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              The weather today is very nice, it's not too hot but it is also not too cold. Me and my hyungie call this kind of weather, park weather because it is the perfect time to go to the park. Either to walk around or just seat on one of the benches watching people pass by and waiting for the sun to go down and the moon to take its place. My hyungie really likes going to the park but he does not like moving around that much, you see he hates the feeling of sweat it makes him feel sticky and irritated that is why we just usually lie down on the grass and watch the clouds form shapes and at night just connects the stars to make our own constellations.

          Well as I said today is a good day to go to the park, that's why hyungie and me are walking to our favorite park among all the parks in the city, it is a bit far but it's worth it. First, because it is found almost outside of the city a few people go there, second the park offers the best of both worlds because it is located beside the beach so we get a beach and a park in one location, and the last one is we have a favorite spot on the park that is hidden to other people. We found it when we are still in grade school and it had been our secret place ever since, I go there sometimes alone when I'm sad or when hyungie and I fight. And it is also the place where we settle our differences. 

          "Hyung we're here isn't it nice the sun is setting? We got here just in time to see the sunset together."

           "Tae aren't you tired of looking at the sunset? We have seen it lots of times"

           "Never going to get tired of looking at the sunset especially when I'm with you hyung."

          "But when it sets we should go home it's not a good idea to stay here at night."

          "Ok hyungie, can we go to our favorite ice cream shop? I really want to eat ice cream today, I don't know why but I feel sad today."

          Hyungie accompanied me to our favorite ice cream shop, he actually does not have a choice he can't leave me. I bought my ice cream and we sat at one of the tables in the shop. We usually don't stay but I was tired of walking that we decided to rest for a while. Noticed people looking at us again weirdly, most of the time I hate the attention it bothers me but sometimes I just ignore the people looking at us. 

            Maybe hyungie noticed I'm a bit uncomfortable in the ice cream shop, he asked me if I wanted to leave and eat my ice cream while we walk. I said yes aware of all the stares and glances we are receiving from other people in the shop, we started to walk to my house. Hyungie always walks me home he told me that he just always wants to make sure that I got home safe. Tonight is no different, sometimes I feel guilty always letting him walk me home even though we both know that I can take care of myself, but don't get me wrong I like it a lot. It gives me more time to talk and be with him.

            "Aish, you know hyungie I hate seeing my front door."


            "Because it means that it's time for us to say goodbye again. I hate it, all I want is to be with you always."

            "Tae I would love that too, but" 

        "But here we are again, in this situation I miss our sleepovers and us spending time freely not waiting for my parents to go on business trips to spend quality time together. I miss everything with you hyung."

         "Tae, maybe you should find more friends, so you won't be sad when I'm not around." I know deep inside that hyungie is right, I need to find new friends. But it also made me sad that he would bring up the idea of me having other friends, he might leave me if I find new people to be with and I don't want that to happen.

         "I guess you're right but I just don't think I need more friends, people can be judgemental hyung they would just hurt me in the end unlike you, I know you will never hurt me. And you might leave me when I find some new friends."

        "Tae, I will always be with you. I hope I will always be here." He pointed to my heart, "And also here but not too much because you need to study." pointing at my temple and smiled. "And you know that you will always also be in my heart and my mind, and never forget the I love you so much, Tae. "

        "I love you too hyung, please be safe going home and I'll miss you. Until we see each other again, hyungie." 

          As I enter my empty house it got me thinking would it be weird that I wish that days like this won't end, is it possible just to stay on a specific day with that specific person? Would it be overwhelming? That you will end up bored and overwhelmed because the day wouldn't end. I guess if that happens people would get very tired of not getting any rest, but for hyungie and me, I bet it would not be a problem because my hyungie likes to nap and loves to sleep.

       When I got to my bedroom, I can still feel sand between my toes, don't want it to get onto my bed. So I took a shower and am now on my bed still wide awake, thinking of my hyungie. My parents don't know that I still talk to Yoongi hyung, they forbid me to talk to him. They saw us in the park near my house, my father just got really mad and told me to stop doing everything with Yoongi hyung. Ever since we could only see each other when my parents are away on business trips. As time goes by it gets harder and harder to spend time with my hyungie, it's not all my parent's fault anyway. Now I have a few friends who do take some of my time now, unlike in the past when it was only me and hyungie. My new friends are ok I guess but none of them can replace my Yoongi hyung, Jimin might be the second-best in being my best friend. Then there is Jin hyung who takes care of me and Jimin like we are his children. I don't know maybe I will gain more friends as time goes by like my parents always tell me to find new friends. And now Hyungie is also asking me to find more friends, it will be hard to get more friends because honestly the two friends I have now are more than enough for me they are also fun to be with, a little bit rowdy at times which I'm trying to getting used to but still it annoys me sometimes I favor the way me and hyungie spend time together calm and silent but even though Jimin and Jin hyung annoy me they do love and care for me. I guess only time will tell if I would gain more friends or not.

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