13| Aag aisi lagai Maza aagaya

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A A G    A I S I     L A G A I     M A Z A     A A G A Y A

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A A G    A I S I     L A G A I     M A Z A     A A G A Y A


Nandini covered her ears and squeezed her eyes to save herself from his a haywire state.

"He was checking if it's burned or not. Why are you getting so worked up?" Nandini huffed.

"So what was the need to hold your hand?" Manik growled annoyed.

"What the? If he'll not hold my hand how can he check it?" Nandini rolled her eyes.

"To check we need eyes not hands" Manik snapped.

"Can you just calm down? He just held my hand. Not a big deal" Nandini grunted.

"It's. A. Big. Deal" Manik gritted his teeths and took a step closer to Nandini.

"It's a big deal if another man touches what's mine. It's a big deal if anyone lay their eyes on what's mine. It's a big deal if anyone touches My Rose" Manik said in a low authoritive voice.

Nandini looked into his dead orbs. He seems to be damn serious about this, probably because his possessiveness kicked in when her colleague hold her hand because he spilled his hot coffee on her and unfortunately Manik saw it as they were outside her office.

Thankfully Manik didn't approached her right then but since she sat in the car he's being mad like a bull.

"Mr. Malhotra-"

"I swear to god you call me that irritating name and I'll kiss you hard right now" Manik roared.

Nandini gulped silently and shut her mouth. But her over-smart ass mouth can't be quite for much time.

"Are you still mad?" Nandini asked.

Nowadays she's trying to cop up with Manik on her own. The day in Europe left a great impression on her, from that day she decided to atleast be friends with him or try to bring some light in his dark life. And the fact is since the  she met him he took care of her, always tried to make her happy with weird things but for god's sake the mafia is trying to make you happy isn't this enough? Apart from the rude answers, egoistic orders and cruel tortures he is still a person who is much needed of a support.

No one is perfect. This is what she always understand. The man pacing around the room, im front of her is a cruel, heartless and the most dangerous mafia. This is what the world says but who knows what's the reason behind his cruelness?

𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐕/𝐒 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now