데이트 2

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            The dinner is a success the food was great now they have two options both are romantic the first is they can watch a movie in the private cinema Yoongi also rented or just lay on the day bed in the middle of the rooftop talk and look at the stars in the sky. Yoongi would not know what to choose because for him the important thing is his with his angel, he will let the younger choose what they will do.

         "Sejin hyung is right the food here is delicious, did you like it also?" Yoongi said to start a conversation again.

         "Liked it a lot everything is delicious, thank you hyung. I have been planning to eat here for a long time but it was just I did not have the time or the person to go with." Tae is looking at the view of the city lights below,  and the passers-by walking to maybe go home or to meet someone they love. 

         "Really well now you have and this will not be the last I hope, so... what would you want to do next? We can watch a movie or go there and rest." the elder pointed at the bed.

         "Hmmm..." Tae is now thinking tapping his index finger on his chin, both are great choices what would be the best he keeps on looking back and forth between the mini cinema and the bed. "Let's rest, I want to look at the stars."

       "The stars it is, go get comfy I'll be back in a minute." the elder disappeared somewhere behind the cinema. While Tae did what the elder said and fix the bed to his liking. He puts the pillows on the side of the bed and leaves the two big ones for them to use, then he hops in and made himself comfortable by removing his shoes and hugging a cute heart plushie.

        Suddenly every light on the rooftop was turned off, Tae panicked and covered himself with a blanket while shouting to Yoongi. "Hyungie! where are you?" 

       "Angel," the younger felt the bed dip and his blanket lifted a little to show his face. "Hey, baby don't be scared I just closed the lights so you can see the stars much better." Yoongi makes himself comfortable by joining Tae under the blanket, the elder slides his arm under the younger neck, and he puts his free hand on top of Tae's hand that is resting on his stomach and rested his cheek on Tae's head.

      "This is nice," he tilts his head up to look at Yoongi, the elder has a beautiful smile on his lips eyes sparkling reflecting the night sky. "What are you thinking hyung?"

     "Mmmm...I'm thinking that it feels good to have you in my arms and that I want you always in them. That is if you want to be, it's up to you actually. Don't want to force you into things you don't want to do." Yoongi said without taking his eyes away at the night sky.

    " To be honest I like being in your arms, have I not sent you enough signs that I want to be with you hyungie?" 

     "I just want to make sure about it angel." Yoongi turns his gaze to the younger making eye contact. "Thank you for confirming it." He shows his gummy smile and slowly runs his free hand towards the younger's waist caressing it and drawing circles with his finger. Tae wraps his hands around the elder's neck knowing what is going to happen next, he's been wanting to kiss him since he opened the door for Yoongi earlier at the house. "Tae baby, may I ask why you started to call me hyungie?"

      Tae somehow expected Yoongi to ask him that question, he was expecting it to be later rather than sooner. Well, he guesses the kiss will wait, he needs to explain everything faster to get his kiss. But he knows it will take time to explain everything to Yoongi because he still doesn't know that Yoongi already knows about what happened to him and hyungie. Tae sits to face his hyung who is still laying down on the bed.

       "Because I like calling you hyungie, hyung." he thought that if he can explain it without complicating things Yoongi will accept his answer.

      "But why now? I know that you only use that pet name for someone special."

     "Because for me you are someone special hyung." Tae knew that Yoongi will not stop asking.

     "But is it ok to use that with two people? I mean-" 

     "Are you asking me if I'm cheating?" Tae cuts Yoongi mid-sentence, he decided that telling Yoongi everything will be much easier than beating around the bush. "I'm not with hyungie anymore, for a long time actually. You see hyungie and I got into trouble and something -"

    "I know all about what happened to hyungie Tae, appa told me." now it was Yoongi who interrupted the younger, he knows that telling the story will still be hard for Tae that is the reason he cut him off before explaining everything.

    "Thank God, appa told you." Tae smiled, it will not be easier for him to tell Yoongi. "it will be much easier to explain now. When I was in the hospital I realized that I should not be moping around and let's say that while I was unconscious I got to talk to someone and he let me understand that it's ok to love someone again. And then when I opened my eyes there you were sleeping beside me in the hospital holding my hand. I wasn't expecting you to be there but there you were sleeping beside me holding my hand waiting for me to wake up like some prince in a fairytale."

      Yoongi still staring at Tae listening to every word the younger has to say, he feels his heart beating faster with every word the younger says. He is sure that he will get the answer he wanted tonight and go home happy.

      "For some time now I have been confused about my feelings but since that day in the hospital it changed, I became confident about what I'm feeling and what I want to do with it." Tae moves closer to the elder putting his face just above Yoongi's looking directly into his eyes, hands resting on Yoongi's chest, "I finally concluded that I should not ignore the feelings that I have for you that I should not feel guilty to love someone again, and that is the reason that you are now hyungie for me." 

      Tae not wanting to talk anymore lifted himself, crawled on Yoongi's thighs, and sat on them. He started to lean closer to the elder's lips making eye contact, he is going to get what he has been wanting to do. Yoongi places his hands on both sides of the younger's thighs not breaking eye contact with him. Tae attaches his lips to Yoongi savoring the sweet taste of the elder's lips, Yoongi likes the aggressiveness and eagerness in his angel's actions it made him feel wanted and secure. 

      Then the kissing stops abruptly, Tae removes himself on top of Yoongi with panic clearly seen on his face. "Oh God, I'm so stupid hyungie. I didn't think." these are the words that came out of the younger's mouth who is now covering his face. "I'm sorry hyungie, I so wanted to kiss you that I didn't think it through. I'm sorry I just forgot that we are in public."

      "Baby it's ok, this place had been searched for cameras and nobody is around us right now everyone is downstairs. I made sure of that, I told the owner that privacy is the most important service he will give us." Yoongi caps Tae's face in his hand attaching their lips to calm his angel down but Tae moves back away looking uncomfortable. "Come here, baby." Yoongi reaches for the younger's hand pulling him and assisting Tae to sit on his lap again. " Would you like to go home? I can see that you are not comfortable being here."

       "Still don't want to go home." the elder cooed on the cuteness he is bestowed upon, Tae is pouting playing with his fingers like a child on top of him.

       "If you want we can go somewhere else, I know a place we can go to and I promise that no one will be going to be there. Not even our security personnel."

        "Yes please, can we go now?"

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