an angel to start the day

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         At the house, two people are looking outside watching the other two members slumber underneath the starry night sky enveloped in each other's warm embrace.

       "Hyung, should I wake them up?" the smaller of the two said.

       "No, just let them be." Jin smiled still staring at the two peacefully sleeping on the beach. "I hope this is the start, Yoongi has waited for so long," Jin whispered to himself.

         "But they might get sick hyung." Jimin insisted on walking back and forth while looking out the window glancing a few times at the two people sleeping under the starry night sky. 

         "It's not that cold outside Jimin," the taller turns around and looks down at the person beside him noticing a pout on the smaller's face. "You seem to be agitated. Are you jealous?" Jin scanned the smaller's reaction.

       "N-no." shaking his head a bit vigorously showing his feelings more instead of hiding them.

       The taller laughs at the cuteness he is witnessing at the moment but stops realizing the situation at hand. "You also like Yoongi?"  he covers his mouth, "Oh dear, Minie since when?" Jin felt sorry for his best friend hoping that Jimin would come to his senses and decide who he really wants to be with.

       "Just recently...actually last night or this morning...I don't know hyung." he walks away from the window and sat on the sofa. "it's just that Suga hyung is so gentle, caring, and nice to me, he made it hard for me not to fall in love with him. I'm confused hyung, I have been in love with Joonie for so long. Yet seeing Suga hyung with Tae makes me jealous or even have this feeling of possessiveness over hyung." Jimin pulls his knees hugging them close to his chest resting his face on his knees and started to whimper.

      "But we both know who Suga likes, maybe what you are feeling is infatuation. Try to think about it, Minie. Tae, you and I have been together longer than this band, I don't want either one of my babies getting heartbroken." Jin did what the only thing he can do to console his friend, he hugs him, and until the younger relaxes in his arms. 

     "He even agreed that if Joonie and Tae both did not want us, we will just be together and help me pick up the pieces to patch my broken heart. Hyung I think I really need to get my shit together," when he heard the elder say that to him last night thinking that he was already sleeping made Jimin's heart waver. Namjoon never took care of him, like Suga does it just made things confusing for him.



   I woke up feeling something heavy on top of me, I look down, and saw the face that I would gladly wake up to for the rest of my life. He is so beautiful the way his long eyelashes almost kiss his skin, his cute mole on his nose, and his lips what can say about those lips his lips are an adjective on their own. My body is aching because of the position I slept in but I dare not to move, don't want to wake up this angel cutely sleeping peacefully on my chest, his arms still tightly wrapped around me. 

      I don't know how long I stared at him until the angel started to stir in his slumber he slowly opens his eyes and tilted his head hair pointing in every direction, his skin looks smoother, and his lips were poutier looking gorgeous this early in the morning. How can anyone wake up like this he takes my breath away, he is perfect.

    "Good morning Yoonki," he instantly blessed me with those boxy smiles of his, I thought last night was good but I think today is great. "Did you sleep well?"

     "Yes, I did angel."

     "Angel?" wait what did I accidentally just blurted out calling him an angel? Can feel my face start heating up. Embarrassed for being so careless about controlling both my thoughts and mouth. 

      "I like that name I think, more than Tae bear." He again has his boxy smile on his face, he is still on top of me staring directly into my eyes.

    "Am-am I think we should go in now, maybe eat breakfast. Would you like that?"

     "Angel..." he repeats it again while resting his hand on my chest and his chin on his hand eyes staring at me. "You did not call me angel, Yoonki." He pouts and I think I died of his cuteness.

    "Ok angel, would you like to eat breakfast?" Can't resist laughing at the fact that he would insist that I call him an angel. Thank God for my strong self-control for without it I would have been smothering my angel with kisses by now. Why can't you be mine?

       "Yoonki, palli palli." must have spaced out because Tae is now standing in front pulling me to stand up.

       The members are all still sleeping as we walk into the house, Tae still holding my hand almost dragging me to the kitchen. My angel seems to be in a good mood today, his smile never leaving his lips. While my heart seems to forget to beat at its normal rate, everything today is overwhelming from waking up with him, him liking to be called angel, and especially the skinship that we are both having right this moment.

      "What would you like to eat for breakfast?" I ask him while we were rummaging through the leftovers we have in the ref.

      "From the looks of it hyung we can make bibimbap from the leftover veggies and meat in here."

     "We should do that, make a big bowl of bibimbap for everybody." Again with the fucking awesome butterfly in the stomach-inducing smile of his, it gets me every time if my heart could melt literally mine would be now puddle.

      Before finishing the bibimbap, I ask Tae to wake up the members so we all can eat together.  Of course, the members were a bit angry for waking up early but they were all smiles and salivating when they saw the big bowl of bibimbap waiting for them on the table.

     During breakfast, Minie and Tae seem to ignore each other, which is a bit odd for me. They are best friends after all, almost tied to the hip. They do fight with each other but the good thing about them is they always resolve the problem quickly. Sometimes I even just watch them fight and then reconcile in just a matter of minutes. But today it felt different or I'm just overthinking it again. Whatever their problem maybe I know before lunchtime comes they are already in each other company laughing and playing around.

              Well, we have finished the shoot today and now are busy packing our stuff for our flight back to Korea tomorrow. The whole day is quite an event full day, and from what I have learned today there will be always a first time for everything. The kids continue to not talk and avoid each other the whole day until now, what caused the rift between the two no one knows even me. But I planned to finish whatever misunderstanding Minie and Tae have before we go back to Korea, first I need to finish packing.

                I'm thinking that I am now doubting my decision to help the kids talk to each other and reconcile whatever it is that is wrong.

                "Yoonnki, honestly Minie and I don't have a problem with each other," Tae spoke sounding fake as the three-dollar necklace I bought in the past. 

                 "Tae is right Yoonie hyung." Minie slides his hand into my arm and clings to it, resting his head on the side of my shoulder. He looks so cute pouting beside me his lips plump and red.

                 "A-ah maybe you should let go of hyung now Minie." Tae pulls Minie releasing my arms away. And now my angel is also pouting, what the hell is happening to these two?

                "Ok, if you two say so. I'll be going then need to sleep to wake up early tomorrow." I pointed at both of them. "You two should do something together, ok."

               "Ok hyung." They answered me simultaneously.

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