day after

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               The next morning Yoongi wakes up with a big smile plastered on his face immediately remembering the events that happened the night before. He looks at the person sleeping snuggling on his chest, cheeks squished softly snoring, arms draped on his torso. He would have preferred to stay cuddled all day but they need to catch a plane back to Korea in a few hours. He had no choice but to wake up his boyfriend and start to prepare to go.

          "Baby, you need to wake up." the elder kisses his boyfriend lovingly on the lips while rubbing his arm to shake Tae gently. " we have to prepare to go to the airport, baby."

          "Don't want to, hyungie," Tae replied his voice coarse from the screaming he did last night. 

         "But we might be late, I'll let you eat strawberry cake and coke for breakfast if you wake up right now." 

          "I'm up!" Yoongi laughs when Tae bounces up and sat on the bed eyes still closed resting his back on the headboard. "Ouch!" Tae scrunched his face pouting he did not expect to feel this way after how good he felt last night.

          "I'll help you take a shower if you want to. You're still sore from last night." Yoongi stands up got painkillers in his medicine kit and got a water bottle in their mini-fridge. "Drink this first these are painkillers, you need to drink it or you'll feel sore all day." The elder knew that Tae would be hurting later when the younger started to move and walk, and he does not want Tae to feel pain or discomfort.  The younger obediently took the medicine and drink it not even saying anything.

        "Ouch!" Tae tried to stand up but his knees gave in and he felt a jolting pain in his buttocks area. "Hyungie, I can't walk it still hurts." he sat on the edge of the bed making grabby hands to his boyfriend.

        "Cute!" their height and size difference is noticeable in which the elder is smaller than his boyfriend but Yoongi still can carry Tae like the younger is just made of feather. The younger one puts his legs around Yoongi and his arms around his neck while resting his chin on the elder's shoulder sulking. "I'm sorry, I just lost control, feeling myself in you made me feel so good baby, I lost control. I promise to be more gentle next time." 

       After they finished preparing themselves and giving the staff their luggage the couple decided to eat breakfast at the hotel's coffee shop on the rooftop. The warm bath and painkillers help Tae to lessen the pain, but he still walks funny sometimes. The other members noticed it when they all watched the couple get their food from the buffet table.

      As soon as they approach the table they noticed the giggles and teasing looks from their friends. The first one to talk is Jimin, "so Tae from the way you walk I'm guessing our advice worked last night." the five males laugh as they saw Tae blush at what Jimin said.

   "Yah! don't tease my angel." Yoongi said pulling the chair beside him for Tae to sit on as he sits on the chair beside it. "and Jiminie thank you, whatever your advice is it worked perfectly." He winks at Jimin and smiles with satisfaction.

    "Waiiiit..."Jungkook suddenly speaks followed by a long pause and a blank emotion on his face, he caught everyone's attention.

   "What?" the eldest at the table asks.

   "Tae's a bottom," Jungkook answered looking quite confused about the information that is processing in his brain. Everyone just laughs with on how confused their maknae is. And with that their conversation started going on until they finished their breakfast and went back to their hotel rooms to get ready to leave

         The group is back in their country again, it has been a couple of months since finishing their tour. They returned to their routine and schedule again, rehearsing, composing, writing songs, and of course, going live to be with their Armys.  And Tae just finished talking to armys updating them on what the band is up to after the tour, he would read the comments the fans say and he would sometimes smile when he reads some asking if Taegi is real. The fans have noticed that something is different in how the couple interacts, especially when some fans uploaded videos of them during their recent tour. Some commented that Yoongi treats Tae differently now compared to the other members, they said that Yoongi is soft for Tae. Tae likes watching fans' reaction videos where they would show Yoongi and Tae being extra sweet to each other, he was even surprised in some of the videos because he did not know that he did become more touchy and clingy to his hyungie during the tour compared from the previous ones. 

        "Hi angel, saw you go live. Armys really did miss you a lot." Yoongi stands behind Tae putting his hand on the backrest of the younger's office chair. Before leaning to give his angel a gentle kiss on top of his head. 

       "A lot asked if Taegi is real, I wonder what would happen if I say yes." Tae turns his chair around in Yoongi's direction with an evil smile. "But I won't because Yoonmin stans might get mad at me." he giggles thinking how his best friend and boyfriend seem to have more videos of them together than they have. He would get jealous sometimes thinking how they fought for the cute dumpling Yoongi in the past. But of course, he knows that Jiminie is head over heels in love with his Joonie hyung and everything will be alright again.

    "Yeah, they might get mad at me. If they only knew what Joon and Jiminie do all day long when we're on break." the couple burst into laughter remembering how they caught the leader and the mochi a few times doing the nasty in the studio, at the house, and also one time in rehearsal. Those two can't keep their hands away from each other.

    "By the way, starting tomorrow we have nothing to do for two days I was wondering if you can accompany me to Daegu?" 

      "Of course, I can, we can even use my car if you want." Yoongi nods encouraging his boyfriend to agree. 

      "That would be great, we can minimize being seen and we can even go around Daegu without being spotted every time we go out." 

      "Actually if you're up to it we can leave tonight. We can stay at my brother's house, he told me he's on vacation and will be back at the end of the month. So we have the house all for ourselves." Yoongi shows his gummy smile as he winks at Tae. 

      "That is a great idea hyungie, let me just pack some clothes and stuff then we can go."

      They both packed for the two-day stay in Daegu, Yoongi is excited about having his angel all by himself and also seeing Tae's appa. Yoongi enjoys talking to the old man, Mr. Kim is not that uptight compared to his appa who is somewhat a bit strict and conservative. But with Mr.Kim, seems like he's talking to a friend but older and wiser. Before leaving they inform Namjoon and also Tae told Jin about it also, and they went on their way to Daegu they went.

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