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       Tae started his day with a bounce on his feet since he now knows that "The Min Yoongi" has feelings for him, he suddenly has the confidence to make a move. He already had a plan in his mind on how to approach Yoongi and start his plan.

       Yoongi on the other hand is sweating bullets still thinking about how to fix the problem he made last night. The only thing he can do is, to be honest with Tae and maybe they could start building a relationship. The thing that is giving him confidence is what Tae's father told him, he has put his faith into it.

      Yoongi made the first move, the elder invited Tae to record the guide for his song. The younger is happy to oblige, he thought of the plan in his mind. Tae's plan is easy to accomplish, he would just act sweet, and if it does not work maybe even flirt with Yoongi. But still unsure about the latter.

      "Feel free to do anything, I'll just prepare my equipment." the two just arrive at the elder's studio, Yoongi immediately started preparing his equipment turning everything on and making sure everything is in perfect condition. 

     "ok hyung." the younger sits on the soft sofa located beside the door staring at his hyung preparing the equipment they will be using, adoring the elder while waiting for his chance to start his plan. 

     "I'm done, are you ready?" the elder turns around finding Tae adoringly staring at him. "Tae you ok I said we are ready." he smiled walking towards the boy.

     "I'm ready hyung, what will I do first?" Tae blinks a few times internally cursing himself for being caught staring at his hyung. 

      "Wait I forgot something, here is the copy of the song please read it and when I come back, we start recording." the elder went outside to get bottled water, he knows that Tae likes to drink a lot of water while singing.

     When Yoongi came back Tae is inside the recording booth reading the lyrics. "I'm back angel, got you some water I know you drink a lot when you are recording." Yoongi handed the younger a bottled water, Tae on the other hand looked at it as a chance to do something. As Tae gets the bottle from his hyung Tae made eye contact teasingly and intentionally brushes his hand on Yoongi's hand. He feels the elder tense up at what he did and it made him smile.

      Yoongi keeps his head down to hide the blush that is heating up his cheeks. The two started recording the guide for Yoongi's song, they finished the guide song quickly. It wasn't that hard because the recording is only for the song's guide which means it just shows how to sing it for the others to follow.

     "Hyung, what now we finished the guide earlier than expected?" they were sitting on the sofabed that Yoongi has inside his studio, it's actually quite comfortable the elder would sometimes turn it into a bed when he gets tired and feels lazy to go home.

     "I have no other plans for the whole day because I thought will take a lot of time recording but because of your unbelievable talent, we finished it in no time. Is there anything you want to do?"

     "Hyung please stand up." the younger pulls his hyung to stand up and begins to transform the sofa into a bed by pulling and extending the hidden bed inside the sofa. While the elder is confused about what the younger was doing. "I want to snuggle with you, hyung." Tae lay down and pats the empty space beside him.

     "Ok, if that's what you want." the elder shrugs his shoulder puzzled at the request of his angel. He then lays down beside the younger, Tae hurriedly took his hyung hand to stretch his arm that the younger made into a pillow then he took Yoongi's other hand and puts it on the small of his back he even moves closer to Yoongi so that the elder can completely put his arms around him. "You're acting a bit strange today angel." the elder's showing his gummy smile beckoning the younger that even though the elder said he's acting strange he knows that Yoongi did like what the younger was doing.

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