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             I woke up in the middle of the night hearing someone walking in the house, I got curious about who it was. I slowly open the door and peek to see who it is, then I saw Jiminie walking beside someone covered with a blanket. I heard Jimin say he wanted to walk along the beach then the one covered with a blanket talked immediately I recognize the voice it is Suga hyung. 

         I decided to follow them to see what they are going to do, I found them on the beach lying down on the sand the blanket that covered Suga hyung is now laid on the sand. Jimin's head is resting on Suga hyung's chest his whole body almost on top of hyung, then Suga hyung hand is rubbing circles on Jimin's back while the other hand is gently brushing through my friend's hair. Why do they look so sweet to each other? It makes my heart hurt, I should be the one beside Suga hyung, not Jimin. What are they talking about that they needed to go out there?  I move closer trying to listen to their conversation but it seems that Jimin is half asleep already but Suga hyung is still talking to him.

         "You are not hard to fall in love with I would honestly fall in love with you hyung but for now, my heart belongs to Joon hyung."I heard Jimin say half-asleep, wow is Jimin turning down Suga hyung, but if so why isn't hyung getting mad? Great now he's asleep after saying those harsh words actually it was not harsh but even so I know it hurts. I guess Jin hyung got it wrong the two are not dating, why did it feel good to know that they are not dating?

         "I guess Jiminie you are right once again, when Joon breaks your heart I promise to be there to pick up the pieces and put them back together for you." I heard hyung say to Jimin, kissing Jimin on the head. Why can't hyung be that way with me, well he used to but he stopped. So Jiminie has feelings for Joon hyung, poor Suga hyung why should he suffer like this loving someone who does not love him? 

          The next morning we were woken up by the staff for the next activity, going there I made sure that I will be always on Suga hyung's side not letting Jimin get close to him. And even while doing the filming I made sure to be with my hyung, it does not matter that we are still not into talking to each other that much. I just want to make sure Jimin would not come close to him making hyung fall for him even more. Am I really doing this for hyung or I'm doing this for me?

           At lunchtime, producer nim told us to form a group again one will choose to eat shrimp and the other will eat burgers. I would have liked to be in a group with Suga hyung but Joon hyung decided to put me in his group with Jimin. I just went along with it besides later today we will have the friendship night, gonna spend the whole night with my favorite hyung.

        "Tae can I talk to you before we go out of here and be surrounded by cameras again," Jiminie said, we are in the comfort room washing our hands' hygiene first before eating, of course. "Why are you acting strange today? Always on Suga hyung's side, for years now you have been avoiding him what change that? Now you want to be near him again." Trying to read his face if he's jealous, but wait I thought he likes Joon hyung, not Suga hyung, why would he get jealous?

        "What do you mean?"

        "You sat beside him in the van, then on the boat even when we were swimming looking at the sharks you even bump me just to be beside him." Jimin's talks get louder frustration is clear in his voice.  

        "Why does it bother you? as far as I know anyone can sit beside anyone in the group," I answered him trying not to shout back at him, a heated argument would only worsen the situation and I don't want that to happen.

       "I know's just that I want to be near him earlier... wait... I need to be with him earlier." he looks at me with sad eyes.

       "Do you like him?" I ask him, knowing the answer is no because he likes Joon hyung, right? He did tell Suga hyung last night that his heart belongs to Joon hyung.

       "To be honest Tae." oh no, don't say yes, please don't say yes. "I don't know, for years now I have been in love with Joonie but my feelings I think are changing. I don't know why Suga hyung always makes me feel better, he's the kindest, sweetest, and most caring person I know. And lately, I just want to be by his side always." 

        What the hell? he can't do this his playing with people's feelings mine included I think...wait no what am I saying I'm angry because he will break Suga hyung's heart. "Jiminie, don't be selfish you can't have both of them. Leave Suga hyung out of this just go to Joon hyung, he's the one that you're in love with after all. It's for the best I don't want you breaking Suga hyung's heart."

       "I know what you mean, but did you know that he's hurting also he likes someone but unfortunately that someone won't even spare him even a glimpse. That is why I keep him near me, I want him not to keep on hurting looking at that person." he sighs and shakes his head putting a hand on my shoulder, and looks into my eyes. "Just a word of advise, if you really want to continue being with him make sure you don't chicken out in the middle of it. I want you to be sure about what you are feeling ok, but if and when you break his heart I'll get him from you and I will never give him back." 

       "What are you talking about? I only want to protect him from you." 

       "No Tae, I'm protecting him from you." I was confused I did not even notice him leave after he said those words, why would he protect Suga hyung from me? I would never hurt him, he's my friend.


       It was late in the afternoon the members are now getting ready to go on their friendship night. Tae was a bit nervous about how his night will be with his hyung, he hopes that it would not be so awkward. Before they start the members first need to film together showing that they will be going on their separate ways for friendship night. 

      On the other hand, Suga had the night planned earlier. This is his chance to be close again to his Tae bear just the two of them like in the old days. He planned this night to be all about Tae, he wants the younger ones to enjoy his company in that way just maybe they can rekindle their friendship.

       The members started going on their own agendas for the night, Suga started by talking to Tae. "I will give you my time today, we will do what you want to do," Suga said to the younger.

       "R-really?" for a moment Tae's cheeks were splashed with pink,  it's nothing new for the film crew seeing the two usually getting flustered with each other. Because they have seldom interacted together for the past few years that the two would be shy with each other again.

     "Yes, so let's get started." 

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