14| Relationship?

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R E L A T I O N S H I P ?

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R E L A T I O N S H I P ?

"You will wear it" Nandini ordered sternly.

"No way" Manik too declined sternly.

"Then why did you bought this shirt?" Nandini snapped.

"I never bought, you made me buy" Manik retorted.

"Ahahaha....Please you'll look good and take a break from you darkness" Nandini whined.

"I don't need one" Manik said coldly.

Nandini felt bad for saying the last statement. She don't meant to hurt him, now what? From half-and-hour she's trying to agree Manik to wear the clothes that they brought from mall and which are not boring and dark but looks like he is hell adamant on not changing himself.

"I'm sorry. It came way harsh than I intended" Nandini apologised.

"It's okay, Rose but I'm still not wearing this" His tine changed from calm to stubborn.

Nandini huffed and crossed her arms.

"Fine then. Even I will not agree with you"

"On?" Manik raised a eyebrow.

"On staying away from mens"


Manik's eyes turned dark than usual and his lips formed into a thin line.

"Say. It. Again?" Manik challenged.

Nandini turned her back to him inspite knowing that he is mad as bull regarding her statement. But once she have taken a responsibility, she'll complete it anyway.

Manik turned her harshly caging her completely in his arms. His hands were gripping her arms, tightly whereas his eyes were spitting fire.

Nandini maintained a scowl on her face despite of her soul cowering.

"Repeat that" Manik ordered.

Nandini kept her mouth shout looking straight in his eyes, stubbornly.

A minute passed of Manik glaring Nandini and her keeping a neutral face. He got agitated and pushed Nandini away from him, so that he don't end up saying or doing something unforgivable in his anger. Nandini couldn't able to balance herself and was about to fall down but Manik thankfully caught pulling her towards himself, she crashed on his chest almost hugging him. A weird comfort passed through her body.

𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐕/𝐒 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now