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            I got surprised and a bit guilty when Suga hyung told me that he will give his time to me today to do the things I want to do. He even mentioned we could eat at Burger King. But for him, I chose to eat at a Korean restaurant, I also missed Korean food we have been out of the country for months now we usually eat what is always available hotels don't usually have Korean dishes on their menu. We started to walk looking at the map the crew gave us. At the moment I feel happy, nervous, and excited all at the same time.

          We walked toward the beach where other people are trying to watch the sunset, Suga hyung took photos of me. He looks funny looking like my personal photographer looking for the right angle to make my pictures turn out perfect. After we took photos of each other, we watched the sky turns into different colors as the sun started to set. I would have loved to hold his hand but we are on cam, wait what am I thinking why would I like to hold his hand? I have hyungie for that.  After watching the sunset we continue following the map. At an alley, hyung found this small stall selling beaded bracelets and necklaces it was cheap and is just right with the budget we have. We chose each other's bracelet colors and hyung also chose matching necklaces for the two of us.

        "We should wear this until we get back to Korea, promise that we will not take it off until we land in Korea, ok Taehyungah." Suga hyung told me, my heart flutters I know this is just for the mission we are doing but having something that only the two of us have makes me happy.

      "You promise hyung..."

      "If we take it off it means our friendship is broken." hyung said smiling, I don't know if he's joking or he's being serious about it but to be safe I'm not going to take it off.

       "Let's go eat, Taehyungah." he intertwined our hands and he leads the way, his actions made me smile my heart filling up with joy. But how will our army think of it, will it be included in the show?

      Luckily the restaurant we chose is not packed with people, the production crew made us seat at the far-end corner of the restaurant. It is a good place to film our scene no one will pass by this part of the restaurant and the crew could just seat at the table beside us. We ordered noodles and stew tofu, we both have cravings for it. Suga hyung even jokes that he shed tears when he tasted the soup's broth because it tasted like home, I just laugh and try my best not to just stare at him all night long. If we are not being filmed right now I would have just sat across him and stared while he eats. He looks cute, smiling nonstop enjoying the food, those rosy cheeks, pink lips that adorable gummy smile who could resist not admiring everything about this hyung of mine? I specifically am enchanted with the way his lips move when he's eating, I can't explain why but it is mesmerizing to watch him eat his lips getting redder every time he takes another bite of the spicy stew. Hyung is totally kissable, I wonder if Jiminie already kissed those lips.

      "Hyung..." I whispered not wanting the crew to hear me, they are presently eating at the table beside us. "Can I call you Yoonki,"


      "Suga hyung is too long to pronounce if I can't call you hyung because almost all the members are my hyungs, so can I call you Yoonki instead and the nickname is cute like you hyung"

     "Ok, if that makes you happy," he just answered and shrug his shoulder. 

      "Thank you, Yoonki." felt ecstatic ."You can call me Tae bear anytime you want also," 

     "As you wish Tae bear." he gave me a gummy smile that just knocks my heart down, can't describe what I'm feeling but I know I also felt this long ago with my hyungie.

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