who you are to me?

342 13 6

             It was dark and the sun has already set when Yoongi arrives at his house, as soon as he was done parking his car he runs inside the house to look for Tae. He opens the door and froze at the entrance there are flowers around his house the house smells great because of it, then he notices someone moving in the kitchen lighting candles at a beautifully prepared table. Yoongi walks closer and saw that it was his boyfriend fixing the table. Tae is wearing a red silk dress shirt, with black fitted pants, the younger is very handsome to look at.

         "Hi angel, you did all of this?" 

         "Hi babe, actually I had a little help from some people." Tae smiles shyly nodding his head down.

         "Everything is beautiful, the living room smells like flowers." Yoongi walks to Tae and gives the younger a back hug. "And in here the food smells great also."

        "I prepared the food that I know you like well more bought the food but it all same, I just want to feed my boyfriend. We will start to get busy again so I decided that tonight we should eat a proper dinner because who knows when we will have the next one."

        They sit down in front of each other at the dinner table, Yoongi eyes widen when he saw the food it is basically a big sample platter of different kinds of meat, with pasta, salad, and red wine to complement all the meat on the table.

     "I hope you like what I've prepared, there should have been more lamb skewers but Kookie took some of them home." the eldest chuckled on hearing it, he knows it is somewhat also his fault that the maknae likes lamb skewers he's the one that introduced the food to the younger.

     "It's ok we have the same preference for food, so they were here earlier helping you?"

     "Yes, I hope you're not mad. I did put blindfolds on Jiminie and Jin hyung only Kookie knows where this is." 

      "It's ok they'll find out eventually where my house is." Yoongi smiled staring at his boyfriend across the table cutely chewing. "This is nice, you and me eating dinner and talking about our day. These are couple goals right now. Thank you for doing this, angel." 

       "Your welcome babe, I promise we'll have more dinner like this." Tae smiles looking across the table when he suddenly remembers the whole purpose of this dinner." After this what would you want to do, Hobi texted me before you got home saying that we don't need to go to work early tomorrow so it means we can sleep late tonight."

       "Let's just watch something and cuddle until we fall asleep if you like." Tae nodded in agreement with the elder. 

       Tae is now serving the cake he bought earlier, his hands were shaking while cutting the cake it did hit him hard that it is the time that he is going to propose to Yoongi. And the elder notices the nervousness his angel is showing right now, with the shaky hands and taking deep breaths once in a while. 

       "Baby...is there something wrong? You seem to be nervous all of a sudden." Yoongi holds Tae's hands to stop them from shaking, he stares at the younger one waiting for him to answer. Tae kneels down to make eye level with Yoongi.

       "I actually wanted to tell you something that is the reason I made all of this." Tae looks down looking at the hand that is holding his right now both resting on the elder's lap. "I actually don't know how to say it or even how to start. Remember the other day when you ask me, What you are to me?" Yoongi definitely remembered it, the way Tae ignored the question and the feeling he got of uncertainty. It is all coming back to Yoongi suddenly he does not feel good, he's scared what if this dinner is the last dinner they will ever have because Tae will break up with him? Because the younger realizes that he does not see him as someone he wants to be with.

     "Y-yes," the elder answers moving his hands away from Tae to cup his boyfriend's face in his have rubbing his soft skin and admiring every part of his handsome face. "But you don't need to answer it, baby, all that matters is that we are together and I love you."

     "But I need to answer it because it bothered me a lot and if it bothered me I know it also bothers you. I don't want to hurt you anymore that is why I need to answer your question."

      Yoongi thinks of scenarios in his mind the scariest one is what if Tae leaves him, realizing that he's not the man he wants and is not good enough for Tae. 

    "Yoongi..." Tae took a deep breath and holds Yoongi's hand, while the elder seems to sit still not looking at Tae scared of what the younger would say. "You ask me what you are to me? I would like to tell you what you are not, you are not anyone's proxy, you are not my second best, you are not a substitute, you are not someone who I use just to fill the emptiness for someone else and you are not hyungie." the last phrase caught Yoongi's attention he looks at his boyfriend who is still kneeling in front of him trying to make him look into his eyes. "You are my Yoongi, my first lead, my friend, my boyfriend, my lover, and my rock. You have always been there to support me, to care for me, and to love me and now I am promising to do that also to reciprocate every beautiful thing you do and give to me. Yoongi...honey...babe...my love will you give me the honor to call you my husband?" Tae opens a small purple velvety box showing the ring inside, Yoongi can't believe what was happening at the moment his sight blurry from the tears that are flowing out of his eyes. Tae cups Yoongi's face rubbing the tears away with his thumbs. "Babe, I need an answer." Yoongi nods cupping Tae face and leaning forward to give the younger a kiss. 

     "Yes baby, I love you," Yoongi said after composing himself.

     "Thank you and I love you too so much." Tae puts the ring on Yoongi's finger and connects their lips again for a kiss. 


Another one finished, thank you to everyone who read/viewed my story, for the votes and comments.  Until next time, hope to see you again on my next story. 

I thought of having slight smut in this chapter but decided not too

Stay safe, stay healthy and drink lots of water. 

I'll be sleeping now, Good night or Good morning 

Thank you again everyone 

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