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               Waking up in the hospital and seeing Yoongi beside me holding my hand fast asleep, is a wake-up call for me. I now understood what hyungie is telling me, and I'm hoping that I'm not too late. I knew that I have feelings for Yoongi but now I'm sure that I love him, and I am willing to move on with my life, to open my heart to someone, to love, to be loved, and be happy with that person. I still have guilt in my heart but I'm trying to comprehend that everything that happened between hyungie and me is a series of unfortunate events that I don't have the capability to control and change. It is and will always be a part of my life but it is now in the past. Now I understand that I shouldn't live a miserable life, someone sacrificed themselves for it.  I owe him, and being miserable is not the way to pay back what he has given me. From now on I will live my life to the fullest celebrating, remembering, and honoring hyungie by living a life full of happiness and love the way hyungie and I planned.

            Just hoping that I'm not too late, I noticed since I woke up in the hospital. Jungkook has been calling Yoongi often asking when we are going back to Seoul. Yoongi has only been with me for less than two days and the maknae is already calling nonstop. It makes me jealous especially hearing Yoongi responding to him with gentleness and affection. I do know that Yoongi does treat us younger members the same way but still, it bothers me.

           We are now alone in my room, Namjoon hyung picked up Jiminie earlier and brought him back to the dorm. I think this is the perfect time to ask Yoongi some questions that are bothering me since I was in the hospital. Yoongi is fixing his luggage for our trip tomorrow back to Seoul, how can this man be so cute and sexy at the same time?

          "Hyung...why does Kookie call you a lot?" 

          "I actually don't know what got into that kid lately, even Hobi is shipping us." he giggles and shows his gummy smile, he seems happy talking about Kookie. It makes me wonder if I am too late. "Even told me to try asking Kookie out on a date."

         "What did you tell Hobi? Are you considering his advice?" I'm trying my best not to sound concerned and jealous after all Yoonki isn't mine, he can date who he chooses to date just hoping that he chooses me. 

         "To ask that kid on a date?" Yoongi stops what he's doing and looks like he started to think about what I said. "I told him that I'll think about it and make a decision when I come back tomorrow, besides still think Kookie is straight or maybe BI." He smiles again now showing his gummy smile he only smiles like that when his truly happy. I guess Jungkook did get into him maybe my Yoonki won't admit it yet but he's in love with the maknae or maybe because of courtesy for knowing that I'm having trouble with my emotions he decided not to tell me about Jungkook and his relationship to not upset me. But still, I want to know I need to ask more maybe just maybe he lowers his shield and tells me the truth.

         "How will you know...I mean what would be the basis for you to decide if you will ask Kookie out?" I feel a knot on my stomach I know it was because of nervousness, the feeling of uncertainty, and anxiety put together. 

         "I thought about it and I told myself that I need a sign." 

         Yoongi closes his luggage rolling it beside the door, he then walks towards my bed sitting down beside me. "What kind of sign hyung?" I move away and lay down on the bed, my energy is still not back from its normal self I still need to rest a bit and maybe get a cuddle from Yoonki.

       "First I need to know that he is not straight and......... yeah, that's it... just need to know that he's not straight." Hyung lays down beside me putting a pillow under his head and fixing it for him to get comfortable.

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