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              "We are back!" Jimin and Tae shouted.

              "My babies! So how was your trip? Did you enjoy it?" It was Jin who went running as soon as he heard his friends slash babies at the door.

             "Hyung, where is everybody?" Tae asks, he was expecting to see Suga in the house but the only member he sees at the moment is Jin.

             "Well Hobi and Joon are asleep they just got home an hour ago pulling an all-nighter and making a new arrangement for a song. Then Yoongi and Kook went to Daegu, Yoongi said he misses Holly and Kook asks to come along."

            " they are not tired of being together 24/7." Jimin sarcastically said but looked at Tae worriedly.

              "He did not even wait for us to come home. Didn't even ask me if I wanted to come with them. Anyway, I think I'll be in my bedroom, I'm going to sleep." Tae pulls up the handle on his luggage and started to walk to his room." It has just been a tiring flight, all I want now is to sleep." Jin and Jimin just watched Tae walk farther away from them going to his room.

             "He was so excited to see Suga hyung, I guess Kook still has not left hyung side since we left." This is what Jimin was scared of, Suga spending more time with the youngest than Tae or him.

            "To be honest I like seeing Yoongi and Kookie together, they have gotten to know each other well within this week. Kook actually is gay for Yoongi." Jin laughs just realizing what he said." He acts so soft towards Yoongi. Like Suga is the best person on earth it's quite adorable."

            "I'm happy our maknae is treating Suga hyung very well, but hyung just don't talk about it with Tae. I think he likes Yoongi hyung." Jin nodded in agreement." Anyway, I need to go to Joon hyungs room and make my presence be felt."



             Today is the day, earlier after boarding the plane I decided to go confess to Namjoon. After all, like Yoonie said if Namjoon turns me down he will be there for me and if Namjoon hyung accepts me then I will have a very tall boyfriend beside me.

            We arrived at our dorm, and now I'm having mixed emotions. Jin hyung is the first member we met in the dorm. After the three of us finish talking Tae went straight to his room and I excused myself to go to Namjoon's room. 

           At the moment, I am standing in front of Namjoon's bedroom door, fighting with my inner self which is telling me that I should just go to my room. The will chicken out thought is winning but of course, after a minute or two I pushed through the nervousness and knock on his door.

          "Joon hyung it's Jimin." 

          I heard hyung walking inside the room and then the twisting of the doorknob ." Minie you're back! Come in." He pulled me inside his room and hugged me, I guess he is happy to see me. " was your trip?" Still hugging me even tighter. "Hope you and Tae had a great time." now still hugging and I think he is actually sniffing my neck I feel suddenly hot, what the hell am I just dreaming, and if so I don't want to ever wake up. "I missed you, Minie." OMG, did I hear it right Joon hyung missed me but first I need to get out of this embrace before I do something that I should not...

        "Hyung...Can't breathe." I wiggle a bit so he can maybe loosen his hug.

        "I'm sorry, did I hurt you? I really don't know my strength sometimes," Joon hyung released me from his arms and holds my hands instead as he looked directly into my eyes. While I on the other hand don't know where I can look, my eyes transfer from looking at his eyes and then to his lips back and forth. If I keep our eye contact I might kiss him but if I stare at his lips I might also kiss him, I can feel myself sweating trying to control myself. "Do you need anything Minie? Why did you come here?

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