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            For the past couple of years, I have left my hometown and started training with my two friends Jimin and Jin hyung. Most of the time I was too busy perfecting my singing and dancing that at the end of the day the only thing I want to do is lie down and sleep. I miss my parents and also my hyungie a lot, I only see them when I have time to go home but as a trainee, going back home is seldom experienced. Sometimes I want to quit but it is not my attitude to quit, hyungie taught me to never quit. But recently, I feel my relationship with hyungie is falling apart. I think he's mad at me for not having enough time for him. I just wish that our band will be successful someday because I want to bring hyungie with me to one of our concerts in the future.

             At last, after giving our blood, sweat, and tears into everything we do to debut, today is the day we were waiting for our debut stage. I'm very nervous to perform on stage in front of a lot of people, I wished that I could bring hyungie to watch me on our debut performance but I can't. I hope that wherever or whatever he's doing he still has time to watch me, I know he knows what time it will be shown.

         "Tae, are you ok?" it was Jimin tapping me on my shoulder to get my attention.

          "I'm just nervous that's all, thank you for asking."

          "Are you sure that's the only reason you look so sad right now?" he sat on the empty chair beside me, Jimin is a very caring guy he always knows when I'm not ok about stuff.

          "I just miss hyungie haven't spoken to him for a long time, just wish that he will watch our performance."

         "Tae, I'm sure wherever your hyungie is or whatever he's doing he will stop and watch your performance so please don't be sad."

      "I guess he will," I smile and realized that Jimin is right I know my hyungie will never miss watching me perform. "Thank you chim, you always know what to say to me."

        " Now let's go we need to huddle up before we go on stage. The others are waiting for us, we have songs to perform tonight."


        Jimin and Jin are worried about their friend, he seems to space out more often constantly talking about his beloved hyungie. They try to cheer him up but lately it seldom works, Tae would laugh and converse with them but the twinkle in his eyes is gone. The two plan to talk to Tae's parents about it and ask them to talk to Tae and maybe give him the much-needed moral support he is looking for.

       " Hyung, I think we need to contact Tae's parents sooner than we planned." Jimin the younger of the two said to his hyung looking from his left where his best friend is sleeping on Suga's thighs. " I would also tell Suga hyung about it, for the past few years Tae seems to also gravitate to Suga hyung for emotional support."

         " I guess you're right, I'm worried about Tae also. I don't want him to go into depression again. Maybe we can call them when we go back to the dorm later after the show." The elder said while rubbing his chin still thinking of what to say to Taehyung's parents.

        "I just hope that they will allow that hyungie guy to talk or even spend time with our Tae bear, I want to see my best friend happy again." Jimin is pouting sadden by his best friend's situation. He honestly thought that Tae had adjusted to not being with his hyungie all the time, he actually thought that there is something between Suga hyung and Tae. Because he has been observing his friend, Tae would go to Suga when he's sad or stressed. Even if most of the time there is no talking involved between the two. The younger would even sleep on the same bed as Suga for him to fall asleep, Suga would just hug him and sometimes would even give the younger a peck on the forehead. The action does not bother Tae at all he even appreciates the affection Suga gives him. 

          "Actually, that's one of the things I can't understand about Tae's parents. Why are they keeping the two from each other? Hyungie seems to be a nice guy and Tae loves him with all his heart and from what Tae has told us hyungie also feels the same way."

        "I hate parents like them, maybe they are homophobic or something. But I'm a good person I'll try my best not to judge them." Jin said brows furrowed together arms crossed in his chest.

          The conversation was cut short when Hobi called them to get ready and go on stage. The band's performance was great, the people seem to like them. They are now in their dressing room changing to their normal clothes, Bang PD told them that he is going to treat the band to some grilled meat for a successful debut before they go home to their dorm. 

           In the van going to the restaurant, Jimin and Jin made sure that they will be seated beside Suga. They told Suga about their plan on talking to Tae's parents to allow the younger to talk to his hyungie, and ask the member what he thinks about the plan they have. Tae seems to sometimes depend on Suga, Jin and Jimin think it is because Suga reminds Tae of his hyungie. Suga is also quite affectionate towards Tae because he knows the young one needs someone to go talk to or just stay beside him understanding even without them talking. Suga lets Tae do that, he would just keep quiet and let the younger stay beside him or sometimes sleep beside him, he is a good hyung to all his members but he gives special attention to Tae because the younger member needed it.

       The three of them agreed to call Taehyung's parents when they arrive at the dorm and Suga will be the one to talk to them. At the restaurant, Suga notices Tae is pouting while looking at the three of them. He did what he feels he needed to do and approaches Tae.

       "Ayo V, can I seat beside you." the elder tapped the younger's shoulder motioning him to move for him to sit down beside him." Why are you pouting? you should be smiling we just debut and I know this is the start, soon everyone around the world will know Bangtan Sonyeondan. So cheer up kid." Suga messed with the younger's hair.

      "I guess you are right but I don't feel like it tonight, don't worry about me hyung this will also pass." Suga just nods but did not leave the kid alone as always he just stays beside the young one.

        At the dorm, Suga calls Tae's parents and explained the condition their son is in for the past few months that made them as a group worried, he said that they had just debuted and if Tae continues being depressed about not talking to his hyungie it will affect all of there future as a band. Tae's parents understood and promises to do something about it, and that the other members need not worry about it anymore. But also ask Suga to still look after their son and also thank Suga for also taking care of Tae.

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