hyungie intentionally

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     Yoongi got started on making breakfast he decided to cook kimchi rice with pork belly, fried a few sunnyside up eggs, and also made kimchi kongnamul gok. Tae watches his hyung cook but after a few minutes, he stood up and started to back hug the elder putting his chin on Yoongi's shoulder. The younger would sometimes smell his hyung's neck, the elder on the other hand just let Tae do want he wants to do with him. Afterall he likes the attention Tae is giving him, it makes him feel calmer and happier. And it was quite ordinary for Yoongi to be in this kind of situation not only with Tae but also with Jimin and Jungkook. 

     They have finished washing the dishes when Jin woke up and found them putting the dishes back after wiping them dry.

      "You two woke up early and made breakfast?" Jin just looked at both his dongsaengs observing how the two smiled so beautifully and the way Tae can't keep his hands off Yoongi. "Oh my God! did you two have sex?!" Jin picks up the rolling pin on the side of the counter and walks straight to Yoongi. "Min Yoooongiiiii...what did you do to my precious innocent baby? He is the only innocent baby I have left in this house!"

      "Hyung, wait." Yoongi runs and hides behind Tae. "Trust me we did not do anything."

      "Well~" Tae speaks and the other looks at him waiting on what he will say. "I did do something but Yoongi hyung stopped me. I really wanted to continue actually." Jin gasps alternately looking at the two.

      "Yooonnggiiii! if you did not do anything, what the hell is my baby talking about continuing something?" Jin is furiously eyeing Yoongi playing with the rolling pin in his hand.

      "Hyung, promise I stopped we did not go far. I promise hyung, trust me." Yoongi still hiding behind Tae, would peak behind the younger to answer Jin.

      "Kim Taehyung is that true? Yoongi did not take advantage of you?"

      "Yes hyung, well I wish he did but he didn't." Tae giggles, enjoying how his two hyungs interact.

     "Ok, Lil meow meow you're cleared for now." Jin made a gesture by pointing at Yoongi with his two fingers and pointing at his eyes, to say that his watching Yoongi.

     "Thank God."Yoongi let out a deep breath after Jin put down the rolling pin back to the counter again.

      "And Tae honey, don't tease Yoongi too much. The old guy might lose his mind, he hasn't had any sexual interaction for years coz grandpa here only knows one thing making music."

      "Hey! You're older than me." Yoongi holds on to Tae's wrist and pulls him closer to his body. "Angel let's go, I need more sleep it's too early to be awake." the younger nodded and let his hyung take him back to the room.

       The two spend half their day in Yoongi's room sleeping and cuddling with each other, more of Yoongi sleeping and Tae watching Yoongi sleep. The younger thought that he would get bored spending his day lying in bed but for some unknown reason well maybe a little bit known reason that he likes watching the handsome man beside him sleep. 

      Yoongi wakes up and the first thing he sees is his angel beside him sleeping, Tae is still holding his cellphone which is on his chest. The elder knew just by looking at the way the younger slept Yoongi felt guilty about sleeping the whole day not even thinking about what the younger would want to do. 

     "I'm sorry for sleeping all day and making you feel bored, baby," Yoongi whispers before kissing Tae on the forehead. He thought that Tae would leave him and join the other members but instead, the younger stayed with him all afternoon.

     "Hyungie..."Tae said husky voice still hoarse from just waking up. "Hi." he looks at Yoongi taking in the cuteness in front of him.

    "You really awake, or maybe I'm dreaming because did I hear it right you called me hyungie?" the elder said staring at the younger trying to search on those big brown eyes that are staring back at him. 

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