new dorm

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            We moved to a new house a few months ago, it's bigger than the last one and the bedrooms are also bigger than the previous one. I guess we are now becoming more known or maybe the word could be famous, that the agency can afford a bigger house for us. We are also busier than before, come to think of it maybe our house seems to be bigger because most of the time someone is missing or not sleeping in. Which mostly is Suga hyung, he works a lot nowadays most of the time he only goes home to take a shower then his off again to the studio making songs for the band. And sometimes Namjoon hyung and Jhope Hyung would go with him but unlike Suga hyung they do spend time in the house with us. I only see him when we have dance practice or a few seconds when I meet him in the house rushing to leave again.

          I have noticed that it started when hyungie came back into my life, at first did not mind not being with Suga hyung a lot but now I'm starting to miss him a bit. We don't usually talk like normal people do when they are stressed or have a problem, but we have those not talking yet understanding time that I would spend with him alone cuddling or just sitting beside him, and honestly, those comforts me and make me happy. We don't have that anymore, most of the time he's with Jimin or Joon hyung and Hobi hyung. The other thing I can't understand is why he is always with Jimin, why are they always together? Fans are even having theories about them that they are dating. Jimin is a very sweet and touchy person with everybody but mostly with Suga hyung. I can't blame him because hyung is a very accepting and warm person anyone feels comfortable with him.

         I'm in the park again on the same bench I seat on every weekend when I have time off from work. For the past three weekends, the only thing hyungie and I talk about is my problem with Suga hyung and our band becoming more known in the industry. Thank God, hyungie is here to talk to me and comfort me.  

          "Hyungie, good thing I still have you to talk to. I think I'm not ready to be famous and successful I feel scared about how will it affect us when our dreams come true as a group." it was 11 pm it was late but good thing that he was available to talk to me, I would go to Suga hyung like in the past, I would just crawl to his bed and tell him what's on my mind then stay silent enjoying the comfort Suga hyung radiates to me, but he's always in the studio lately.

          "You shouldn't be afraid of your dream coming true, and what do you call me? You told me I was only a dream of yours but now, here we are" Hyungie is right again, always dreamt of him being with me. And here we are, I can now talk to him whenever I want. I owe this to Suga hyung for talking to my parents a few years ago. " What are you worried about?"

        "It's just that I miss my Suga hyung so much, he seldom stays at the house. Always at his studio making and composing songs for our band."

         "Have you talked to him about it?"

        "No, not really, in the past he is the person I go to for advice about you and just about everything. Then you and I got back to talking again Suga hyung just got distant I guess, I used to hang out with him but now I usually hang out with my other members. Jimin is usually with hyung so I don't get to talk to him always."  hyungie started laughing for I don't know what reason.

        "It's funny isn't it, now you're asking me for advice for your Suga hyung because you miss him. But you literally live in the same house, am I being replaced, Tae?" I look at his face expecting him to be angry or sad but he's not he is smiling at me.

        "Hyungie no one can replace you, I promise." I shake my head vigorously with my hands, I could never replace him.

        "Tae it's ok, don't worry. If you like Suga it's ok with me, I might soon be a part of your past but don't close your door to new possibilities for the future because of me. Besides you told me he seems to be my soulmate then he is also me, then you're just replacing me with someone like me."

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