moving forward

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      My eyes are still close but my senses are awake, I can feel the warm comfortable embrace of his arm around my waist his long slender fingers unconsciously drawing circles on the small of my back, the smell of the fruity flowery scent of his perfume, and the soft beating of his heart. I gently open my eyes just to check that I'm not dreaming and that everything I'm feeling is real. And it was all real because in front of me is the most handsome man I can ever lay my eyes on. His soft white pale skin, his long black eyelashes that forms a shadow underneath his eyes, his cute button nose he scrunches whenever he's deep into his thoughts, and those thin pink soft sweet lips that I crave so much.  

     I wonder... would I... could I... should I get a taste of his thin soft sweet lips again? The last time I did I almost lost my innocence, thinking of what happened still makes my body hot and excited. Maybe just a peck won't hurt he might not even feel it to even get woken up. 

   Thank all the God and Goddesses there are because the way we are positioned right now makes my life easier all I need to do is slowly raise my chin up and gently place a soft kiss on those sweet lips of his. Here goes nothing, I close my eyes and, hana...dul..set...I tasted his sweet lips again and he did not even flinch. I think I can do it again after all Yoongi is a deep sleeper, oh gawd, I don't want to stop his lips are addicting. It would be easier if I'm on top of him, right I'll just gently straddle on top of him, to kiss him. Why does his neck look so inviting to mark with hickies? It's so white it would be a shame not to put a few reddish marks on it. 

      "Mmmmhhh," is that a moan did my hyungie just moaned? Did he like me kissing his neck? Wait, is he awake...Hell, I guess go big or go home.



      I am woken up by something heavy on top of me, soft kisses on my neck and collarbone. I thought I might be dreaming but I know that I'm already awake, just not yet opening my eyes scared that when I do open them every sensation I'm feeling would disappear. I suddenly let out a soft moan when I felt a sucking licking sensation on my collarbone it felt so great, but then everything stops only for a few seconds then felt someone kissing me again on my lips biting sucking my lower lip. I can't take it anymore so I open my eyes, before opening them I started to reciprocate the kisses the kisser is giving me, I saw my angel eyes closed while kissing me passionately. I put my right hand on Tae's waist, my left hand going on his nape to pull him closer to deepen the kiss. 

        Tae stiffened realizing that I had woken up and is kissing him back pulling him closer to deepen the kiss, my other hand is on his waist going under his shirt and rubbing his bare skin. He suddenly pulls away from me and takes off his shirt throwing it somewhere in my room, then he puts his attention on me tugging the hem of my shirt and helping me to take it off as well. After discarding my shirt and throwing it on the floor, he goes down and started to kiss me again. His hand freely roams my body until I feel his hands rubbing the bulge in my pants, my angel is now overtaken by lust and I hope with love. I look at his eyes and he's too far deep in his mind only thinking of one thing, he started to kiss me on my jaw, down my collarbone my adam's apple to my chest going down.

   Wait...would I...should I...could I, just let myself lose control and give in to whatever this might lead to? But what if, he really does not want this to happen and he is just overtaken by his lustful needs?

    Before my angel goes lower down my body where I know it would be impossible for me to turn this back around, I flip our position. I'm now on top of Tae, and for a moment my mind told me I fucked up because seeing Tae underneath me looking so beautiful and excuse my words but fuckable as hell. This made me question my decision but I love him too much, I want to do everything properly and the right way. And taking his innocence is not the right way to go to be his boyfriend, my angel needs to be courted first he deserves the best. 

   But I'm still a man with urges and waking early in the morning with someone on top of me rubbing my man part it is reasonable to say that I could at least play a little. I'll just taste my angel a little bit, I softly attack his sweet lips again but not staying there for long, and made my way to his jawline down to his neck making sure that I won't leave marks on him, then continue down

     "Oh God, Yo-yoongi, mmmmhhh...feels so good," and he moans.

    "Baby, you like that?" I twirl my tongue again on his nipple gently nibbling on it.


      I continue kissing every part of his body enjoying every bit of him, I can see I'm almost at his V-line. This is a conundrum, should I continue on and give my baby something he never experienced before or this is where I stop for now? 


     "Mmmm...yes...hyung." I should stop kissing him on his v-line, I don't think he'll be coherent enough to talk to if I don't stop.

     "I'm going to stop now...Ok."

     "Why?" his big doe eyes suddenly wide open staring at me and looking confused.

    "Because...angel, first this is not right and second I don't think appa will approve of this."

    "But...but...ok, I guess you are right." he moves his body facing the window, I can see that he's pouting and disappointed but it should be done.

     "Baby are you mad at me?"

     "N-no," still pouting like the cute baby he is, I can't resist but smile.

     "Should I just continue on what I'm doing to get my baby smile again?"

     He looks at me again eyes sparkling with delight. "Yes please." and he giggles. 

    I let out a laugh because of his cuteness and eagerness. "Maybe next time I want to make sure that you really want this to happen and you are ready. Ok angel." I give him a kiss on his forehead and waited for him to reply.

    "Ok..." he pushes me to sit and rests my back on the headboard and he sits on my lap resting his head on my chest. "Hyung, can you make me breakfast? I'm hungry."

    "Ha ha...Breakfast it is, first you need to get off of me so I can stand up and make you breakfast angel." He nods and removes himself from me, we walk hand in hand to go to the kitchen. 

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