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     It was already the third day that Jimin and Tae left for their vacation, I'm with Suga hyung in his studio recording my song. It was also our third day spending the whole day with each other, the first day Suga hyung did not expect me to be shy but I did it is just my nature to be this way. Hyung tried to make a comfortable atmosphere for me on the second day and even though it's not his normal attitude to smile and talk a lot he knew that doing so will make my shyness go away. Well, he succeeded and since yesterday all the awkwardness that I felt disappeared.

         This is our third day everything is going smoothly, we were in the company car going to the studio, and I have become my cheery self again like when I'm with Jimin hyung or Tae hyung. Right now I'm overjoyed that my song is almost finished and that hyung had in my opinion wasted his time helping me with my song. Let's be honest here, Suga hyung is a vital member of the group he with Hobi hyung and Joon hyung makes the majority of the songs that we put on our album. And to spend time doing a single song that was not even probably going to make the cut to be in one of our albums I feel guilty.

        "Hyung, thank you for helping me with my song. I really appreciate it. I have wasted so much of your time these past 3 days, I'm feeling bad about it." 

        "Don't say that, the truth is when you ask me to help you with your song a felt honored that you pick me instead of Hobi or Namjoon. I know we are not close like you and Namjoon or actually compared to everyone in the group, I think it is my fault that I did not reach out to you to be a better hyung."

        "Don't say that hyung, it is partly also my fault for always thinking that you were a bit hard to communicate with..." Jungkook looks down playing with the hem of his oversize shirt. " I know you are busy, and tired you don't even get enough sleep, just don't want to be a nuisance to you." I can't control myself and started pouting, Oh my God, I just realized that it really is different when you're with Suga hyung compared to my other hyung. I'm acting childishly like Jimin and Tae do when they are with him.

        "I know I'm a bit unapproachable at times, grumpy at the most. But you will never be a nuisance to hyung ok." Suga hyung just laughs and ruffles my hair, making me giggle.

      The day passed by so fast that the two of us did not notice it was already late at night. We decided to stop recording and continue our work the following day.  We clean up the studio, turn off all the equipment, and check that everything is in place. Suga hyung is locking the door to his studio when my stomach started to make growling sounds. I'm so embarrassed it's not like I could control it, but I'm starving. 

      "I guess, my stomach is complaining from lack of food." I laugh embarrassed at the way my stomach gurgle in hunger.

      "Indeed it is, let's go. We should eat before we go home." Suga hyung pulls me by the hand. "Let's eat lamb skewers, I know the perfect place." My eyes were glued to our hands intertwined together, somehow I felt my heart beat a little faster but it made me smile happy to spend my time with my Suga hyung. He was definitely different from my other hyungs.  

       Upon reaching the restaurant the receptionist seated us at one of the private tables which turns out to be Suga hyung's regular table when he comes here to eat. The food is delicious and I'm also enjoying my time with my second eldest hyung, now everything is becoming clearer to me why Jimin and Tae would fight for Suga hyung's attention and time. I think I want hyung's undivided attention now, ever since I have always shared his attention with Tae and Jimin never alone, and now that I experienced it I want it also.

        Hyung has a great personality and he does take care of us well, and I've learned a lot from him not only about music but also about life in general, he really gives good advice. I can't stop staring at him across the table eating heartily, lips red and shiny coated with the oil from the lamb, those round white cheeks full of food with a noticeable Asian flush due to the soju we are drinking, cute button nose, and his eyes that sure is small and would turn into line when he laughs or smile those were the most adorable thing that I could look at tonight.

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