advice and binge eating

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        After spending a night in Daegu I traveled back to Seoul to be with my Hyungie, well Yoongi but I love calling him hyungie now that is why I will call him that. Our agency is now requiring us to avoid using public transport that is why I'm in a company car again driving home. I admit it is convenient but do miss riding on train or bus, watching strangers go by their day is a habit I got from my late hyungie.

       The trip back to Seoul seems to take longer than I expected or it is just me wanting to be beside Yoongi faster that is making the trip appear longer. All I want to do now is cuddle with him and tell him that I love him. I don't actually know if I could do it because my heart is beating at a fast pace just thinking about it. Or is it the right time, is there such a thing as the right time for someone to divulge their love for someone? I will know the answer when I get home, if I'm too scared then I will take some time to prepare myself but if I sense that I can do it then I will.

        So this is it, I'm back in our dorm actually it is more of a house now than a dorm, with us having our own separate rooms a big living room and a kitchen it is also located in a good neighborhood. All the members greeted me except for the person I am dying to see, Minie said that Yoongi spent the night in his studio as always. Now I'm debating with myself if I wait for him to come home which can take hours or days or I can go to his studio now and get it over with. But what if he's not that in love with me? After all his a tsundere what if he turns me down? What would I do then? Better ask someone for advice, need to be ready for anything before I tell Yoongi how I feel.

     "JIN HYUNG!!! JIMINIE!!!" I screamed in the middle of the living where I know they both will hear me. 

    "TAE! what the heck are you shouting for?" Jin hyung said running out of Hobi's room still dazed from sleep.

    "We-wae, what's wrong Tae? Are you hurt?" Jiminie came out of Namjoon's room missing his top. It was so funny both of them panicking, Jiminie even tripped running to where I was.

   "I need help."

   "I'll make some tea." Jin hyung said going to the kitchen, while Jiminie went to Namjoon hyung's room to retrieve his shirt, and I sat on the stool behind the counter watching Jin hyung make our tea.

    After hyung was done making tea the three of us settle in the living room to talk.

"What do you need help with?" Jin hyung started the conversation while sipping the tea he made.

    "I need help with Yoongi hyung. I'm going to tell him that I love him but I'm scared."

     "Wait you are not with hyungie anymore, since when?" Jin hyung asks me with wide eyes shocked, spitting his tea in the process.

      At first, I thought that it would be hard for me to explain everything to my hyung but it wasn't it was just like I am telling a story. My heart did ache but it is not like before, guess accepting everything made it easier. When I started telling Jin hyung I can see that his expression was of pity for me for hurting and not moving on. Then he told me he felt sorry because we have been friends for so long and he did not even notice any signs. After explaining everything Jin hyung understood and handle the new information maturely. Then we started to brainstorm on how to approach my Yoongi situation, which made both of them excited.

     After a few cups of tea, two whole pizzas, three bowls of Jjajjangmyeon, one order of sweet and sour pork, maybe a can or two of coke for me, two buckets of fried chicken, and half of the strawberry cake I brought home that my eomma bake for us. The three of us concluded that it would be better to give it some more time and who knows maybe Yoongi would even make the first move.

    "So we are done here, don't worry Tae we will help you through it. Continue on what you're doing with Yoongi hyung it will all work out well I promise you.'m going back to my Joonie."

    "Thank you Jiminie, you two are the best." I hug them before they retreated to their boyfriend's room. I decided to take a shower and wait for Yoongi in his room.

      It's already past 10 p.m. but hyungie is still not home. I guess I'm still lucky he did not lock his room so that I can stay here tonight, sleeping on his bed hugging this pillow that smells just like him.



       It was past 10 p.m. when I got out of my studio, the company driver is waiting for me to drive home. I felt bad about it, I would have stayed in my studio for the night again but Jin hyung would scold me for spending too much time working. And Tae might be home from his trip, it's the main reason why I want to go home for tonight.

       I thanked the driver for his hard work and gave him some extra money to get himself dinner or whatever he wanted. The house is quiet, I guess the members are all in their rooms sleeping or doing stuff, by stuff I mean doing each other. I want to eat but I'm more sleepy than hungry right now, it would be more logical to just go to my room take a shower and go to sleep. I will eat a big breakfast tomorrow to compensate for not eating tonight.

     As I open the door to my room, I notice that the lamp on my bedside table is lit up. Someone's inside my room,  I walk to see who it is and found my angel sleeping on my bed hugging one of my pillows. I move stealthily not to wake him up, took a shower, and wore sweat pants and a plain white T-shirt. Then I slowly sit on my bed to not cause big movements, I gently went under the blanket with Tae and wrap my arms around his waist.

       "Yoongi you're home," Tae move closer to me and buried his face in the crook of my neck.

      "Yes angel, go to sleep again will just talk tomorrow." I gave him a kiss on the forehead and smiled. "Good night, baby."

    "Good night hyungie, sweet dreams." he gave me a kiss on my jaw, but what made me shiver in delight is the pet name he called me again. This is the second time but still what if he's dreaming of hyungie that is why he called me hyungie.

     Angel, why do you do this to me, give me hope but also uncertainty. You make my heart flutter in happiness and also nervousness. How can I make sure that I'm your hyungie now? If I ask you to be mine would you say yes? And if you say yes will you be mine wholely or would I share you with him? So many questions baby, hope we can answer them all soon.

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