nothing to do but wait

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          It was cute when I told Yoongi that I have been intentionally calling him hyungie for some time now, I knew that he will understand what I'm mean by it. And he did, the only thing that I did not expect is that he will walk out of his room running from me. Did I scare him? Maybe I was too fast too soon to call him hyungie, but it is intended to slowly show him that I like him.

         I have finished taking a bath and am already in my comfy clean clothes, and now the conundrum starts. Should I go back to his room and wait for him, or I would just go on with my day as if nothing happened and act normal? After all, it was almost nighttime now I don't think I will be waiting for too long. What to do... what to do? If I don't go back what will I do? The other members are busy with their own stuff, I'll just watch a movie in the living room by myself while I wait for him. Just hope he sorts everything sooner than later, if he does not look for me until the day ends I can still go to his room and ask for cuddles.

      Time is ticking and Yoongi seems to take his time slowly. I have finished making my popcorn for my solo movie night, and prepared the spot in the living room, popcorn on my right, and a huge glass of coke on the left. The popcorn will last me the rest of the movie maybe two actually kinda overdid the quantity when I was making it,  got used to making popcorn for seven people. I started the movie, and adjust the volume a little louder in the hopes that Yoongi will hear it and come to me.

        Welp...I have finished a few movies and it was already 1 a.m. and no Yoongi. In the middle of the second movie I was watching Jin hyung and Hobi joined me and when we are starting to watch the third movie Jiminie, Namjoon hyung, Kookie, and Eun Woo joined us with no Yoongi insight. I know he is in his bedroom what he is doing in there I don't know what, the only thing I'm sure of is he's not sleeping because I can hear some noise inside his room from time to time. I would have just finished the second movie and gone to his room but as the member came to watch with me, I felt that it would be rude to leave them. That is the reason I ended up still here in our living room at 1 a.m.

       After cleaning the living room and turning the lights off and checking the doors and the windows are locked. I have decided to go to Yoongi's room and sleep beside him, Jin hyung is sleeping in Hobi's room for tonight. I'm glad that Yoongi and I have the room all to ourselves, I won't have the feeling of awkwardness unlike when Jin hyung is with us in the room. I let myself in not bothering knocking because I know my hyungie is probably sleeping by now.

      The lamp is still turned on, on the side of his bed but I can see Yoongi on his bed lying down rolled like a spring roll in his blanket. His back is facing the side where I was standing, I gently lifted the blanket and slowly get in the bed covering myself with the same blanket his using. I adjusted my position placing myself a bit higher in the bed so that his head is level with my chest, then I lightly put my arm around his waist to make him my little spoon and rested my chin in the crook of his neck smelling that familiar scent only Yoongi has.

      "Tae...?" Yoongi spoke to me turning his body to face me, I thought he was a deep sleeper well I thought wrong.

     "The guys and I just finished watching movies." I move away to see my hyungie's face which is comfortably buried on my chest.

     "Oh...well good night, you better sleep it's late."

     "I will, good night hyungie." I kiss him on his temple and pull him closer hugging him a little tighter.

     "Ok, good night angel."


     The two were woken up by someone vigorously shaking the bed. Tae is the first one to open his eyes sitting up, eyes still adjusting to the brightness of the room. Then Yoongi also sat up resting his back on the bed's headboard, a frown significantly showing on his face.

      "Jiminie, what the hell!" Yoongi shouted mumbling curses while scratching his head irritated his sleep got disturbed.

     "Hyung, Jin hyung said to wake you up, so we can all eat breakfast together. He said it's been a long time since we all ate together." Jimin pulled the two out of bed, Tae still dazed and half asleep.

     "Ok," Yoongi stands up takes a towel, and got into his bathroom to do his morning routine.

        "Tae, I'll be leaving ok? I'm going to help Jin hyung prepare our brunch. Make sure Yoongi hyung does not go back to sleep again."

       "Ok Minie, I promise." Tae hasn't moved since he sat on the bed when Jimin woke them up, a still bit dazed but awake.

       "Ok, we will be waiting." Minie walked towards the door and took another glimpse of his friend before closing the door.

      Both of them finished their morning routine and went straight to the kitchen to meet with the other members. The first person they see is the maknae setting up the dining table, Tae decided to help Jungkook while Yoongi went to the kitchen to see if Jin and Jimin needed help cooking their food.

     "Good morning, you guys need help preparing the food," Yoongi said happily to the two busy cooking away.

     "You can prepare the drinks, you start the coffee and squeeze some oranges for Tae's orange juice because my baby Tae does not like the taste of coffee," Jin replied.

      "Ok I'll make them, also make extra orange juice if the other wants it to."

      The three of them work chatting, sauteeing, chopping, frying, and squeezing the juice out of oranges. While the maknaes are finishing setting the table.

      "By the way, Yoongi, are you and Tae together or dating? Or you two are still stupid not to tell each other how you feel." the eldest proclaimed not looking at Yoongi.

     "Together? maybe I don't know actually." he stops what he's doing and contemplated what he was asked. "We have not been on a date, but we did kiss a few times already."

     "YOU TWO KISSED!" Jimin shouted in surprise at the information his hyung told them. Tae did not even mention anything about a kiss.

    "Keep your voice down Minie, he might hear us talking about him," Jin whispered looking at Tae who is in the living room playing video games with Jungkook. "When did those kisses happen? Tae never mentioned anything to us yesterday when we were talking to each other."

     "The first one is at my studio when I ask him to sing the guide for the new song I wrote, and the second time is yesterday." Yoongi omitted a few things about the kiss not telling that it was not just a kiss and he almost wanna lose control. If it was only Jimin he is talking to he would tell him everything but Jin is with them he is scared of how Jin would react to it.

     "Then why are you two still not together, isn't a kiss enough to prove that you two like each other?" the eldest putting both his hands on his waist looking intimidating to the other two who are all eyes on him at the moment.

    "I honestly don't know, but now I have come to a conclusion. After this brunch I'll ask him about hyungie, the answer to the question will decide what my next move will be."

    "But Yoongi about hyungie well --," Jin started to talk hesitating on what he will say.

     "Jin hyung he knows about hyungie, we both found out when we visited Tae in Daegu," Jimin butts in the conversation, the eldest just nodded with wide eyes lips forming an o shape.

    "I just want to make sure that I am what he wants and not just some proxy for hyungie." Yoongi is staring at Tae who is still busy playing with their maknae. 

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