spending time with Kookie

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           After spending a couple of hours sitting on the same bench in the park, Tae decides to take a walk and think more. While strolling around he found a cute pastry shop right at the corner of the park, his stomach grumbles as he saw the scrumptious assortment of pastries inside it. He went inside and started scanning the shop's display case for what he wanted, he was in no rush to order the is no line and the shop has only a few customers inside most are enjoying their food at the tables outside the shop.

          "Good morning sir, what would you like to order?" a tall man who seems to be in his fifty's with fiery red hair, a colorful shirt, and a pink apron asks him. Tae looks at him amazed at how the man does not look like a typical older person does but who's he to judge, he thought as long as the elder enjoys it. 

        "Sir, I'll have a slice of your strawberry shortcake, a chocolate eclair, and,"

        "We also have pasta and burgers if you like," the elder cut Tae to hand him the menu, he scans the menu which is well made it even has a sample photo of each food. Everything on the menu looks inviting but he knows he can't eat too much their comeback is coming soon it would be an inconvenience to id he gains weight.

       "Ok, I'll also have the triple cheeseburger, fries, and coke with the cake and eclair." Tae smiled satisfied with his order, he was hungry he hasn't eaten since yesterday. He paid and sat at the far-end corner of the shop, he pulls out his phone and started to play while waiting for his food. A few minutes later the old man walks towards him smiling looking fondly at Tae.

     "Here's your order sir, Triple cheeseburger, fries, strawberry shortcake, eclair, and coke." the old man was saying the food name while putting it on Tae's table. "Enjoy kid, it's nice to see a young man like you eating so well." The younger thanked the man as the two share a smile and the elder left him to enjoy his food.

      Tae puts on his earphones removes his mask and cap but puts his hood back on, he starts to slice this burger in half because it is too big, now he's thinking how can he finish all his food, everything is in big servings he did not expect it. He was pouring his coke into a glass with ice when he notices someone standing beside him. He looks up and saw Jungkook staring at him with a questioning look, his eyes looking around for something.

      "Ko-kookie..." Tae said a bit surprised to see his dongsaeng there.

       "Hi hyung," the younger showed a little wave. " Are you alone?" still looking if someone is with his hyung.

        "Yes, why'd you ask? Would you like to sit here with me?" Tae pointed to the empty seat on the other side of the table. 

        "Ok, "Kookie gives Tae his cute bunny smile and sat on the seat in front of Tae. "I thought you were with hyungie. I heard Jin hyung and Suga hyung talking earlier, Jin hyung said you were out with hyungie and don't know when you'll be back." 

       "Oh...that..." Elder puts his head down and fiddles with his hood string conflicted if he will tell the maknae the truth or make an alibi. "I lied." 

       Kookie gasp and cover his mouth dramatically then both of them laugh. "Don't worry I won't tell Jin hyung." the younger smiled and Tae smiled back mouthing a thank you towards the younger.

        They did enjoy eating together talking about how their band is becoming more famous and known even in other countries, also how Jungkook misses Tae lately because he was always out of the house and does not stay with them after practice anymore. But the younger also explains that it was ok and he understands that his hyung needs time with hyungie to be much happier. It made Tae's heart ached when he heard his dongsaeng say stuff like that to him, of course, hyungie is important to him but his bandmates are also important to him, he considers them as his family. So today he will make time for his only dongsaeng in the group, after they finish eating Tae asks Kookie if he wanted to go to the mall with him to stroll and window shop or maybe play at the arcade. The younger jumped happily saying yes to his hyung spending time with him.

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