They meet again

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           The three hours and a half drive became a five-hour drive because Tae got hungry, they needed to stop and eat. But it took them thirty minutes just to find a restaurant, it did not help that they are unfamiliar with the place and did not know where to find places to eat. But luckily they found an almost empty Chinese restaurant an hour away from Seoul, Tae was overjoyed and satisfied to continue on their drive after filling himself with food. 

        After putting their stuff away they decided to call it a night and just start early. At the moment, only Tae knows why they are in Daegu. The younger has not discussed his plans with Yoongi, the reason is he is still not sure if he wants Yoongi to accompany him or do it alone. He needs to plan everything smoothly for tomorrow, he remembers that they still need to leave the next day to be able to attend their rehearsal on Monday. 

     Yoongi woke up first, he reaches for his phone that is resting at the bedside table beside him, checks the time, and found out that it was only 6 am too early to wake up his angel. Besides, he had no idea what is their itinerary for today it would not be a good idea to bother his beautiful sleeping boyfriend. Not asking is becoming a bad habit of the elder. He is clearly aware that he is spoiling the younger one, always allowing Tae to do what he wants. Like what's happening right now, he drove for five hours yesterday not knowing the purpose of them coming to Daegu. If it is about his parents Tae would have asked to stay at his parent's house but he did not, maybe the younger is planning to surprise his parents today or there is some other reason that they are back in Daegu.

     An hour later Tae wakes up his cuddle buddy missing, he sits up and scans his surroundings looking if Yoongi is still in the room. Then he smells bacon cooking and hears noises coming from the kitchen. He feels happy knowing he has the best boyfriend ever, he sits at the edge of the bed then proceeds to stretch his arms and back before wearing his slippers to go down to join Yoongi in the kitchen.

      "Oh!" Yoongi exclaimed surprised to feel the younger one giving him a back hug. "Good morning angel, you surprised me thought you were still sleeping." 

      "I miss you beside me in bed." the younger gives Yoongi a peck on his neck while peeking at what he was cooking.

      "I'm almost done want to prepare the table for us, baby?"

      "Ok." Tae gave more kisses before releasing his boyfriend from his embrace and proceeded to prepare the table.

         The breakfast was perfect it somewhat set the mood for the day, the couple is now in the car driving to Kim's house. Yoongi is silently driving while thinking of reasons why they are here today, maybe one of his parent's birthdays today or maybe it's their wedding anniversary. It also entered his mind that this might be about hyungie but he still does not the reason because he remembers that his death anniversary already passed and his birthday also.  And he also noticed that Tae seems too uneasy to talk to him earlier.

      They just pulled up to Tae's house, they immediately saw Mr. Kim opening the door and waving at them. Both of them gladly wave back while approaching the excited man at the door.

      "I missed you too so much, I would have preferred you two sleeping here but I understand you need your privacy after all your now a couple." Mr. Kim said with a glimmer in his eyes patting Yoongi on the back.

       "My baby is here!"Mrs. Kim shouted running out of the kitchen giving Tae a hug and smothering his son with kisses. Yoongi and Mr.Kim stood there watching Tae whine because of the over-affection his mother is giving him.

       "By the way, I have not thanked you for making our son happy again. I'm really happy you two end up together." Mr. Kim whispered to Yoongi.

      "I'm the one who should thank you appa for bringing such a beautiful perfect person into this world."

      "C'mon you two don't keep us waiting let's eat." Mrs. Kim shouted waving her hand towards her to invite the two to sit at the table.



    Eating brunch with my parents is always a welcoming experience, the food is always delicious and my parents are very entertaining to watch. They have accepted hyungie with open arms they even call him their son and would love to introduce him to the rest of our family and friends. My poor hyungie on the other hand is overwhelmed with the attention they were giving him,  eomma keeps on putting food on his plate while my appa keeps on telling him how proud and happy he is that he now has two sons to brag about. I know hyungie is not used to it knowing his past experience with his parents. I can only assume the things he experienced with my parents would leave happy memories or scar him for life on how cringey my parents are. It just puts a smile on me when I think about it.

     After eating brunch with my parents we set fort for the reason why we are here today, I can sense that hyungie is still confused about why we are here and I won't let him wait any longer. As I am parking the car I can see hyungie's eyes widen maybe asking himself why we are stopping at this sad place. I chose not to say anything he also kept his silence took that as a sign to just hold his hand and lead him to where I want to go.      

    "Hyung, I want you to meet the man I love Min Yoongi, and hyungie I want you to meet Kwang Yoongi one of the most important people in my life." " I smiled at my boyfriend as he politely bowed at the ashes of my late hyungie as if he was standing in the flesh. 

    "It's an honor to meet you Kwang Yoongi, thank you for saving my angel's life. I promise to protect, respect, care, love, and always pursue his happiness as long as I live." He smiles proudly looking at the framed photo of my hyungie.

    "Hyung, I promise never to forget you. You will always have a home in my heart, thank you for leading me to this precious man beside me today." I took out the rock and cellphone that I was hiding in my coat pocket," I'm putting these two things here with you not because I don't need you anymore in my life but because I accepted that I don't need to depend on them to remind me of you. I now know that you will never be forgotten you are engraved in my memories forever. I love you hyungie." I have tears as I put the rock and his cellphone beside his urn, this is the goodbye I never had when he died years ago I was in the hospital when he was buried I know it is long overdue but I'm glad that I got to do it.

    "I'm proud of you angel for doing this, for giving you both a proper farewell. I'm sure wherever he is, he is looking down at you smiling for being strong and always having him in your heart." hyungie embraces me with a warm hug, it felt nice being in his arm. For a moment I felt that they were two people hugging me, I smiled and savor the feeling for I know this is the last time I will feel it.

     "I think we can go back home now, bye hyungie remember I love you. This is not the last time I will visit you, I promise to visit you again in the future." I touch his urn for the last time smiling before we leave looking at the picture beside it which I took after I accepted his promise ring, his eyes full of joy and love. My heart still hurts but I chose to always fill my memories of our happy moments together because it should be the only way to remember him.

     "Thank you Kwang Yoongi until next time," hyungie said giving a full bow before holding my hand and leading me back to his car.

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