next day

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               It was 3 am when I got back to the house, the kitchen light is still open but the whole house is silent, wondered who can be awake this early in the morning. Anyway, I can only think of three because Jimin, Hobi, and Kookie are still in the dance studio killing themselves practicing, they did not care for sleep the reason is we got a two-day rest, or should I say two of freedom from work. I pass by the bedrooms the door was open and only Namjoon and Jin are sleeping, it means Tae is the one in the kitchen right now. Why the hell would he be awake this early in the morning? Should I say hi or should I just let him be on whatever he's doing? But I'm still curious maybe I'll just silently walk towards the kitchen and peak with luck he won't even notice me.

            Without better judgment, I walk slowly stopping just before the kitchen entrance, and saw Tae sleeping his head resting on his arms face down on the table.  I got nearer and started to wake him up, gently shaking his shoulder.

            " Tae, wake up you should sleep on your bed." at first he was not budging at all, I could just leave him to sleep here but I knew his neck would hurt when he woke up. So I shake him harder, "Yah! Tae, wake up, you'll get  a stiff neck sleeping like that." He groans a bit.

             "It's too early, don't have to wake up early no practice today."

             "Hey Tae bear, I know you're still sleepy. But you need to sleep on your bed, so you don't hurt your neck baby."  Oh, gawd, that slipped out, my mouth betrayed me, it's a good thing that this baby is very sleepy. What the heck I'll just carry him to the bedroom." Aish this kid." I carry him bridal style maybe by instinct he wraps his arms around my neck while I walk towards the bedroom, good thing I'm strong because he's heavy. Then I look at his face and notice that his eyes were swollen, he's been crying but why? When we got there I lie him down slowly on my bed because my room is closer to the kitchen than his room. After lying him down, I change into more comfortable clothes and tuck myself beside Tae, and went to sleep.



        My head hurts I shouldn't have cried so much, crying always makes my head hurt similar to when I get hangovers. But I know I slept at the dining table how did I get into this room? Then I notice an arm around my waist, wait that smell I know that familiar scent. Oh my God! I slept beside Suga hyung, how did this happen? I thought he was with Jimin at the studio, how did I end up sleeping beside him?

        I need to get out of this bed before someone sees us. Jiminie might get mad at me for sleeping beside hyung, I know he's my best friend but I know how possessive he can be, especially if what Jin hyung said is true that Jimin and Suga hyung are dating he will surely get mad to see us like this. I slowly started to move, I slowly remove hyung's arm around my waist, which turned out to be the worst decision I made because he tightens his hold on my waist pulling me closer to him.  

      "It's too early, go back to sleep Tae bear." he still calls me Tae bear, why? he puts his other arm under my neck and his other hand around my waist he pulls me even closer to him as if there is a way I could be any closer to him. My face is now resting on his chest while he rubs circles on my back. "Let's go back to sleep." he tightens his hug and he kisses me on my head. I felt my face heat up my heart beats faster, what are you doing to me hyung? I stare at his handsome face, his white pale skin, cat-like eyes, those cute button nose, and his pink lips that I think would be really nice to kiss. Wait, shouldn't be thinking that way with Suga hyung his with Jimin and I have hyungie. But why is he being sweet and touchy with me? Hyung you are making it hard for me to not like you more, I should get out of this situation fast.

     "Hyung, how did I get in your bed?" 

     "I carried you here," He groans sounding a bit annoyed for keeping him awake.

     "W-why did y-you do that, I'm heavy? You should have just left me there." his eyebrows are now scrunched together, my eyes met his but I instantly avoided his eyes sinking my face into his chest to avoid looking at him.

     He hooks his fingers under my chin to raise my head to face him. "I did it because I don't want you to hurt your neck." He then scans my eyes like he is looking for something in it. "Tae, why are you crying earlier? Did hyungie and you got into a fight or something?"

     Damn, how did he know that I was crying? And besides, I can't tell him the reason why I'm crying. It would sound really stupid and selfish, " hyung I need to go, I remembered hyungie and I will be seeing each other today and I really need to pee." he looks disappointed when he let me go, maybe knowing that I was just making excuses let me leave. "I didn't cry hyung, maybe my eyes puff up because I ate ramyeon last night."

         "O-oh sorry, so hyungie will meet up with you again today? I guess things are good with the two of you always talking to each other, that is good to know." Why does he look sad and why do I feel guilty leaving him, he has Jimin I'm sure my best friend will make him happy later. " Have fun I guess, don't forget to tell Jin hyung he worries about you. Just tell him where you and hyungie will go and what time you will be home, ok Tae."

         "Ok hyung, I'll do that. Go back to sleep you need it you have been staying up late for weeks now." I got out of his bed and look back at him. "Bye hyung."

         After taking a shower and I decided to wear a hooded jacket over a white t-shirt again with ripped jeans, and comfy slippers. I also wear a face mask and a baseball cap under the hoodie because recently people in the streets have been recognizing us often, to avoid them I go out like this to avoid attention particularly when I just want to be alone like today. Before leaving I told Jin hyung that I will be with hyungie the whole day and was unsure when I will come home also told him what places we will most likely go to today, and he just said yes and told me to have a great day with my hyungie.

       Actually, I lied, I'm not going to meet hyungie today I wanted to be alone, it's funny for years now I had needed hyungie every time I feel sad or have a problem. But my problem I think would be awkward to discuss with him, it was about Suga hyung and I think that it is not a thing that I should talk about with hyungie.  He would just tell me to go to Suga hyung and forget about him but I don't want to do that and also don't want to lose Suga hyung.  Right now I'm just here in the park on the same bench that me and hyungie sat together yesterday.
         Thinking of what happened earlier with Suga hyung wondering why he would waste his time with me even carrying me to his bed to sleep beside him. Honestly, waking up beside him wasn't bad at all I even like it, and would look forward to it every day if I will be given a chance. I might be this way maybe because I miss hanging out with him, I used to be always at his side or him beside me. In the past, he would always take care of me and would not leave me until he knew that I was really ok. But ever since hyungie is back he seems to distance himself.

         Now that I think about it Jimin and Suga hyung are closer than before maybe they are really dating, is Yoonmin real? I remember fans even compiling videos of them being sweet to each other and it's not only a few videos but there are a lot of videos that show they are sweet with each other. There are videos of them during interviews, shows, and even in our concerts. The question is how will I know if Yoonmin is true, I'll just snoop around and see if they are in fact in a relationship. But for now, I'll roam around the city and go shopping, just to avoid seeing any of my band members. Being alone is such a welcoming word for me today, I want to be alone, and that is what I will do today.

And hope you are liking the start of this story, thinking my story is a bit gloomy but hopefully in the following chapters it will lighten a bit. 

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