데이트 1

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          All our attention went to the front door when we heard the doorbell ring, I run to the door knowing that on the other side is my hyungie picking me up. Jin hyung and Minie followed me, I slowly open the door feeling nervous all of a sudden, and I see my hyungie holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers in his right hand and a huge white teddy bear in his left. It feels like we are actually going out on a date, he was dressed so handsomely in his white button-down shirt that exposed a bit of his pale chest, his hair is a bit messy, but it looks good on him he looks sexy actually. I panicked wanting to first put the flowers in water because I don't want them to wilt fast, but I don't want hyungie to wait. Thankfully Jin hyung got my back and volunteered to do it for me. 

         We drove for a few minutes not that far away from our house, I actually recognized the place I always wanted to go here since I have heard that the food here is good and also I heard Sejin hyung raving about it once. I got a bit confused when hyungie parked in the alley behind the restaurant, as soon as the car stops someone opens my side of the car. I recognize the guy he is one of our security team, and another one assisted hyungie. We went inside and soon were assisted to an elevator just beside the door where we just went in. No security personnel joined us in the elevator, I'm a bit confused because I know the restaurant is on the first floor of the building, why are we going up?

         "Sejin hyung helped me make the reservation for the place." I just nodded still puzzled about where we are going. While hyungie has a big excited smile plastered on his face, it makes me nervous it starting to feel like a real date. I don't know if I'm ready for this, but at the same time, I'm kinda excited if this is an actual date hyungie planned tonight. 

         I was about to ask him why are we going up the elevator door opened and  I see that we are on the rooftop. At one corner is a gazebo with white curtains tied on the four corners of the pole, fairy lights spiraling from the roof and left dangling like raindrops at the edge, in the middle is a table set up, flowers and other beautiful things around it. The location of the gazebo is good for sightseeing while we eat our dinner. Then in the middle is what looks like a bed with blankets and lots of pillows in different pastels colors. Did hyungie do all of this just for me? This is actually a real date, what did I do to deserve this? 

      "You like it?" I just look at him, smiled, and nodded. I am suddenly speechless right now having overwhelming emotions, this place is so beautiful, and thinking that hyungie planned this, makes it more special. "I'm glad you like it and also reserved their private cinema so we can watch a movie after dinner if you want ." he takes a hold of my hand and guided me to the gazebo, he even pulls the chair for me to sit on. 

      I noticed that after the waiters serve our food everyone left, and it became very intimate. My heart fluttered a little and reality slaps me right in the face, Oh my gawd! I'm on a date with The Min Yoongi. 

      "H-h-hyung..." ah, stutter why? Got to calm down, even if everything right now is overwhelming.

      "Yes, angel?" he answers me without looking at me, he is cutting his steak already he might be very hungry that's why he's preparing his food already. " Here eat this I already cut the steak for you, hope you like it." He exchanges our plate puts the cut steak in front of me and now cuts the other one for himself. Now I'm totally gushing and cooing mentally, the steak looks delicious but all I can think of is to straddle on his lap and make his lips my main course. Ok, need to be calm and concentrate on the steak, not on the scrumptious man in front of me.

         "Thank you hyungie," took a bite of the steak it tasted great Sejin hyung is right on raving about the restaurant for months now. "Hyung...is there a reason why you brought me here?" please say this is a date please hyungie.

          "Remember the song I wrote that you help me with, by singing the guide. Bang PD nim decided to include it in our next album and it will be your solo song. I want to say thank you for that, you sang the guide so well that's the reason it's going to be on our next album, and also congratulate you for the solo song."

          "Wow, that is great news hyung, congratulations also to you for making a great song. So this dinner is for celebrating the song I helped you with." and here I thought that this was actually a date. So this is to celebrate and congratulate me, well if it's like this how would an actual date with hyungie be? This is romantic enough to make a proposal to someone.

          "But the first reason we are here is I wanted to take you out on a date, with or without me getting a song on the album. This date will still happen." 

          "D-date?" my cheeks are feeling warmer by the second I'm sure I'm blushing, I look at my side to see the view to hide my smile. I'm so...so...so...happy I want to jump on him and kiss him until we both can't breathe anymore.

           "Yes Tae, this is a date. I wanted it to be a surprise, sorry if I mislead you a little bit." ok now I know I'm dying, my cheeks are heating up, my heart is beating so fast and I just want to pinch myself to see if I'm dreaming. At last, hyungie decided to move our relationship further, thank you for those makeout sessions.

         "A date is even better," I can't wait for later maybe he will ask me to be his boyfriend, but I shouldn't get over-excited hyungie is unpredictable when it comes to relationships sometimes it seems he is clueless about how it works. Almost half of the members have fallen in love with him but he does not have a clue.

        I scan the place again from the gazebo where we are right now to the food on my plate which is deliciously made, to the view down below, then the day bed in the middle of the roof with all those fluffy, warm and cute stuff in it can't wait to lay down on it later with hyungie beside me to watch the stars with him. He did a great job preparing everything, I guess Min Yoongi is a genius at everything.

       Then I look in front of me and there he is my hyungie the perfect specimen of a human being. I remember when the band is just starting people say that hyungie is not that handsome not an idol, how can anybody say that because from where I'm looking at he is just the most handsome man ever, I know have been saying that a lot but it is the truth. From his thick now black beautiful bouncy hair to those cat-like eyes, cute nose, and thin pink lips yes they are thin lips for now but I promise at the end of this date those lips will be plump from my kisses. I personally like his round cheeks that easily turn pink to red, it might be from dancing or workouts at the gym or from having a few drinks with us it's cute to look at. The best kind of blush is when I tease him the way he denies everything but his cheeks turn into a bright red.

        Hyungie I hope now that you have taken the next step by bringing me on a date, I hope that you already have an idea or know that I'm madly, deeply, whipped, head over heels in love with you.    

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