smuthy 1

274 11 1


       All I got from Tae when I got back from a video call meeting from Bang PD is a post-it on the mirror saying that he is in Jimin's room. This put a dent in my plans for tonight, I was planning to end the no-sex rule I have somewhat made for us for reasons I don't know why the fuck I thought about it in the first place. But after being teased and made fun of by RM I decided to just throw all my reservations through the window and give my angel the best night of his life. Unfortunately, he's not here yet. I should just take a bath, don't want to smell stinking for my baby.

     I got out of the shower and there is my angel on the bed resting his back on some pillows against the headboard glued on his phone looking pretty hot wearing only boxers and a white oversize shirt, I feel myself getting hard just by seeing him. He did not seem to notice me coming out of the shower only wearing a towel wrapped around my waist. I'm honest enough to admit that my body is not all muscle, perfectly sculpted like the other members, I do have insecurities. I just hope that this body is enough for my baby Tae to satisfy him and make him happy.

      "Hi baby, you're here already did Minimoni kick you out of their room." He takes his attention away from his phone to look at me, I need to correct that he stares not look. My baby's big doe eyes are staring at me with his lips agape a little with a pink tinge on his cheeks. Now as I see his reaction, with me only in a towel might be too much for him to process, cute!  "Did I startle you, angel?"

      "N-no." he stutters and shakes his head he's getting cuter by the minute. This is a good opportunity to start teasing my baby. "W-why are you-" he said clearly stuttering his words.

     I stand in front of him and guided him to look at me by pushing his chin upwards with my fingers for him to look at me. I literally lean forward so that our lips be a centimeter away. "Do you like what you see baby?" I made sure to lower my voice I knew it has a big effect on my angel because I can feel him quiver. 

     "Y-y-yes." How cuter can my baby can be can't stop stuttering, but I need to mellow down and see what he will do. I can see that he is getting aroused by the bulge in his boxers.

     "Happy that you like what you see baby," I gave him a peck on the forehead and stand up. "I need to put on my clothes it's kinda getting cold." 

     "Hyungie!" with that he pulls the towel from my body leaving me naked standing in front of him my crotch at eye level from him. "Wait...I-I...just." he stutters looking up at me trying to say a comprehensible sentence, the next thing he did caught me off guard. He puts his hand on my member while still smiling sexily keeping eye contact with me, then without a warning, he starts licking and sucking me interchangeably taking my breath away. He even has the audacity to moan sending vibrations to my whole body. I don't know how he knows to do this or where he got the courage all of a sudden but my angel knows what he's doing.  

    "T-tae B-Baby," he just smirks at me and takes my cock in his mouth, oh how I feel my member getting harder every second it spends inside his mouth, I just imagine how it would feel like to be inside him, "you are a naughty angel surprising hyungie like this." I pull back his hair to clearly see how good my baby is taking my cock in his mouth. I watch him try to get all of me inside his mouth but failed I guess I am too big, he settles putting half of it the rest he rubs with his hands, "Is my cock too big, angel?"

     "uh-huh," he stops and stands up confusing me, is he done with me? maybe he's tired already. "I want hyungie to be comfortable while I make him feel good." My naughty angel pushes me to the bed, I made myself comfortable resting my back on the headboard. Tae slowly takes off his shirt keeping eye contact with me smirking showing his gorgeous body then he took off his boxer throwing it somewhere in the room, I can see that he is also hard and leaking already. "Does hyungie like what he sees?" Damn he is so hot, he crawls on the bed positioning himself in the middle of my thighs he did not waste any time putting my member in his mouth again slowly sucking me his tongue swirling around my member while he bobs his head up and down. The sensation of his mouth on me is heavenly but the view of Tae sucking me with his back arch as his booty pointed upward made me go insane. 

      "God baby you're doing great, making hyungie feel good." he hums sending vibrations to my cock, I continue giving him compliments while I rub his shoulder down to his back, I would have wanted to bend more to reach his booty but I controlled myself my cock is deep in his throat as it is and it's only the half of it if I lean any further my baby would feel uncomfortable and I don't want that to happen I want him to enjoy every single second of it like I am. His sucking suddenly intensifies as I feel a familiar knot in my stomach, can't believe I'm cumming too fast. " mmmhh...I'm going to c-cum...Aah ah, I don't want to cum in your mouth ba-b-by I might make you feel unpleasant." I'm trying to pull him up but he takes a hold of my member sucking me like there is no tomorrow, my mind went blank for a moment the next thing I know I cummed in Tae's mouth. I shut my eyes closed embarrassed of what I have done, not wanting to see a gross-out Tae in front of me.

     "Did I do great hyungie?" 

      Open my eyes with Tae still in between my thighs seating on his knees smiling his lips all red and puffy from sucking. This beautiful man never ceases to amaze me, I tap my hands on my thighs to tell him to sit on them. I groan a little when he sat on my thigh accidentally rubbing his ass on my member I almost cummed again just feeling his naked booty rubbing on my cock. I cup his face moving mine closer to his to give him a kiss. "Yes, baby you did great." I wrap one of my hands around his waist and the other one on his neck to pull him closer to me."Now it's my turn."

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