hyungie is back

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                 A week after the talk Suga had with Tae's parents a parcel arrives at the dorm for Tae. No one knew what was inside the box, the only thing they knew is the box came from his parents. Ever since that package arrived the kid changed, he was always happily bouncing everywhere playing with everybody joking around with Jimin and Jungkook in between practices. No one has the courage to ask him what happened to the complete turnaround of the younger's attitude and mood. He even goes out for walks often instead of just sulking around the dorm, constantly thinking about his hyungie.

          "Suga hyung, I'll be going for a walk again. I'll be back after an hour maybe." Tae said putting his shoes on.

         "Tae! can I come with you." the elder said, he wanted to know where the younger go every time he goes for a walk, it just feels that there is something odd about it.

          "ah...I-I'm sorry hyung but maybe next time, but for today I want to be alone," Tae said immediately running out the door.

          Outside Tae started walking towards the park, he first drops by a coffee shop to buy an iced americano and hot chocolate then he continues his walk to the park. He smiles and walks toward a bench under a big old tree, so far the bench is becoming his favorite spot in the park. The single bench looks secluded and out of place maybe because it is far from the usual path the people take but for Tae it looks welcoming. 

         "I stop by the coffee shop and bought us drinks, I know you only like to drink iced americano." He handed it to the person he was talking to. " I have really missed you a lot hyungie, I thought that you were mad at me for not talking to you for a long time."

        "I understand you are busy, you need to concentrate on your career, Tae."

        "Thank you for understanding hyungie, so many things I wanted to tell you. Maybe someday I can introduce you to Suga hyung he helps me when I feel sad.  I would just sometimes stay beside him not talking but he understands my silence and just stays there to support me. He reminds me of you actually."

        "That is good to know that you had gained more friends."

        "But now I won't be sad anymore because I can talk to you, my parents are ok about it they've given me permission." Tae holds his hyungie's hand glad that they are together again even if for just this moment.

         "But I can't be always here, I know you know that Tae."

        "I know, but still, I am happy that I can freely talk to you again. I love you hyungie."

       "I love you too, Tae." Tae stares at the other and smiles. "Tae, about this Suga hyung, he sounds like a nice guy."

          "He is a nice guy he even has the same name as you have he's also a Yoongi, he even slightly looks and acts like you. Sometimes I think he is your soulmate, they say soulmates are people that look like you and sometimes act like you. If he is I'm lucky I have you two in my life."

          "If he is what you tell him to be, I'm comforted to know that he will take care of you well he might even love you as I do." 

         "I doubt that I think he sees me as one of his little brothers, like Jimin and Jungkook."

          "Tae, it is getting late you should go home."

          "Ok hyungie, take care see you until we meet again."

         After saying their goodbyes Tae started to walk home with spring on his steps, he is happy to have talked to his hyungie again. Everything is all well in his life again. When he got back to the dorm the bedroom is occupied by his two hyungs Suga and Joon making songs together. They are trying to finish the lyric of the song they made.

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