaneously did is perfect for the moment. 

        Meanwhile, in a country near Korea Tae can't seem to fall asleep thinking about how fast Suga and Jungkook got closer already, he has a hard time with Jimin's possessiveness over their hyung now he is anticipating that Jungkook had somewhat had an epiphany of how great Suga as a hyung and a person is. He has an uneasy feeling that when they come home something will change. He is not a greedy guy but when it comes to his Yoonki he prefers to share his attention with fewer people the better.

      Jimin on the adjacent bed also deep in thoughts, notices his hyung to be happy and might be even happier now that his hyung and Jungkook are getting along quite well. He knows that he is possessive when it comes to his hyung but it is only because he only wants what's best for him. For years now Suga has been waiting to get Tae's attention but he always fails. He wants his hyung to be loved the way his hyung hopes to be loved, but neither Tae nor him can give it to Suga. He is still somewhat in love with Namjoon but infatuated with Suga and just recently thinks he has a crush on Hobi. He internally laughs at himself for not knowing what he really wants.

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