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      Everyone was tired it was a busy day, after coming home from dinner they all went to their rooms, showered, and got ready to sleep for the night. As always Jin stays in Hobi's room, Jimin in Namjoon's room, and Jungkook stayed in his room after Yoongi talked to him that Tae would be sleeping with him in his room. It did take a bit of explaining why Tae needed to sleep in Yoongi's room but after explaining the reason that Tae is not in good shape and needed some support and care from Yoongi the maknae gave in and agreed to sleep in his own room. 

     While Tae settled in Yoongi's room nestled in the bed under the covers waiting for the elder to come back from talking to Jungkook. He is thinking that the two may be dating because of the way Yoongi needed to talk to the maknae just for him to sleep with Yoongi for tonight, maybe Jungkook is jealous or even mad that he will be sleeping with Yoongi instead of him. The uncertainty of things made him double-think his decision, what if's are all floating in his brain. What if he had confessed to Yoongi first? What if he just gave the elder hints that he likes him? What if's and maybes that will never be answered if Yoongi and Jungkook are really dating? 

    Yoongi entered his room smiling scratching his nape and looking a bit shy, he did take too long to convince the youngest that Tae needed him more than the youngest did. They were a few pouting but Jungkook is a good dongsaeng and understood that Yoongi is in a way a support system for them all that is the reason why he has the largest bed in the house because everyone will try to sleep in his bed to look for comfort even the leader and eldest of the group did it in some point in their life. 

    Yoongi saw Tae already in his bed looking comfortable under the sheets. "Hey, baby sorry I took long to come back, I had to tuck in Kookie to sleep before I can come back here." Yoongi is sitting on the bed looking at Tae brushing his hand on the younger's hair. Tae moves closer putting his head on his hyung's thigh and wrapping his arm around the elder's legs.

   "Don't need to say sorry hyung, besides I think I'm the one imposing on you and Kookie. As I told you earlier I could sleep in my room and take some sleeping pills and it would have been fine."

    "That's nonsense, you are not imposing on anything. Kookie just likes to sleep with somebody because he likes cuddling, so I let him. I know you already know that I would help my dongsaengs in any way to make you guys feel comfortable." of course Tae knows that everyone knows that, it might look like Yoongi does not care that's just his attitude he's a tsundere, after all, underneath his hard exterior he is a soft, caring, thoughtful and very cuddly person.

   "Hyung I think Kookie, likes likes you and not just wants to have you as his cuddle buddy at night. He's not a kid anymore, hyung."

   "I know and he just recently came out of the closet, I'm just here to guide him and support him," Yoongi assuring Tae that there is nothing going on between him and the maknae, he would not want to complicate things between them if the time comes Tae would decide to love him back. A week after they kissed, he had a talk with Jungkook about how he feels about the maknae making it clear that he only sees him as a younger brother and not a potential lover. The maknae understand and only clung to his hyung for support, not every day that someone would change their preference from women to men right, he needed his hyung to comfort and guide him through his confusing time which Yoongi willingly did. A month ago the maknae also told Yoongi that he found someone, the younger asked Yoongi to keep it a secret after that Jungkook have become even closer to his hyung and would ask for help and advice on what to do because it was all new to him.

   "Ok if you say so hyung," Tae felt a bit confident now that Yoongi cleared things out about him and Jungkook. "Hyung, can I ask you something?" Tae thought that this is a good time to start his plan.

   "Sure, what do you want to ask me?" Yoongi is still brushing the younger's hair enjoying every minute he is spending with Tae.

    "Are you interested in someone right now? Do you know someone you would like to date and have a relationship with? Maybe even outside our band." Tae started running circles on Yoongi's knee with his index finger, he's embarrassed to ask his hyung but he wants to know. 

    "I do have someone...ah...yes, I have been eyeing him for years."

    "For years? Have you ever tried to tell him you like him?" Tae is somewhat disappointed about it but he understands he shouldn't be, after all, his hyung has the right to like anyone he wants.

     "He is in love with someone else." Yoongi now thought about hyungie and the pain he felt when Tae would tell him that he is going out with hyungie and how happy he is with the guy. "But now I think I would try to tell him, I'm just waiting for the right time." now that he knows everything about hyungie and how Tae feels towards him he knows that the time will come sooner rather than later.

    "I don't think that would be a good idea hyung, you might end up breaking their relationship." Tae envies the person Yoongi is in love with his hyung is willing to do everything to get the person he loves even if it meant that would break someone's relationship. It was not an honorable thing to do but still, it is romantic Tae thought. 

    "I would try but I won't force him to fall in love with me if he turns me down at least I tried, right?" the elder was looking down at Tae who now moves to lay down beside him, preparing to go to sleep.

    "I guess you're right again hyung, you really do love that person if you are willing to risk breaking someone else's heart just to be with them." the younger took a deep breath and yawned to hide a tear that fell down his cheek. "I'm kinda sleepy, hyung please cuddle me let's go to sleep." 

    " You're right I do love him." Yoongi lay down next to the younger wrapping him around his arms and resting his chin on Tae's shoulder. "Tell me if you're not comfortable, ok angel. Is this position ok with you is it too much cuddling?" the young man knew he got his work cut out for him, but as Yoongi said a while ago that he would try to make the person he loves, fall in love with him, then he will also do that he will try to make Yoongi fall in love with him

    "No, it's just right hyung. Good night hyung." 

    "Good night my angel, sleep well." Yoongi gave Tae a kiss on the shoulder, and soon enough both of them fell asleep.  Yoongi is happy to cuddle and sleep on the same bed with Tae again, the last time they were like this is back when they were in Daegu. He misses it, the way Tae fits in his arm even though the younger is bigger than him, the soft snores he hears, and just how tranquil Tae looks when he's asleep.

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