Smuthy 2

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     Hyungie taps his lap gesturing me to sit on them, I slowly approach positioning myself putting his thighs between my legs. Bit my lip as I feel his well-endowed member lightly brush my hole as I sit down on his lap, hyungie let out a grunt tightening his grip on my hips.

    "F-fuck baby," he pulls me into a lustful kiss, sucking and biting my bottom lip it was overwhelming. never encountered this hyungie before. "you're making it hard for me not to wreck you senseless on your first time." He started to move his kisses down to my neck to my shoulder then back to the most sensitive part of my neck leaving love bites on them. He puts his hand on the small of my back pulling me closer while his other hand played with my hardened nipple while his tongue plays with the other one, I arch my back to give him more space. I'm already losing my mind with the sensations hyungie is giving me and to think that this is just the beginning. " Can you lay down for me angel?" He guided me to lay down on the bed his hand around my waist and the other is supporting my head as he gently lay me down.

    He moves on top of me then started to kiss me again his tongue exploring my mouth, I can feel my crotch rubs against his, it feels so good can't have enough need to feel him more. Hyungie continues to trail kisses all over my body, my moans become louder from the kisses he gives me as he goes down tasting every part of my body. 

      He stops and smiles looking at me scanning my body and rubbing my hips. "Baby you are so beautiful I'm so lucky to have you." I am taken aback when he lifts my left leg, I thought that he will go in me unannounced,  but I calm down when he started to lay kisses, from my feet towards my inner thigh and rubs my stomach with his hands sometimes brushing the tip of my erect member.

      It all feels good but I want more but I'm afraid to ask what if I can't handle what I ask for, "Oh fuck, hyu-hyungie! mmmhh...w-wha..." I gasp as hyungie took me all in his mouth, this is my first getting fellatio. I think I won't last I can feel the knot on my stomach tightening. 

      "Hyu-hyungie stop...please I think." Why isn't he stopping? "Hyung...I-i-i...mmhh...S-stop... Gawd! I'm cu-cummm-ing." and with that warning, I cummed in his mouth, he was relentless it felt so good that I think I fainted for a moment my body can't comprehend the pleasure it was feeling. I only came back to my senses when I feel hyungie giving me butterfly kisses while whispering how beautiful and perfect I am rubbing my face with his thumb to help me calm down from the high I got from my orgasm.

      "Angel, breathe I'm sorry was it too much?" he brushes the hair away from my forehead and kissed me. "But we are only beginning, tell me are you ok for a moment there I lost you?" I just nodded still catching my breath from the best orgasm I have ever had, well this is my first with someone the previous is just me playing with myself imagining I'm with hyungie. " Use your words baby." 

     "Y-yes." hate stuttering but I can't help but stutter.

     "Can I continue, angel?" 

     "Yes."  I said as he leans in attacking my pleasure spot right where my neck and shoulder merge, he is reaching for something under the pillow I am lying on.

      "I'm going to start to stretch you out now, please tell me if you feel discomfort ok? I don't want to hurt you." I guess my hyungie planned this after all the thing that was under the pillow is a bottle of pink lube. "Just relax baby, the more relaxed you are the less pain you'll feel." he puts a  generous amount of lube on his fingers, I'll just need to calm myself and breathe. "I'm going to put one finger in ok baby, how are you feeling?" It was not that painful a bit of sting but I think I can handle it as he starts to move his fingers in and out of my hole it started to feel good. "I'm going to put another one in, to prepare you better ok."  I nodded again bucking my hips towards his finger but a sudden jolt of pain hit me when he added another finger.

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