it started

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        Since the kiss between Yoongi and Kookie, the kid kept on sticking to hyung almost 24/7. I don't know how he does it especially now that we have finished our hiatus and started indirectly promoting our new album. Even though they did not ask each other out it seems that they are dating already, spending time with Yoongi become difficult and it's getting on my nerves. Kookie has been sleeping in Yoongi's bedroom every day, he also sits with hyung in the car always and I mean always, even in the practice room when we are on break he rests beside hyung and the worst is Kookie even hangs out in Yoongi's studio and waits for him to go home.

      It is beginning to bother me, I'm losing hope that Yoongi will fall in love with me. The fear of Yoongi falling in love with Jungkook becomes real every second they are together. What should I do, I need help but who would I ask for help?

       At the moment we are waiting for our turn to perform our latest song, we all feel the pressure that we should do great for this comeback. We have been performing for six years and I'm proud to say we are doing good. Our albums are appreciated around the world topping and entering Billboard charts, sales of our albums have been great. We have accepted a lot of awards and recognitions here in Korea and abroad. But today all I want is just time with my Yoonki alone, yes my Yoonki I'm claiming him to be mine today. I have decided to go head to head for my hyung's attention and I plan to win. 

     After the comeback show, I put into action my plan, but of course, I have someone helping me to execute it. Actually, he was the one who planned everything to help me.

      "Minie are you sure about this, I mean will your plan work?" we are now in our dressing room rushing to change our clothes.

      "Tae, trust me this will work besides Joonie is helping us. My plan is foolproof."

      "Ok, really hope this works," I said feeling nervous but excited.

     "Ok, me and my Joonie will make sure that Kookie will ride with us in the other car so you and Yoongi hyung can be in the other car with Jin hyung and Hobi hyung. Jin hyung will make sure that you and Yoongi hyung sit beside each other in the vehicle, ok so don't worry when that happens and it will happen, it's up to you to make your move. Now we are going to eat out tonight I'm sure Kookie will try to sit beside hyung so make sure to never leave his side ok Tae bear." I just nodded in response to Jiminie's instruction making sure to remember everything and also thinking of ways to do it.

      We are leaving the building and walking to the car, Namjoon hyung started to execute the plan calling Kookie to join them in the first car. The leader was successful to lure Kookie into their car, and I did end up sitting beside Yoongi in the second car. It's now or never, I have to start making Yoongi hyung fall in love with me.

     "Hi hyung I guess I'm riding with you guys to the restaurant." I cringe mentally at the way I'm talking what the hell, I need to compose myself, or I might end up embarrassing myself in front of Yoongi. 

      "Hello Tae, so I guess the other members are in the other car." he sits beside me. I have butterflies in my stomach maybe they were woken up by the loud and fast beating of my heart. It's like a marching band is playing Dionysus in my heart.

     I hook my arms with his and rested my head on his shoulder, he smiles at me then removes my arm from him. At first, I thought he did not want to be near me that is why he removed my hand but he puts his arms around me and leans his cheeks on my head. I reciprocated by putting my hands around his waist. We stayed that way until we got to the restaurant, I should have said or even should have started a conversation but just the feeling of being back in his arms again made me happy, no words were needed at that moment.

       The plan continued in the restaurant, when we got there the other members are already seated at the table, Jiminie and Namjoon sat together with Jungkook at the far end of the table beside them and Hobi sat on the other side of the table. Then Jin hyung sat beside Hobi while me and Yoongi sat beside Jin hyung.

       "I haven't spent time with you in the past weeks, are you eating well?" Yoongi said putting grilled beef and kimchi on my rice. 

      "I do eat when I'm hungry, I guess I'm being good." but honestly this is the first meal of the day for me last time I ate is lunch yesterday. I have been skipping meals a lot since we returned from Daegu, I did not intend to not eat it just happens our schedules should be blamed for it I tend to forget to eat when we are busy. 

       "Are you sure because I know you did not eat breakfast today and at lunch, I did not see you eat with us?" hyung is looking at me his head tilted to the side, he looks so cute every time he does it which in return I hate but love. 

       "Ha-how?" is all I can mutter at what he said, I thought his not paying attention but I guess he is. "Anyway, hyung please don't tell my parents they will just worry and I don't want them to worry about it."

      "And Hobi said you have not been sleeping very well lately also," 

     "It's nothing I just forgot to refill my sleeping pills prescription but Sejin hyung did it for me earlier so I'm sure that later I will be sleeping like a baby." if only Yoongi knew that I can't sleep because I'm always thinking what he and Jungkook are doing when the youngest sleep in Yoongi's bed. 

     "You'll be sleeping with me tonight, just to make sure that you're going to sleep, ok angel." Hyung putting more beef in my bowl again, he really is on a mission to get me fed tonight and I like having his undivided attention right now.  

     "Really hyung I'll be ok later I need to take my pills and I know I'll be sleeping like a baby later. Besides Jungkook sleeps with you every night I don't want to intrude."I don't know why I suddenly started pouting but it hurts me to be reminded about them sleeping in the same bed every night.

      "As a hyung, I'm ordering you to sleep beside me tonight ok, promised appa before we left Daegu that I will take care of you and I'm going to do that."

     "Appa?" is Yoongi calling my appa,  appa? Since when did this happen they only met just once when we were in Daegu.

     "Oh right, when we were in your parent's house, your father told me to call him papa. He is a nice guy we got along very well." that explains a little, I wonder why my appa said that. The only other person outside of our family he allowed to call him appa is hyungie. 

     "Right appa is a friendly person, maybe he's fond of you that's why he allows you to call him appa."

     "I hope so because I'm very fond of their son also." wait...what did he say again? is hyung hitting on me? "All I want is for their son to be happy, healthy, and safe." but it could be just that he sees me as a younger brother like Jiminie, I can't decipher him.

     "Thank you hyung but really I'm ok, a bit stressed because of our schedule but I'm ok." he moves his pouting face closer to mine he stops a few inches away, "W-what's wrong h-hyung." I tried to move back away but hyung just follows me and moves forward.

     "Why are you avoiding me? You better stop because I won't allow it. ok angel." Oh God, Min Yoongi will be the death of me, my heart is beating fast enough that it could possibly pop out of my rib cage and run out of my body. "You understand me, starting today the only answer you will say to me is yes hyung ."

     I nodded dumbfounded at how he is dominantly sweet and caring at the same time, it's quite sexy, to be honest. "Yes, hyung."

     "Now that it's clear, finish your food baby." baby? he called me baby, I hope he will not call me baby later when we sleep in his room. I don't know what I could do if he calls me baby in bed, I  might throw myself to him, call him daddy and force him to claim every inch of me. 

thank you for the reads/view, I think there are only a few more chapters left. 

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