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       I woke up and Tae was gone, did not even know what time he left to think that it is still early, I would have gone back to sleep but there is just something wrong I can feel it in the pit of my stomach. I did my morning rituals and changed my clothes. I planned to go to my studio today, and finish one of the songs I wrote. 

     I was supposed to ask Tae to help me with my song today, I scheduled to make the guide and was hoping that Tae could sing for me. I would have asked Kookie or Minie like always but I wanted to spend time with my angel today. I should just look for him maybe he went back to his room to sleep again.

      I wanted to start the coffee machine first before going to Tae's room to check on him, but I found him in the living room bundled up in one of my blankets sleeping on the sofa. Why would he sleep here instead of sleeping with me in my room? I don't remember anything that I did last night to upset him. But I must admit looking at my angel sleeping is euphoria in itself, how can someone make me so happy by doing nothing at all? Tae I don't know how long  I can control myself with you.

      I should just make coffee and breakfast first before waking him up and ask him if he is up to singing the guide for my song. Wonder what would the other members like for breakfast? 


      "Hyung! you startled me." thought I was the only one awake. "Why are you up this early?"

     "Sorry to surprise you like that, it's just I should be the one to ask you that question. Why are you already awake." hyung sat on the countertop and stared at the coffee machine.

    "I was looking for Tae, he slept in my room last night but when I woke up he wasn't beside me so I decided to make coffee and look for him. I ended up finding him before I could make my coffee."

     He nods like he is thinking or analyzing the things that I said. "Did something terrible happen last night, it's not like him to leave and sleep on the sofa."

     Wow his good, I was also thinking that maybe I could tell him what happen last night he might have some insights about it that I have missed on why my angel is like this today. "Well last night he started asking about Kookie, I think he thinks that Kookie and I are dating or will start to date. Then when I told him that I only see Kookie as my little brother, he started to ask if I have someone that I have feelings for-"

      "Then what did you tell him?"

      "Well, I told him the truth."

      "Really you told him that you love him?" hyung got down from the countertop and started jumping and clapping his hand.

      "Hyung, stop you might wake Tae up. And I did not tell him that, I said that I have my eye on someone and I'm in love. Also told him that I will try to make that guy fall in love with me. After that, he just asks if we could cuddle and we both went to sleep." 

      "Why did you do that?" Jin hyung whack my head. "Pabo! he now thinks that you're in love with someone else, you broke his heart, last night idiot!"

      "B-bu-but, Oh..." Now that I think about it I really am an idiot why did I not think about that last night, stupid...stupid...stupid me. 

     "You need to fix it Yoongi, fix it right away." Jin hyung shouted hands flying vigorously waving in the air.

     "Why am I so stupid hyung?! I'll fix it right away don't want my angel to be sad again."


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