남자 친구 (Namja chingu)

121 12 7

         Tae woke up still wrap in Yoongi's arms, the elder is still sleeping looking heavenly with the morning sun touching his face making it glow. He smiles remembering the events that happened last night, the date, Yoongi giving him back hyungie to him, the both of them revealing their love for each other, sleeping cuddled together until morning, and the best part of it all is Yoongi being his boyfriend. This is the best one-week holiday he had since their debut, he thought. 

      Yoongi woke up a few minutes later hearing the phone ring he answers it and a very loud Jin can be heard from the other end. Yoongi kept quiet for most of the call mumbling a sorry and yes a few times before Jin ends the call.

      He turns his attention to the male beside him looking at him attentively. "Good morning angel." he smiles after giving the younger a kiss on the forehead.

      "Morning hyungie, who called you?"

       "Jin hyung, he told me that he's been texting you since last night but you haven't replied to him and this morning he's been trying to contact you but I guess your phone ran out of battery." the younger jumps out of bed to get his phone on top of the table.

     "He's right my phone is dead," Tae pouted going back to the bed putting himself in Yoongi's embrace burying his face in the elder's neck. "I'm scared to go home I know Jin hyung is mad at me, can we just stay here in your house forever?" leaving kisses on his boyfriend's neck using it as a bribe to get what he wants.

     "Oh angel, as much as I want to we need to go home before Jin hyung kills me."

      "He can't kill you if we don't go home, hyungie. It's more reason that we should stay here." 

      "We will still see him at work baby, there is no hiding from Jin hyung." Yoongi laughs at how cute Tae is convincing him not to go back home. "So...get up go take a shower while I cook us breakfast." 

      Tae follows his hyungie, he takes a shower and gets dressed to go back home, he just went and took some of Yoongi's clothes that fit him. After finishing his morning routine, he joins his boyfriend in the kitchen. 

       Tae stealthily walks behind Yoongi and surprised his boyfriend with a back hug." It smells delicious, I'm so lucky my boyfriend is a great cook." the younger leans on the elder's neck taking a sniff of his favorite scent covering it with kisses.

     "Boyfriend...never thought I would hear you call me that." He turns around to face the younger to give him a kiss. Tae gladly reciprocated the kiss making a simple peck into a heated one, Yoongi is the first to move away. "Baby, as much as I want to continue kissing you but we really need to eat breakfast and go back to the house Jin hyung is waiting for us."

     Two hours later the two are back in the shared house with the other members again, Jin, of course, is the first one to meet them at the door his face and ears are red Yoongi knew that he has to do, brace himself for what Jin will do to him.

     "Sooo...where did you two sleep?" He stares at Yoongi who is now holding Tae's hands for support and maybe as protection later, he knows Jin can't be mad at his boyfriend ever. "And please don't tell me that you went to a hotel last night and is the reason my baby Tae just got home today."

     "Oh God no hyung, w-we d-did did not go to a hotel," Tae replies to his eldest hyung, cheeks blushing.

     "Then why the hell are you blushing Kim Taehyung, did something happen last night that you remembered that caused you to blush so much?" the eldest still semi-holding down Yoongi to the wall as he continues to interrogate his eldest dongsaeng. "Yoongi spill it out, what you did to my baby Tae, you told me that you will just go on a date last night."

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