phase 1

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              Phase one of my plans is going smoothly even though I have been planning this since that night our international tour ended, gosh it still makes me blush thinking about that night. The best thing about phase one and phase two is I have people at my disposal. The first thing is going back to my parent's house, my plan is for my appa to distract hyungie for me to make calls and direct people on what they needed to do. My plan does have flaws that make it harder for me to do, I'm here in Daegu but the actual phase two will happen in Seoul. As soon as my appa brought hyungie out to meet our relatives to introduce him and maybe humbly brag about hyungie, which with all honesty he has been dreaming of doing ever since hyungie became my boyfriend. I started to call people well by people I mean the members and also hyungie's brother who he thought is having a vacation somewhere out of the country.

         For three hours I have been on the phone talking to everybody, sending pics and sketches of want I am visualizing what the place would look like when we come home tomorrow. The plan is, I'll ask hyungie to spend the night at his house because phase two will happen there tomorrow. To keep the place private I asked Geumjae hyung to blindfold Jin hyung and Jiminie when he brings them to the house because I'm not sure hyungie would want them to know where the house is located. The three of them will prepare that place following the instruction I provided them. I see a message from my dad after ending a call from the restaurant I ordered food from for tomorrow, the message says that they will be home in ten minutes.

      Ten minutes passes when I heard the front door open and my appa shouted informing the people in the house that they are back. I giggle for my appa is not used to doing it, he just shouted to make sure that I know they are back and stop anything that I might be doing regarding tomorrow.

        My phone suddenly vibrates I check the caller ID and read that it was Jin hyung calling me, I answer the call immediately praying that hyungie would not come to my room right away. "Hyung is there any problem, I really can't talk right now my appa and hyungie just arrive a few minutes ago. Hyungie will be coming up to my room any minute now."

       "This will not take long, I am just wondering why on earth you don't want us to know where Yoongi's house is? I'm honestly hurt Tae." I can feel the pout on Jin hyungs voice if it's that even possible. "going far to the extent of having us blindfolded while going there, I think I want to call you boyfriend and tell him everything." At this point, Jin hyung is shouting on the other end furious.

        "Hyung please don't, I promise that we will show you where it is when hyungie is ready. For now, please do it for me you can even keep those blindfold thingy for your kinky stuff." 

       "Tae you can't bribe me with blindfolds," 

      "But it's pink and made of silk, please hyung don't get mad and just do it for your Tae bear."

     "Ok fine, for my Tae bear. But remember I did not say yes just because of that pink silk blindfold but I'll just treat it as compensation for blindfolding us."

     " Thank you hyung, I love you." Thank gawd he compromised if he didn't I don't know what to do.

      And I was right as soon as I ended the call I heard my father warning me that hyungie is coming up to my room by shouting that he will just call us later when dinner is ready. I laughed at how willing and funny my appa is doing the thing I have asked of him. I lay down pretending to play with my phone looking bored for my not-so-eventful afternoon without my boyfriend.

      "Hey baby, I think I broke your appa." he lays down beside me wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me closer to his body, and giving me a peck on my neck. "I missed you, angel."

     "Missed you too, my appa has been keeping you to himself all afternoon. Did you have fun at least?" I turn around to face him he is already half-asleep. "hyungie...babe." he did not even hum to answer me, this won't do. I'll annoy him until he opens his eyes again. "hyungie," peck on the forehead. "Babe," peck on the nose, "honey," kiss his lips still to no avail. "I guess you're really tired, ok I'll leave you alone and let you sleep." I give him a last kiss on the lips before I leave him to sleep, I was about to move when I feel strong arms enveloping me tightly.

     "Babe?... Honey?" he opens his eyes and smiles at my gums showing. "Where did all that come from never heard you called me those sweet pet names before, huh angel?" He lies on his back me still in his arms now on top of him, everyone knows our size difference but when I'm in hyungie's arms I feel that I'm protected, comforted, and I forget that I'm taller than him in his arms I feel that I'm a baby being cherished, cared and loved.

    "You don't like it?" I said putting my hands on either side of his head to give me leverage to move up a bit.

    "I do love them...why, call me other names instead of hyungie?" 

    "Actually, earlier I realize that I should not use my ex-boyfriend's pet name to my boyfriend." 

     "Then what am I to you then?" that is a good question, which the answer I still can't explain because I don't know-how. 

      I just know that I love him but saying that I love him is not enough as an answer to his question. This is concerning to think that tomorrow I will do something that will change my life, but today I can't answer his simple question. I have always compared him to hyungie that he became hyungie to me, am I just using him as a filler, a proxy, a substitute because I was so lonely? And he was there to take away my loneliness and give me the love that I was hopelessly yearning for and missing from the man that I loved before. Did I just make myself believe that I love him instead of hyungie, is he just my second best?

    "Baby, is something wrong? You spaced out." he cups my face looking at me concerned. "Did I say something wrong, angel?"

     I can't believe this I spaced out with that one single question, way to be obvious Tae. "N-no there's nothing wrong." I kiss him seeing how worried he looks. "I love you."

      He giggles and kisses me again lovingly. "I love you too my angel, you are my everything without you I don't know what I will do. I love you so much, baby."  even if he's smiling at me I can see the pain and uncertainty in his eyes, I have hurt him. Why can't I just answer that question? "Can I go to sleep now?"

     "Yes, I'll be in the kitchen helping eomma cook. I'll be back to call you when dinner is ready." one more kiss and I left still confused.

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