24| First----War----Night

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F I R S T-----W A R-----N I G H T

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F I R S T-----W A R-----N I G H T

They gazed into each other in fear, passion, nervousness, lust and...........love.

Nandini's P. O. V

Manik was just an inch apart from me. My heart was literally blasting in ny chest, I wonder if he can hear my racing hearbeats?

First Night? Technically it should be our second night. I mean we got married at past midnight but then it can also be our first night as we got married today morning.

Wait!! What the fuck I'm thinking? Seriously Nandini? Here a six foot tall man is on the verge of having his pleasurable first night with you who also happens to be your husband and all you're wondering is when you got married and when will be your first night?

While all this self-talking I never noticed when he slid his hand inside my crop-top until I felt his cold skin drawings circles on my warm waist. I slightly jumped at his cold hands. Why his hands are so cold? Just like him.

Somehow I managed to gathered my left-over sanity and pulled his hand out of my top but it backfired, when he armed my waist pulling me irresistibly close to him. His spicy mint cologne invading my senses, and making me hypnotized.

Ab toh shaq hone laga hai, kahi Sacchi jadoo-tona toh nahi karta??

I glanced at him doubtfully whereas he was busy gawking me. I'm not exaggerating, he is literally gawking me like I'm Aishwariya Rai. Sometimes he behave like he is madly in love with me but at the next moment he do something that make very clear that I'm nothing but a obsession to him and that hurt like a bitch.

"What are you thinking, Rose?" His deep husky voice broke my trance.

I looked at him with many questions. Rose. I still don't know why he calls me Rose. But now this name is like a holy word. This name itself make me feel so special. Like I'm his, which eventually I'm. First he claim me like a beast, second I love him, third hell have to freeze thousand times to let this man accepting that some other men will even think me as his.

"Why do you call me Rose?" I asked.

Ok, let me tell you. If he say that there was some girl named Rose for whom he fell or something shit I swear I'll kill him by drowning in the bathtub.

Manik took a deep sigh and looked at me like remembering something. He took my right hand and placed it on his heart, which confused me.

"I misunderstood you a lot which later gave this blood pumping machine a heart attack" He chuckled.

His vibrating chest gave me tingles under my skin.

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